Democratic Underground

Archives: January 15, 2004

The “Stop Dean” campaign and the divisions in the American political...

Jim Muir (BBC): Opening shots in Iran's power struggle


Ex-Treasury Chief O'Neill Rejects Price Of Loyalty - Helen Thomas

(SHOULD BE IN EDITORIALS) Damned Yankees (Summit of the Americas)

Amputating the Bill of Rights: Kurt Nimmo

Salon: Conason – NYT story disproving Saddam-al Quaida link CIA leak?

Blumenthal on O'Neill: A Rebel Republican

The Democrats' dream has become Blair's nightmare

Good for Investors, Bad for the Rest (Harold Meyerson)

A biography of our favorite talk show host.

Okay, I need to buy a clue; Why * for Bush?

eBay yanks online auction of West Virginia after 56 bids

I've been reading an amazing Jean Shinoda Bolen book,

Parental dilemma!! How would YOU deal with it?

Are African Americans passive for the DNC?

January 15 - The Birthday, Not The Holiday

Rusky's abandon dollar imports

EU 'Increasingly' Worried by U.S. Line on WTO Rules(slow to obey)

Real Cost of Shrub’s Mission to Mars

'Most endangered' national parks list released

Government is going to drug test using hair and anything else

Federal Court Upholds DC Hand Gun Ban(2nd has no indiv.right to own guns)

another idea for GD04 forum rules

Mispelling on home page...

Suggestion for GD 2004 when it is re-opened

My sympathy to the admins!

Skinner! People are swearing in the lounge!

Just want to add my thanks for great job

Thank You For Repairing the Problem so quickly.

I appealed a demerit earlier...

Mods and admins, are you aware that

Locked Thread Question

Probably a dumb question...

Tom Hurndall (peace activist shot by IDF) dies.

Ha'aretz ANALYSIS: Amos Harel on the Erez suicide bombing

Nehemia Strasler (Ha'aretz): (Sharon's) Survival

Israel 'to blame for Gaza attack'


Former governor to enter South Carolina Senate Race

Gephardt Questions Dean's Honesty, Motives

N.H. slower to take to Edwards

Caption this photo

PA Local Caucus; of interest Clark, Kucinich & Dean

Dean on Clark: "I truly believe he is a Republican"

"You're darn right I'm angry..."

Iowa Letters: Kerry has needed leadership, strongest caucus candidate

Kerry chastises Tyco board for rejecting move back to U.S.

David Hasselhoff  to endorse Joe Lieberman!

Dean Leads in CA Poll!

Mosley Braun to drop out... endorse Dean

Dean totally rocked the house

Youth Bus for Kucinich

Martin Sheen and Rob Reiner campaign for Dean

Dean (Harkin, Sheen & Reiner) Rally Replay On Soon (10:52 PM ET)

More IA endorsement for Edwards (including Fed "the Mayor" Hoiberg)

Just a doggone minute! This is NOT GD-P2004, Part 2!

Deleted message

"Rising Arizona" Clark

Dean's hypocrisy?

What do the different candidates bring to or bring out in the Democratic

I can't believe Dean just said that!

It's official, Michael Moore is endorsing Clark

Dean is firing them up in Iowa

In college, Dean started race conversation

ya know, I can't help but believe that if Gary Hart . . .

Rank the Candidates!

Congresswoman Diane Watson Endorses Dean

Predictions y'all made for DC

An Admiring Tribute to John Kerry's Tenacious and Fearless Campaigning.

Gloves come off: Dean outs Clark

For those who are undecided: Let's shorten candidate list

Daily Howler takes on Dean's claim of being against the war from the begin


Is our country gone forever?

Ask Dean campaign to make tax-fairness plan for near-future.

anyone see this picture of Jenna from the Washington Post?

OK - what do slick & AWOL actually SAY at their fundraisers?

Question about the Rowalnd situaton (CT.)

The new Canadian Conservative Party is falling apart. Already

Is it possible that this is Disinformation

Ron Suskind.. where has he been before? Author of O'Neill's Book

Sean Penn reports from Iraq

NPR Ombudsman Apologizes

Dean rally on C-SPAN starting now

O'Reilly attack on R. Kelly and NAACP Image Awards

Rover Ready to Roll Onto Mars Surface

Has anybody read/is reading The Price of Loyalty?

Dean is firing them up in Iowa

Suskind to post many of the documents on the Internet

Undecided voters check this site out

Kennedy's on CSPAN2!

BBV:Blind Must Be Able to Vote Alone in Fla.(audio Diebold required)

I wouldn't wipe my butt hole with the Chicago Sun-Times

Ambiguity over "Bumper Sticker" philosophy about America! O'Neil!

A day in the life of George W Bu$h - 01/14/04 (Graphic Content)

Hasn't it been reported that Bush does not even read the newspapers??

removed by poster

Look who wants * impeached, and why!

Sorry if a dupe, but this guy has it. It is all about "framing" the

I truly wish O'Reilly would just go away...

I need a link of evidence of a minority facing tangible consequences for..

"I'm a Republican, and I'm Voting Democratic!"

CT DUers: Let's Dump Rowland

Anyone see Ed Koch on CNBC's Capitol Report?

Kerry will be polling 1st place in Iowa tomorrow.

Hannity praises Joe Lieberman

Powerful stuff! "Paranoid shift" by Michael Hasty (Online Journal)

Day 2 Of O'Neil Book Available --- what are the Dems Doing?

