The Egregious Double Standards for Bernie and Hillary Supporters in the Media [View all]
By Walker Bragman | May 23, 2016 | 11:15am
Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty
Lets begin with a thought experiment: What would happen if an aide from Bernie Sanders campaign announced that Sanders strategy going forward would be to disqualify and defeat Hillary Clinton with negative ads?
Can you imagine the backlash such a remark would garner in the media? The independent Vermont senator would be accused of bullying, sexism, and a whole mess of other horrible things. Still, this exact situation happened last month, but flipped. Instead of a Sanders aide it was a Clinton aide who made the remark to CNN.
Throughout this primary the Clinton campaign has done its best to tarnish Bernie Sanders with the behavior of his followers, claiming they are bullies and out of control and it is all Bernies fault for using such divisive rhetoric. This strategy makes sense considering the independent senator from Vermont is far more trusted than Hillary Clinton when it comes to which candidate people think is looking out for them. It is good strategy albeit a dishonest one. But, while the campaign is just doing its job to get the former Secretary of State elected, the media has failed us.
Another interesting piece by Walter Bragman.