Hillary has moved on to the GE . . . uh, right [View all]
This discussion thread was locked as off-topic by mcar (a host of the 2016 Postmortem forum).
You've seen them, I'm sure . . .
the posts telling supporters of Senator Sanders that it's all over; the ones telling us how former-Secretary Clinton's supporters have all moved on, how they a laser focused on Trump; how they've all trashed GD-P because the "primary is over" and Senator Sanders and his supporters just don't matter to Hillary . . .
Take a second and go to the Hillary Group page and take a gander at her "focused" top ten posts (Yes, you can do it even if you've been banned)
1. A post in the primaries forum about the many flaws in the Guccifer hack claim. 4 YouDig 9:34 AM 10:07 AM 3 66
2. Thrity Umrigar- "Bernie Bros Made Me Finally Recognize Misogyny in America" 5 IamMab 9:41 AM 10:06 AM 7 87
3. Rob Reiner is my new hero. He just schooled Joe Scar & Mika in "HOW TO DO A POLITICAL INTERVIEW." 36 Surya Gayatri 8:33 AM 9:59 AM 23 442
4. Sanders' are still profiting from Sierra Blanca nuclear waste dump, per their 2014 tax return 31 misterhighwasted Yesterday 9:52 AM 23 456
5. I saw Jane Sanders on tv this morning and I had a bit of an epiphany. [View all] 65 redstatebluegirl Yesterday 9:47 AM 22 1235
6. Bernie Sanders is our biggest roadblock in defeating Donald Trump! 6 Walk away 8:54 AM 9:43 AM 12 122
7. At the Starting Gate: Clinton Leads Trump by Double-Digits! 17 Haveadream Yesterday 9:40 AM 17 238
8. Clinton plots swing state ambush for Trump She's already organizing a shadow general election camp 12 riversedge Tuesday 9:16 AM 15 343
9. I just threw up a little bit in my mouth a few minutes ago! 21 MarianJack 7:19 AM 9:13 AM 11 349
10. Four More Pinocchios for Team Bernie 13 brer cat 5:08 AM 8:47 AM 20 273
Seven out of ten devoted to sliming Senator Sanders
They haven't moved on . . . they have just ran and hid.