Republicans waiting to release dirt on the Democratic

Why is going to the moon different from the Superconducting Super Collider

A possible reason for the * space announcement today

Moseley Braun: Science Fiction Fan?

I need a crash course on Columbian politics/events/culture, etc.

The 6-Year Old President

Mary MATALIN, 500 Dead Is Not Right

What did Cheney mean when he said "it is our due"

Laptop Recommendations

I'm a Nazi, and I'm voting Republican!

A lot of you guys cheered me up tonight...

Former NSC counter-terror chief Richard Clarke's book

disappointed by Democrat Sanchez on tonight's "Scarborough Country"

Colin Powell in administration

The real reason * wants "to gain a new foothold on the moon " by 2015

Paul Bremmer on Nightline

Perfect argument FOR the estate tax-Paris Hilton

Why has Clinton not spoken out about the "regime change" quotes...?

Whatever happened to Saddam Hussein?

let's tell CBS to REJECT the ad

How powerful is the truth ?

War-weary Sean Penn reports on Iraq 'powder keg'

Does Bush love America?

Michael Moore on Charlie Rose tonight

Morfords' perspective on "Bush on Mars"

Whitacre D_WI Urges Rep. Sensenbrenner to Investigate O'Neill Claims

ALERT! why was "from Deutsch Bank" on those O'Neil "Secert" documents?

Media Messages aimed at Mothers

Beyond moronic: Drudge, bagging on Al Gore and global warming...

AP: Gov't to Overhaul Employee Drug Tests

Chavez's Clowning at Summit Hits a Chord in Latin America

Question for Canadian DUers: Is Belinda Stronach Dangerous?

January 15 - The Birthday, Not The Holiday

Is there any way to improve the atmosphere in GD: 2004 Primary?

There is no shame in driving a SUV/truck

KB Toys (The G.I. Shrub toy producer) declares bankruptcy walks off Scarborough, Squinty McMurder sputters!

How was the "shock and awe" air campaign on Baghdad any better than 9/11?

Time to tell Senator Santorum he is a Dick!

Will a Repub challenger to Bush* emerge?

What has Hillary done to be labeled "evil" from the Right?

McAullife: MoveOn Nazi Ads Are 'Despicable'

U.S. Urged on Universal Health Insurance

Afghan court protests women singers

BBC (Wednesday): Iranian leader urges poll rethink

Gangsters operate own prisons as kidnapping soars in Iraq

USS Boxer returns to Iraq on second wartime mission in a year

VP Cheney Wavering on (Gay) Marriage

Local Buddhists join suit over the Pledge

North Korea said to show empty nuclear fuel pond

ABC News: Dean's Trooper

(SHOULD BE IN EDITORIALS) Damned Yankees (Summit of the Americas)

Carter Clarifies Purpose Of Meeting With Dean (Plus Commentary On CNN)

Clark Endorses Apollo Alliance (Alternative Energy)

U.S. Soldiers' Suicide Rate Is Up in Iraq

Braun to drop out tomorrow...will endorse Dean

Pentagon auditors seek inspector general probe into Halliburton contract

Pentagon Seeks Further Halliburton Probe

2 on 9/11 Panel Are Questioned on Earlier Security Roles -NYT

(Amnesty Int.) Germany: police ill-treatment and excessive use of force

History Offers Reasons to Be Cautious on Bush's Space Plan

Moseley Braun reportedly set to quit campaign (Article)CONFIRMED W/Campagn

Overtime Pay For Millions of Americans in Peril

Military lawyers criticize tribunal

New idea: Bring back Dukakis for '04!

Which Democratic candidate would you most want to go to a strip club?

49er's QB Jeff Garcia busted for DUI

How can I record streaming video?

should I stay or should I go...

Do you think of this when you see a CanuckAmok post?

Lunar New Year Makes Monkey Undies Hot

This is my 250th post and I'm not wasting it on your thread!!!

Shame on Dean for not having a trophy wife (sarcasm)

What's the length of your...

"Adam's Rib" on Turner Classic Movies at 8 PM: Tracy/Hepburn Classic

DOS defined

It worked. Pete Rose's book debuts at #1. (scumbag)

4th grader had independence removed!

Britney's wedding video

Pretzel incident?

When did you first think of death?

Lee Harvey Rumsfeld's "Message to the People of Iraq"

Heads Up East Coast! The Simple Life Finale at 830 on Fox OMG!!!

Should you be able to say "(expletive deleted)" on the air?

new Hannity advertiser Superior Lexus

No GD04 - where should I channel my aggression?

sign on the Baptist church in my town today

Cubs make an offer to Greg Maddux

Help me, please!

Nelson DeMille fans

On tonight's "Angel" - Wolfram & Hart has ties to NewsCorp

Upcoming Daily Show Thang?

Caption this photo

I just completely missed the new "Smallville". Fill me in.

Am I officially a geek now?

Run away! Run away!

I was trying so hard to watch Rambo III....

Skittles! Where are You? This is a "Valley of the Dolls" Redux!

A Rant that I deserve (about IPowerweb)

An Idea

Will Someone Look at This Thread?

Wah!!! Wah!!! SoCalDem's stupid quiz called me stupid

"The Arrival"

Anybody going to watch "The Apprentice"?

Christian Rock on South Park tonight

What are your plans for the holiday weekend?

Horror Fans: Freddy vs Jason?

Typo results In 10,000 acre Wyoming skate park


Make your own church sign

HAHAHA! Poetic....really poetic


I noticed on MSNBC that the Saddam photo finally made the news.

