Tecumseh was never President [View all]
I had a bit of an epiphany today, regarding why all their "delegate math" and "it's over" taunts aren't bothering me as they think they should.
It occurred to me that Tecumseh was never President. He won no delegates. He wasn't nominated. He wasn't an executive or administrator of any kind. Tecumseh stirred up a movement.
Thomas Paine was never elected. He was the voice of a movement. Benjamin Franklin, Samuel Adams, neither was President of the U. S.
Elizabeth Peratrovich was never President or governor or anything like that. Martin Luther King, Jr. was never President.
John Brown; Jeanne d'Arc; Jeshua bar Miriam: none were head of an executive branch of government. (Moses was, but he seems to have been ineffectual at it, and it's not why he's revered.)
Jimmy Carter, one of the finest human beings ever to occupy the White House, was not a great President. Same for U. S. Grant. Not even Eleanor Roosevelt was actually elected President. Millard Fillmore was President. A couple of Harrisons were Presidents. Martin van Buren. Whoop-de-doo.
No. To say "it's over"? That really depends on what the meaning of "it" is. The "it" that depends on delegate counts is not the "it" that matters. Some here get "it", some don't. This "it" didn't end on Super Tuesday. "It" doesn't end June 7, regardless of the delegates won or lost. "It" doesn't end July 28th. "It" doesn't end November 8th. "It" doesn't end January 20th. "It" will be going on in 2018. We'll still be pushing "it" in 2020. In 2022, 2024 . . . .
"It" will be over when big money loses to the power of the peoples' votes. It will be over when everyone can get health care. It will be over when we see to the education of our youth and anyone willing to learn. It will be over when the free stuff stops going to the wealthy takers and stays with the workers who created it. It will be over when all the effects of all our structural inequalities are leveled out.
I'm not backing Bernie because I want to see him installed as head of the executive branch of the federal government; I'm backing Bernie because "it" will be so much easier with him in that Bully Pulpit, cheering us on.
Then I saw this: http://www.democraticunderground.com/12512015041 so there ya go.