... and for ways to continue justifying the exact same behaviour that has got us into this fix.
Solar power is better than carbon neutral.
Wind power is better than carbon neutral.
The extraction & consumption (whether burned or converted) of fossil fuel resources
is never carbon neutral.
The use of "biofuel" can be better than carbon neutral but it can also be much worse
(e.g., when it destroys the environment "in order to save it" .
"Forest residue" is not waste. It is currently used to continue the natural cycle.
Extracting it for combustion - even with "most" CO2 being captured (then lost) - is not
helping the environment as not only does it degrade the source region's carbon cycle,
it is providing fuel that would otherwise not be available ... i.e., supporting "growth" and
"profit" a.k.a. "Business As Usual".
"Field residue" is not waste. It contains nutrients to replenish the soil and continue the
ability for the land to support further crops without demanding artificial fertilisers (which
consume resources - fossil fuels - and generate CO2, destroying the environment field by field).
Extracting it for combustion - even with the figleaf of hypothetical "CCS" - supports nothing
other than "Business As Usual".
> We need to do something that produces not just lower emissions, even carbon-neutral
> technology is not sufficient. We need negative emissions.
We need to stop emissions from fossil fuels, not just push them behind a curtain of bullshit.
We need to accept that our current choices are not sustainable - even in the short term - and change them.
We need to stop destroying the environment in order to continue our lust for the myth of "profit".