Now it's only -4. When we get the -50 windchills, then I'll complain!

Questions I have that need answers

A thread for free-floating anxiety and random, senseless anger

The spirit of GD2004P has taken over P&C...

What should we do with the person/persons responsible for the DOS attack?

This Flight Tonight

I saw an odd bumper sticker yesterday

What advice should I give my mother about her husband?

May I speak Frankly?

Is that the Kennedy speech Mike Malloy is playing?

Can we have a Democratic Underground convention?

Wow, Atari's 8-bit computers were made in the USA!

if you had the ability to change one past decision

If you really are DemoTex.... what is the freq for distress used by

I'm doomed, I actually like a Toby Keith song...

Everybody loves you when you're bi

Chainsaw Hurts Ted Nugent. To Bad The Chainsaw Did Not Take a

Hey DUers....... ones who were around in the 60s/70s

DU Chatroom tonight

NOW on C-Span2 Kennedy Speech

I must be banned

Is it possible for an Aztec to get uglier?

The digitally restored face of Saddam's captor. You won't believe it!

While listening to * today--I thought of an old poem

Have you ever had a warrant out on you?

anyone see this picture of Jenna from the Washington Post?

Deep thoughts

just spent $1600, ask me anything

I just got back from the bookstore.

Someone tried to recruit me to the CC4C...

W's daughter Jeanna posts on DU? Is it true? Can anybody confirm?

Favorite FOX comedy from the 90s?

Hot E-bay item

Anybody seen BBC's "The Office"?

Polar bear doing its best Bush impression

Milosevic adoption shocker! You won't believe this!

KadeCarrion and I are playing the LOTR board game tonight!

Local police leave this card on your car in "your driveway" - good or bad?

Choose my avatar!

This is so insane, I just had to post it. (disturbing anti-gay site)

When, OH WHEN will Hawaii 5-0 be released on DVD??

"24" jumps the shark

Laptop Recommendations

C'mon everybody, you know the tune, so join me in "Bush's Monorail"!

I'm not sure if the West Wing is that great a show anymore.

the all-purpose flame thread, for those suffering from withdrawl.

For Dr. King

'Bewitched' Darrin: Carrey Out, Ferrell In?

Crazy College Dorm Hyginks...

The greatest political band of the last twenty years.

Emergeincy, Emergeincy..... Everyone to get from street!

What did you have for dinner tonight?

Have you ever been to a strip club?

Anybody remember Ultravox?

My most sincere apologies to my fellow DUers

Another former supporter of the Judean Peoples Front

Let's send good vibes to Catshrink!

So I have a blind date tomorrow night...

Time for "Ask the British Columbian"

If you could go back in time, where would you go?

What are a couple all time classic science-fiction flicks?

Not Only Anti-Gay, but also Anti-Catholic, Anti-Mason etc. etc

Pentagon Defeat Fired Up Clark for White House Fight

Washington Post's Richard Cohen on Clark: Karl Rove's Nightmare

Senator Kennedy, You Can't Handle the Truth

The race to place (W.W.Win, Whoever Will Win , replaces ABB)

Salon/Huffington: America's final wakeup call --- MUST READ!!!

This Guy (Howard Dean) Can Rock the White House

Islamophobia...New Statesman UK.

Don't vote for 'W' contends president is compromising fai

Thursday's Steve Bell Cartoon

The biggest problem with the terror alert

Cohen: Karl Rove's Nightmare (Wesley Clark)

Molly Ivins: Giving money to rich people (must read)

Kennedy Iraq rant hits a partisan low( Boston Herald)

Planned Bush Trip to MLK Site Upsets Some ( Bush was not invited)

Dowd: The Doctor Is Out

Microsoft: Committed to Homeland Security

US planning to recruit one in 24 Americans as citizen spies

Heads up queers: "Freedom to Marry Week"

ACLU v. Passenger Screening

Jan. 19 "100,000 for 2004": Expats say NO to preventive war and PATRIOT

Does anyone know who I can contact to voluteer for Clark?

Austin Texas Activism / Events date is Feb 1st 2004.

I'd like to thank the media!


President, GOP Are Stomping on Democracy

I Need help against Conservatives

Guide to Deciding Whether to Vote for Bush

Gag....more Proof the Zell is a republican....

Dennis Miller to host new show

Anybody know anything about "Boston Tea Party" group?

When does dejavu become precognition?

Need info on Wild Oats and Whole Foods

Book Project:

Lament for John Edwards

Imam's tips on wife-beating(good luck Iraq?Afghan as women singers banned)

School Head Resigns After Forcing Out Chaplain Who Supported Gay Bishop

Man Fired After Placing Intern In Rep. Barney Frank's Office

Interesting -

What is Our Current National Deficit?

Greenspan Contests O'Neill Quote on U.S. Tax Cuts

US consumer debt reaches record levels

An Insatiable Desire to Pollute, and No Sense of Responsibility

Court Hears Arguments Over Nuclear Waste Dump

Hog-Wild In Berlin - Wild Boar Numbers, Encounters On The Rise

A pipeline of trouble in Georgia

Nukes Are Back! Bush admin puts mini-nukes back in vogue!

Maryland gearing up for gun ban fight

Skeptic Gives Guns A Shot

GUNS IN THE NEWS--January 15, 2004

Imaginary Gay Group speaks out on imaginary guns

Is there a process for nominating avatars?

I'm Sorry to Complain, But I'm Cold

Hey Skinner, I got a question

I think I spotted an "unDemocratic" poster.....

