the owners lied and said she was six yrs old.
they dumped off her and her brother.
she was at this unusual shelter for about 3 months -- hadn't been given her med (Benadryl) (due to itchy allergies) for three fucking months b/c they never told the shelter she needed them. people told shelter they were having a baby and decided to get rid of the dogs!
i couldn't take the brother but i was able to take her. i managed to track down her vet due to her rabbi tag. that was how i learned of her allergies. i also learned that she was ten yrs old, not six. (i would have taken her regardless)
this little dog, as it turned out, absolutely LOVED children. she would have been the perfect dog for that asswipe family and their new edition.
what assholes! i also learned who they were. i remember he worked in a bank.
i adored her. she died three years after i met her. i was so fucking devastated i slept with her little coat for two goddamn years. i still have three large photos of her on my bookcase that i look at every day. (she passed eleven and a half years ago)
my daughter brought me a little rescue dog a year and a half later, for christmas. she's still with me. i took her into the vet a couple days later to get checked out and they guessed she was a year and a half old. a couple weeks ago i was talking to the vet and she looked up the birthday they put on file. oddly enuf, they put the same date for her birthday that was the other's death day.
sorry for the trip down memory lane. i hope lilo finds a wonderful home and a wonderful person finds her and they live happily ever after.