I was there to have them fix their recall petition so we could count them.
They were telling me they started watching WI Eye last spring when the pukes were pulling all their crap midnight votes and other late-night bullshit.
They said they never considered themselves political until Walker and his minions came in. They had their few favorite candidates, but they never got involved and never considered themselves Dem or GOPpie.
Anyway, they were saying how they find WI Eye fascinating. They can't believe how awful the Republicans are to the public during hearings and how much they lie - outright lie. They were astonished. All I could do was smile and secretly thank Wanker along with FitzOne an FitzTwo.
I guess they thought it was just that dirtbag, Rep. Scott Suder, who constantly lies. They told me he supposedly lives right down the street - not exactly lives but it's his permanent address. He's never there apparently. His mommy and others come to mow the lawn. But there's never any one there.
Long and short - they are pleased the Native American tribes may be able to stop this stupid mine. They like Moulson's response at the hearing and were pointing out all the arrogant pukes on the panel.
It was just too sweet!