Should mods be endorsing candidates in threads?

Is this thread really appropriate?

To the mod who deleted my post:

Why not re-open GD2004

Good Rules Skinner!

Why restrict posting access to prolific posters?

I must be blind.

Nice rules, hope they work, one quick ?

I'd like clarification on a two new GD2004 rules

Will the returned P&C forum be mostly for "process" type questions?

why 250?

Just a couple of comments, well-intended of course

As a newbie...

Another question on the 250 post rule...

Questions about the the 2004 rules.

ANOTHER 250 post rule comment....

250 posts walk into a bar

One last comment about the 250 rule

What is this about not enough posts for GD: 2004 Primary Forum

For a change of pace...a question on LBN!

Anyone else noticing a slight slowdown on the site but me?

If and when you reconsider the "new" rules


2 questons. (sorta long, i'm very sorry)

Just my 2 cents on the 250 rule

New GD Primary 2004 Rules

Thanks for getting rid of the 250 rule

Don't throw me off for this post, but Admins need VACATIONS!!

Bishops blast Israeli barrier

Israel and India close to agreement on UAVs

Blair: Credible Palestinian security plan needed for peace talks

Israel considers image change for West Bank barrier:

Irish Foreign Minister Attacks Israel's Security Barrier

'Why does it matter what they think in The Hague?'

Total closure on Strip after female bomber kills four

Activist rabbi faces trial in Israel

New idea: Bring back Dukakis for '04!

Vote in this poll

John Adams CANNOT WIN!

Which Democratic candidate would you most want to go to a strip club?

Clark supporters in the Minneapolis area.

Kerry's very liberal endorsement, like Ted Kennedy and Barney Frank

What's up with the Iowa poll? (plus predictions)

CMB: Sci-fi Fanatic?

So when do we know the results of IA?

New Rasmussen Nat'l Results: It's a 2 man race; 2 point spread!

Gephardt has them fainting in the aisles

Democrats see shot at Sundance money

Congresswoman Diane Waston endorses Dean

Dean has Sen. Kennedy's Iraq speech on the blog

Kerry has historic tale to tell

Clark - Counter Terrorism Plans - Specifics that we need on the ticket


Poll: what New Hampshire voters seek in a pres. candidate is integrity

Dean Still in the Lead in new NH Poll...

A message from Howard Dean

Clark To Bush: Leave Science to the Scientists

And then there were eight, again.

The tightening race in Iowa is good for Dean

Krassner on Bush's GOP rival (who also confirmed Bush/Nazi link)

Candidates on the Issues ~ Death Penalty

Kerry leads by 1 pt in Iowa

Clark: Talk about gays in the military, but don't open the door

Dean urges a different direction from Clinton - USA Today

Today's Washington Post - Clark editorial

My first prediction for candidate-to-candidate endorsements came true

Michael Moore Formally Supports Wesley Clark

uh oh, looks like another issue for Dr Dean

Brazile, McAuliffe, black members DLC asked Mosely-Braun to get in race

CMB set to drop out...

Cheney's Grim Vision: Decades of War

Kerry staff going after dirt

Grr. Argh. Good news we can't talk about...

Polls, Dean, Television and Radios vs. Internet

New National Poll....Shows Dean 21% Clark 19%

CMB: "bush should be impeached."

Deleted message

I was asked about my claim Dean acts unpresidential. This is my response

vote please

Kerry promises to stand up for common people

Remember when all the RW pundits wanted us to believe Clark is washed up?

Drudge: Clark made case for Iraq War before Congress

MSNBC Top Story, Kerry Leads in Iowa...

Rep. Kendrick Meek endorsed Alex Penelas in senate race

Michael Moore backs Wesley Clark

Karl Roves's Nightmare-Wes Clark (W.Post 1/15)

How is the media going to report IA if Dean doesn't win?

Rendell wants early Pa. presidential primary in 2008

Prepare for a Democrat win in Iowa

Why should a Dem candidate have any tangible plans on anything?

Dean Leads in Poll of Southern States (+SC)

Question for Dean: How Solid a Base?

Good Objective Campaign Coverage Web Site

Kerry-Gep tied for union vote

Howard Stern to have Dean on his show (maybe)

Clark opposes decriminalization of marijuana

Wesley Clark is a sure winner.

Clark now does best vs. Bush, has risen 9 pts. vs. him in only ten days

Pranks afoot in Lieberman camp

The true value of endorsements (re: Dean)

What are the candidates positions on Crime?

Will ACLU's Condemnation of CAPPS II Hurt Clark?

why Dean supporters should not despair over Iowa numbers

Any DUers going to the California Democratic Convention

Mayor Vows All-Out Effort 'To Crush' D.C. Recall Bid

Head to caucuses. support Kerry

ARG numbers for 1-15

What's the best thing about Carol Moseley Braun dropping out?

It's a three way battle between Clark, Edwards and Kerry

Republican Michael Moore, Rangel, Jamie Rubin others to stump 4 Clark...

Wesley Clark:more experience, more liberal, and more legislation then Dean

New Poll: Dean leading in South Carolina

Ann Richards on CNN

What has Clark done politically as a Democrat, for Democrats?

Howard Dean's campaign is our "Meet John Doe" story

Guardian Profile of Kucinich (I thought they were liberal)

Ambassador Braun to withdraw; will throw support to Dean: 1/15

John Nichols: Dean's D.C. votes show he's for real

Is Clark doing what Kerry couldn't do?

