U.S. House committee approves anti-GMO labeling law [View all]
Source: Reuters
Lifestyle | Tue Jul 14, 2015 4:57pm EDT
U.S. House committee approves anti-GMO labeling law
U.S. food companies and other opponents of genetically modified food labeling notched a key victory on Tuesday as the House Agriculture Committee approved a measure banning mandatory labeling as well as local efforts to regulate genetically engineered crops.
The move demonstrates fresh momentum for those seeking to block mandated labeling of foods made with GMO crops, food industry advocates said.
This... legislation will ensure that Americans have accurate, consistent information about their food rather than a 50 state patchwork of labeling laws that will only prove costly and confusing for consumers, farmers and food manufacturers," said Pamela Bailey, CEO of the Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA), said in a statement.
The group called on the full House of Representatives to pass the measure, which the panel approved in a voice vote, before the August recess.
Groups lobbying for mandatory GMO labeling said they are increasing their efforts to make sure that H.R. 1599, dubbed the Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act, never becomes law.
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Read more: http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/07/14/us-usa-gmo-labeling-idUSKCN0PO2MM20150714
Note: It's a bill, but that's what the Reuters headline says.