UI was taken from this senior's payroll deposits. "System problems" prohibited his claim the first time he filed. He checked on this claim for 1st weeks' funds and 2nd "waiting week" when nothing happened, a second filing claim resulted in a "call back" phone call from the inadequate automated octopus ODJFS phone system a call that never came. A call to a Congressional Senator resulted in a "case number" to a "legislative specialist" which said there was no 1st or 2nd claim on record. DH also called a State Representative who checked for the direct number of this "legislative specialist." She was successful in providing that!
DH called this human who claimed the claim now on week 7 actually had a number and the State would direct deposit funds lump sum in the provided account rather than through the ususal "ReliaCard system."
I am the wife; we file taxes jointly. My savings from my SS is gone and I have gone into debt to pay necessary bills by credit cards while we wait for said unemployment funds. I was saving to have my old car fixed so I could return to work too but paying for our phones and food. Supposedly it needs a water pump. DH once paid for said bills by his lost job: electricity, wifi, medical gap policies, and car gasoline and rental insurance. He now has only about $100 of his SS after paying the rent for a bit of gasoline in his old Jeep. My apartment has escalated over the years from $950 to a realpage/entrata figured $1,900 plus. The lease is done next July. My daughter can't afford to buy a home or is purposely being discriminated again - she's a working childless female; she and I tried; no bids accepted.
DH found a job after the seven weeks claimed correctly since his first failed claim at $0.40 less than he made before (provided it was FT and he be scheduled as such) and they (a union shop) have not scheduled him for more than 20 PT hours while he's in "training" for front end cashiering (yes, one of those "black" and "foreign" jobs but that's all he can expect as a senior citizen); said he'd get more hours "when their students went back to school."
He has yet to receive one dime from his participation in the state unemployment insurance program though he has provided all "job search" criteria for the 7 weeks he was unemployed, and this isn't his first rodeo. It worked better when unemployment was 3x the figure today. That "legislative specialist" is going to get an earful at his requested call from DH tomorrow. More "nothing personal, just business"? I suspect.
We're doing what we have to In our 70s, though I guess we're supposed to be dead already; heaven knows, both sets of our parents and my siblings are! Is my state purposely trying to make us homeless by eviction or kill us for lack of insurance??? This state has a red governor but I thought this was a federal program for workers under the administration of Democrats led by Joe Biden and his Dept. of Labor. Well, we have our votes yet and our DVM Real IDs, and this female's vote is going to Harris/Wahls so I don't lose anything more except survival time in the USA on this planet; meanwhile, I'll guess the pain of being raised by the "willfully ignorant" socioeconomic failure we made while in our mid and younger years as workers will go transgenerational. Life ain't fair, ladies especially, so GOTV!