My biggest Clark fear

Will a Kerry win in Iowa hurt Clark's chances in NH and elsewhere?

A Sad Day For Women as Braun Exits

Kennedy now on CNN: "We Need John Kerry"

Yale roommate vouches for Dean on race

kucinich becoming a staple in Leno monologue

Michael Moore coming up on CNN....NOW!

Is the DLC the republican part of the party?

How many new voters has Dean signed up?

Kerry Stump-Mate Kennedy Blasts Bush on Iraq. Kerry Real Anti-War Dem!

Howard Dean on the cover of Rolling Stone

Stunning OpEd piece on Kucinich and Dean

Poll: Rudy Leads In Gov, Senate Races

Prepare for Dean to win Iowa?

AP- Braun to Drop Presidential Bid, Back Dean

MLK b-day flash from CODEPINK, Global Exch. & Black Voices for Peace

Dean has Sen. Kennedy's Iraq speech on the blog

Sources: Terrorists Planning Iraq Attack

An Admiring Tribute to John Kerry's Tenacious and Fearless Campaigning.


Very Serious Question about New Moon Project

Bigger story: CAPPS2 or O'Neil? (or, is O'Neil a distraction from CAPPS2?)

Plain folks, plain facts: Main Street, USA on LinkTV

What's up with the Iowa poll? (plus predictions)

Carol MB to bow out

Bush Space-Travel Vision Grounded in Practicality--Drivel from the WP

The squabbling needs to stop!!!

Read or Post?

Pride of America sinks!

let's give an ovation for our liberal artists . . .

Canada gets a slice of Iraq business pie.

Add a caption to this Bush pic. (esp. Canadian DUers!)

20% cut in defense budget = 500% increase in NASA budget

Bush is promising us the Moon!

Algorithm for Determining the Winners of U.S. Presidential Elections

Let the truth be told

"Axis of Evil" revealed to America -- TV, Radio & Newspaper (companies)

I'm angry -- are you? (short rant)

Al Gore to deliver a speech indicting Bush Environ Record Today

Take Back the Media - boycott CBS Superbowl for refusing MoveOn?

W's daughter Jeanna posts on DU? Is it true? Can anybody confirm?

If you have some down time these are quite enjoyable.. that is if you don'

Imus: "The wheels are coming off of the world"

MSNBC has more photos of Saddam capture..NO mention of surrender now.

Michael Moore backs Wesley Clark

There's hope yet!

Suskind wrote the Esquire piece on John DiIulio too

Kerry staff going after dirt

We probably should move Primary talk to Politics/Elections

Michael Moore Formally Supports Wesley Clark

Why Bush Is Doomed!

The New York Times whitewashes Bush’s lies about Iraq

Blumenthal on O'Neill: Portraits of the "President"

Chairman of the RNC guest on Arkansas radio show

cjr has new media website for campaigns


Why does Clinton keep defending Bush?

Would you want to change the voting day?

By bush "supporting marriage"....did he just alienate over 1/2 of America?

Priorities, priorities

A 30-second reality check ( about's nazi ads)

Drink Beer - Save Sea Turtles

U.S. Journalist Quits Pentagon Iraqi Media Project Calling -US Propaganda

Minnesota Senate Chooses New Majority Leader...

Howard Stern to have Dean on his show (maybe)

Holy Back-tracking Batman!

What effect would a third party candidate have now?

I strongly support Bush*s plan to land a man on Mars.! how about you?

Federal probe of AIDS, sex research ends

argument against more space exploration based on oil depletion

Where is Ted Kennedy This AM?!? CNN Interview Cancelled?

Kennedy speech HELP!

Freaky thing just happened

The Geneva Convention and Saddam's money

Next time your knuckle-dragging neo-con pals complain about MoveOn

CT's Rowland sends in his Rove

Cheney's View - "Decades of War" (San Fran Chronicle -pls read)

Straight from the from my mom

McEnroe Switches to Dem...Gets TV Show on CNBC after Miller

Great discussion of space exploration at WP online NOW (11:30 am ET)

Sent Tommy Friedman of NY Times, Bush-butt kissing fame 3 scathing e-mails

Get Your War on goes to Mars

I think polls should be outlawed after the election(not really) but

*'s lips are moving again

Online vote rigging in Republican poll

Colms' book

bush approval numbers...not good news for us

It Looks Like The Dean/Braun Announcement is at 1:45 PM ET

Good News for!

I need draft links and info please!

Famous BS Bush Quote - "We didn't choose this war with Iraq" -- O'Neill's

Bush sending Schwartznegger to Mars, will restart alien reactor

Showdown in Atlanta!

Drudge Report breaking congressional testimony on pre-war Iraq intel

The bush ugliness rolls on

I have this thought going through my mind today, Sharpton and Dean

Pilot's employer will pay fine for his "flipping"

Howard Dean's campaign is our "Meet John Doe" story

Kevin Phillips on KUOW now

Republican Poll Rigging ......

I thought Dean's people might like this....

GD 2004 back and working? n/t repukes intend to destroy public education: saddling it with

Who Really wants "Special Rights"?

$26 Billion Spent Developing The F/A-22 And We're Going To The Moon On 12?

Open Challenge to Freepers - What is the case for Iraq?

Our Slogan should be

Photo: Rover spots Wal-Martians!

Jesus H Christ, Bush on TV pissing on the Constitution

CNN just showed the sign in Atlanta on I-75...

What's your dream debate question?

Michael Moore interview "removed" from Nebraska PTV ??

