2016 Postmortem
Showing Original Post only (View all)Don't Tell Me [View all]
Dont tell me youre a patriot, if youre willing to put your country in the hands of a self-serving idiot who proves daily that he is unqualified for any office, no less the highest office in the land.
Dont tell me youre a good Christian, if you support a party that works against helping the poor, feeding the hungry, caring for the sick, and sheltering the homeless while pretending to be following the words of the Christ you allegedly revere.
Dont tell me you support the troops, if you are voting for a party that has consistently ignored the plight of our veterans and their families.
Dont tell me you have a conscience, if your conscience dictates that you vote based on your own needs rather than the needs of your fellow citizens.
Dont tell me youre a responsible adult, if you believe the childish rantings of Donald Trump are representative of anything other than an immature bully who doesnt have the intellectual wherewithal to utter a single comprehendible sentence.
Dont tell me you love your countrymen, if youre willing to sacrifice their well-being in order to send a message to a political party youre dissatisfied with.
Dont tell me youre intelligent, if you think there is any justification whatsoever for putting a brainless idiot in the White House.
Dont tell me youre well-informed, if you spend your days in front of FOX-News and/or listening to the inane ramblings of Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck.
Dont tell me youre interested in the facts, if you constantly promote every baseless rumour you hear/read, and speculate endlessly about conspiracy theories that have no basis in fact whatsoever.
Dont tell me you think for yourself, if all you ever really do is regurgitate the bullshit posted on websites that purport to be progressive while quoting right-wing nonsense.
Dont tell me you are tolerant of the religious beliefs, ethnicity, and culture of others, if you support those who wear their intolerance as a badge of honour.
Dont tell me you believe women should have equal rights, if you stand with those who would deny them equal opportunity, or deny their right to have dominion over their own bodies.
Dont tell me youre concerned about minorities, if you identify with a party that is adhered to by organizations that pride themselves on their racism.
Dont tell me you sympathize with immigrants, if you belong to a party that calls them criminals and terrorists, and wants to keep them out of the country at any cost.
Above all else, dont tell me that you know anything about politics, about the consequences of your third party protest vote, about moving this country forward, or about bettering the lives of your countrymen, if you espouse the notion that both parties are the same.
Tell it to yourself, your buddies, your FaceBook friends, your coworkers, your relatives, your neighbours, and your like-minded website cohorts but dont tell me, because I know youre lying. In fact, we both do.