and now I'm adding to it, serving as necromancer to this vaping thread.
I may have mentioned that I took a 24-year hiatus from cannabis, breaking that fast in early October of last year. Early on, I tried vaping dry herb, but found the process tedious. I liked grinding flower, gathering a sizable cache of keef that I put to use making homemade 'moon rocks', which were absolute fire! I had no complaint about taste, although it's hard to discern whether the vapor was any less harsh than burning directly. My rig was definitely portable, and the scent was more discreet than firing it up directly, but it had a degree of pungency that betrayed my activity if I were out & about. There was the matter of cleaning, which was an issue as well, considering that the combustion chamber required rearrangement occasionally to ensure fresh flower was impinging upon the heating element; ashes didn't cut it.
For all these reasons, I opted to begin vaping concentrate, but only when discretion was required. Otherwise, I opt for flower, mostly through a small bong and usually no more than required for a one- or two-hit campaign. I'm kinda picky about allowing my pipes to get funky; I don't dig it at all. I also like old-school hash, which I smoke through a small pipe used only for that purpose. I'm working on a 1g temple ball, which lasts a long time. I've also begun dabbing, although I haven't purchased a proper dab rig yet. I want to get an e-rig in order to maintain tight temperature control. It's not that high a priority yet (no pun intended), so I improvise.

Additionally, I smoke the occasional preroll. I'm working on a 1.2g infused preroll presently, which I extinguish and relight throughout the day. It's wasteful, I know, but I do love it.
If anyone is interested in a series of 'OK, boomer' cannabis tales that harken back to the earliest 70s through the late 90s, let me know if that would be boring or not. I like to indulge my reflective side on occasion.