Never mind

Wow, 11,000+ new Dean supporters in a week!

Going to the Moon=Money into Republican election coffers.

Anyone willing to reconsider AIDS?

Bush's fundraising style tells a lot about the man and his Party.

the Children's Hour

Who Al Gore should have picked as a running mate in 2000?

So, according to the new rules

Zogby says Kerry is the frontrunner

"This is our due." What did Cheney mean?

Essential: A comprehensive list of Propaganda techniques.

Just got Bruce Schneier's Latest Cryptogram

Bush in Atlanta, redux

Poverty USA...

And the World says Americans are arrogant - Brazil fines Pilot

Check this out before it disappears!

Hour long conversation with Kevin Philips


Love this O'Reilly capture from MWO

maureen dowd is nuts!! see today's column!!

This is why Bush must be stopped (among numerous other reasons)

Placement of Political Books in Bookstore

I say Skinner took the primary board down on purpose!

Will this be the first election determined by Generation-X voters ?

Did the Freepers attack DU?

EU Seeks Trade Sanctions Against U.S.

How to Frist a poll.

I think going to the Moon and Mars is the best idea to come out of Bush

Need people to call their Congressperson on this...

Can we exchange party mascots with the rupubs? I give up on them!

New Rules - GD Primary 2004

new Bill Maher blog posts

US Opens New Front in War on Terror - West Africa

If I were president...

Zell Miller to introduce * bu$h* at Atlanta fundraiser.

Anybody have more info about this memo to Saddam Hussein?

Need info on Wild Oats and Whole Foods

bush* just boarded his plane to go to atlanta uninvited to MLK event

MSNBC poll

Anybody here read the Charleston Gazette? It's editor is a terrific writer

Ann Richards on CNN's Larry King tonight

Kennedy's speech from yesterday is repeating now c-span

The future for Rush's doctors...?

Excellent opportunity to expose BFEE, reframe debate-- Please help

OMG! Why is DEMOCRATS.COM Bashing Dean?

Did you get the Child Tax Credit?

Beginning of Islamic law in Iraq?

Does Jeanne Moos (CNN) ever report worthwhile stories?

Bush as Mr. Bad Personality - Could this be the Key?

Just got my tax forms..Surprise, Surprise

How the BFEE is twisting "faith-based" to mean RW Christians.

True Brave (no pun intended) Opposition to *

Shrubs nickname for Powell is Balloonfoot...O'Neill was Pablo then

Visiting the Wounded

What do you guys think of Gregg Easterbrook?

CNN: Al Gore blasts Bush (wow!)

Europeans uncomfortable with "Emperor Bush"

Defense seeks more pollution exemptions:

When did Bush move to Texas?

Here's a great email to send to Repugs spamming you

BUSH as the democratic Nominee?

Shari'a is the law now in Iraq

CNN- Bush coordinated "extensively" with MLK Family for trip - is it true?

Is it me or does Bush sound like an f-ing televangalist?

Just saw judy woodruff disparage Al Gore re: his SLAMMING bush*

Rush has dissed STAR TREK.

In defense of Margaret Cho.

This ad should have made the competition.. :- )

Josh Marshall debunks Drudges headline about Clark and the war

CNN: 300 Protestors in Atltanta - they refuse to move. Could be trouble...

Can someone please answer this for me?

Scaife's Paper says typo on "The Price of Disloyalty" article

Wow...just the most idiotic freeper jibberish crap I've ever seen..

Suskind on PBS "NewsHour"

Michel Moore on with Wolfie now

UGH!!! e-mail I received AT WORK on ACLU and crosses on federal land

I also have a dream

ABC news, Bremer back to D.C. Time for Plan 37 from outer space?

Shrub's - Mar's - Marriage - Faith Based $$$ Programs -- one thing common

great ted rall cartoon

TV Alert: Intv with Ron Suskind,"Price of Loyalty," today on PBS NewsHour

It's Too Late, Baby, now, it's too late.......NOT!....Carole King on CSPAN

Hitler hits back.

Dennis (R-Dittohead Peabrain ) Miller gets show on CNBC

Anybody see this crap on the Newshour?

CW: Here are the biggest H-1B Visa Corporations

ABC shows the asses ass butten in in Alanta

where is dan rather?

Congress Censoring Drug Policy Reform

Is the right suddenly for "Nation Building"?

Bush seeks billions for religious groups ($3.7B) - Is this even Legal?

Aww, for cryin' out loud...

I'm certain that my query is rude-

Cirque Du Soleil Protests Move To S. California

Can we stop with the "God - Gay and Moral" threads -- this is Rovian Crap

Top Gun? (Bush - Must see - Hilarious and damaging)

National Mail Voter Registration Form. Is anyone familiar with it?

Anyone at the protest in Atlanta?Dupe sorry

Mars Rover? Big deal, we did the same thing in 1997.

PBS Frontline tonight -- "From China With Love" -- a spy story

Has Lou Dobbs had a "Marley" moment?

Wow! Network News Coverage of Atlanta Protests!

Hundreds of protesters push past barricades-MLK tomb to protest Bush visit

Creative Class War

God, Country, Patriotism and Old-Fashioned Morality

Before I Leave On Vacation I Want To Stress This: Repubs Will Not Vote Dem

Wake up people - the truth about Bush's space plans

Poll: 3-way tie in IL Democratic US Senate primary race

Big News: My 86 Yr. Old Republican Mom: "Bush is a Terrible President"

now the bushgang is F------ over Iraqi women (where's Laura?)

Enlighten me on global warming

Kennedy First, Now Gore: ALL Dems Need To Fall In Line Behind Them

I got this invite to vote -- internet primary -- Who are these people?

8 Unaltered Pictures from Saddam capture

Repug Convention, NYC. in September

WTF?? How could officials announce this? Are we being set-up by the BFEE?

A shining new example of conservatives' stupidity:

The other side of not liking Clinton

Cash & Carry Stores (34) to close in Orlando area - over 1000 emps

Question for lawyers and others in the know about divorce-Need some HELP!!

Bush in 41.2 seconds (ROFLMAO)

Clean drinking water in Africa or a trip to the Moon?

Now that the ACLU is condeming CAPPS II, will it hurt Clark?

Just got - and DEBUNKED - another simpering I-Love-bush email...

Gore being laughed at over global warming claims...

Bush speech contradicted himself today

Olympia Washington January 14, 2004

Is Bush losing his base? The science teacher at my school,

BBV: Sarcramento, California. January 15, 10 AM meeting.

HotLanta and The Big Easy pay tribute to * (in photos)

How should Dems use there time after the SOTU speech?

Against Gay Marriage - The Religious Right are Bigots

Video of Iraqi Killings

Am I the only DUer who is terrified of the Trinity Broadcasting Network?

Think it can't happen to you?

Today's resistance in Atlanta -- why no mass arrests?

Frame Words and Phrases - A Discussion

Henry Waxman's Latest MASTERPIECE!!

Busted freepers apologize to Margaret Cho

If CBS refuses to run Ad will you boycott the Superbowl?

Dick Cheney - Shadow President

Bush Admits He Targeted Saddam from the Start

Dean's Trooper

War-weary Sean Penn reports on Iraq 'powder keg'

Dupe - please lock

Ambassador Braun to throw support to Gov. Dean: 1/15

Report: U.S. 'negligence' killed journalists

N.Y. Times Hires Wall St. Journal Editor

Two Miami drug jurors get 5 years for taking bribes

Iraqis, US Authorities Look to UN

Supreme Court Hears Arguments on California Fleet Rule

NBC plans to start fall schedule early (during GOP convention)

Ex-general accused of role in mass killing in Haiti

Zogby: "...Dean is NOT in Free Fall"

Bulgaria reduces duties of its troops in Iraq (anger & plunging morale)

Braun Quits

South Korea's Foreign Minister Resigns (over ties to US)

Video of Iraqi Killings

Dean smeared by domestic abuse accusation...

Rising above Politics, as high as commander in Chief (Clark)

Libya never got nuclear plans off ground-diplomats

A new fiscal world since Bush wrote 1st budget

Family of slain soldier finds ally in Kennedy

US offer for Russian base exit

Thousands March in Iraq to Demand Early Elections

Feds Eye New Kinds Of Drug Tests

Deadly Gaza suicide blast idles 4,000

EU Seeks Trade Sanctions Against US

EU, Japan, S. Korea Seek OK to Impose Trade Sanctions Against U.S.


Barely half say Bush should be reelected.

Thousands March in Iraq to Demand Early Elections

Thousands March in Iraq to Demand Early Elections

Lockheed gets contract for launching systems

Baghdad hotel killings result of 'criminal negligence'

French Minister's Ambitions ring alarm-bells in the Elysée

US pres. front-runner Dean promises special relationship w/ Latin America

Iowa race tighter, nastier

Rasmuessen reports (W 48 - Clark 48)

Braun dropping out of Dem race for nomination (live feed)

Braun to Quit Presidential Bid, Back Dean

US planning to recruit one in 24 Americans as citizen spies


White House Seeks Control on Health, Safety

Spirit of Rosa Parks Confronts Bush

Bremer to Return to Washington for Consultations

Venezuela: 4 military officers in U.S., fleeing bombing charges

Federal judge dismisses lawsuit against Office of Hawaiian Affairs

Pentagon mulls Halliburton probe

Democrats and Networks Are at Odds Over Polling

Inconspicuous is all the rage for China's new super wealthy

Bush can't stop the protests in Atlanta

Rivals aim to make issue of Clark's GOP votes

STOCK MARKET WATCH, Thursday 15 January (#1)

Seattle man sues federal office over fine for visiting Iraq

Afghan ministry upholds singer ban

Halliburton Defends Fuel Contract in Iraq

Dean urges a different direction from Clinton

Germany's Siemens awarded Iraq contract

Barely half say Bush should be re-elected

UPI: No mad cow tests in Wash.

Bush Booed in Visit to Martin Luther King's Grave

Saudis Discover al-Qaida Training Camps (not in Iraq - ???? :-) )

Bush's King visit scorned

US 'Lied' About Media Deaths

Survey signals quickening of trend by firms to cut retirees' coverage

Top Iraq cleric may issue anti-US edict, aide says

Harris to Announce Decision for US. Senate on Friday

Groups want special prosecutor to investigate Ashcroft campaign activity

Diana Crash Witness Speaks


New Poll Shows Kerry in the Lead (Iowa)

Gore blasts Bush space plan, says Earth neglected

Phoenix Suns drops conservative group sponsorship after complaints

Michael Moore endorses Clark

Poll: Dean and Clark gaining in California (Dean 31%, Clark 14%)

Disease could be worse than SARS

"Final push" against polio agreed

GOP Operative Digs Into Democrats' Backgrounds (CT-Rowland)

Brazil Fines U.S. Pilot for Making Gesture . . lifted his middle finger

Close U.S President Race Could Hit Stocks-Analysts

Airbus beats base profit target by 15 percent in 2003

CNN: Anti-Bush MLK protest in Atlanta, protesters arrested!

Bush Makes Appeal on Faith-Based Programs

NBC Exclusive: New Saddam Capture Photos

2 Halliburton subcontractors killed in Iraq

CBS Rejects Anti-Bush Superbowl Commercial

The Joke Is on Liberals, Says Dennis Miller, Host of His Own Show Again

Bush woos Right with campaign to defend marriage

Gold dips as dollar rebounds on euro

Cheney's grim vision: decades of war (San Fran Chron.)

Bank One/J.P. Morgan to cut 10K jobs nationwide

How To Tell If Your Cow Is Cranky (

Oh Will You Blow Me...

John Adams CANNOT WIN!

What's the plural of Dookus?

*....botox or xanax or?

Anyone know the plural of "faux pas"?

Why is the thread missing about DemoTex wanting his old

Complete this sentence: If Conan O'Brien was on Ritalin...

If a train leaves NY heading due west

question for WannaJumpMyScooter

For my 500th post....a little message for the evil chimp

I need a drink!

Garden of Black Roses - Inner Circle

The Exorcist's on - who was really inside her?

In honor of my 150th post at DU...

Nighty night DU.

I just saw Big Fish...ask me anything

my sig line, you're gonna carry that weight

Vote in this poll

BBV: Hey Bev

Stormy, Windy, and the power just came back is the weather?

TV Guide really slams Court TV "reporters."

Is the Bush beans family related to that other Bush family?

Damn. I'm slightly drunk

new Oxyrush advertiser US Bank

gotten a response from any of the hate radio advertisers lately?

More marketing insanity...

What are you listening to?

just finished shoveling the driveway - don't ask me anything

Does your supermarket or Wal-Mart cover up the front of COSMO?

Say hello to ASIMO...

OUCH! Rosie O'Donnell Loses $10 million on Boy George musical

It's official: the weirdest dream I have ever had.

It's my day off, and I'll go to barnes and Noble to check out "The price o

WOW! -14 Degrees Where I Am.... +85 Degrees Where I Am Headed

Ever Played Strip Poker?

Is Your Cow Cranky? Now You Can Have It Tested!

54 Condoms Containing Cocaine Found Because Smuggler Had To Poop

A brief rant about laughing at hate.

In memory of Magic Rat

eBay auctions new "Ellen deGeneres bed sheets" to benefit ASPCA

Are there more Democrats in the US than Republicans?

Hey N. Carolina Duer's

If you don't watch television

Who Do You Think Gets Offended More Easily -- Dems or Pubs?

Lost Doctor Who episode shows up after thirty years. Dalek Masterplan ep.2

Picked up a carton of Camels for 15 bucks

WE have class on Dr. MLK, Jr's B-day. Get a load of this...

Irony, anyone? "Britney Believes in 'Sanctity' of Marriage"

You know what would be entertaining?

Tracy and Hepburn "Keeper of the Flame" ...good movie and....

This just in: feed a cold

LA Clipper fans. Check in.

Sphincter says, "What?"

Ohhlala! I have a "hotie" working in my yard today!!!!

Help, someone tell me I'm being silly.

Many Women Hoping To Skip The Goat For The Monkey

Okay, so I had this weird dream last night about bats and Russel Crowe

22 divorces in one Army company and the deployment isn't over yet

Let's peek into ih8thegop's random thoughts!

Is the Fastow punishment right?

Who was better?

Anybody watching "the Apprentice"?

Jokes for women by women

A CAPTION might help W focus better

My bill was due to come to the House Floor today and...

It's gone!!

Is Cheney in L. A. today?

2003: The year as spoken! (interesting quotes from a variety of sources)

George Bush is an Android - New Google Feature!

Hey - NYC people - are we recycling glass yet?

CAPTION Bush giving the flag a rasberry (Ppppptttththttt!)

You down with OPP?

This was a great "Dear Abby" - about a girl's last day with her cat

"Star Wars: Flogging Dead Wookies"

Anybody know if there is a transcript to Ted Kennedy's speech on CSPAN

GYWO page 30 is up!!!

Theres going to be a veganwitch-lette!!

The NC IRS says I owe the $1600, ask me anything

This Message Is Presented In "Widescreen" Format

Bush Says FOREIGN Air Security Lax? Why Did Man BOARD in DC with BULLETS?

Want To Buy A VW? How Does $95,000 Sound?

Once more into the breach (another job interview)

We just received a chain letter from Jesus, help me write a reply

Cars Driven Into House TWICE (32 days apart)

Man Robs Bank - Returns To Get Forgotten Note - Arrested

star schmucks flash video

Sunday is going to be a great day for football

WTF does BFEE stand for?

Anyone going to Des Moines Friday or Saturday?

It's the all new Homercraft.

Calling the geniuses: What do you do when your computer clock loses time?

Get A Life.

Fellow DU'er Had Jury Duty For A "Masturbation In Public" Case Yesterday

VOTE NOW For Your Favorites To Win In The TV-Land Awards

Dennis Miller--Now and Then

Thanks Mari333 for your sig line

reply to the Heart Assoc.caller

OK, so I'm buying a iBook/Powerbook. Which one should I get?

Here are my top 10 Netflix recommendations: What should I rent first?

Hay everybody

Hunting for Bambi.....

Washington Post Cartoonist Tom Toles Hits It Yet Again.

Today was a co-worker's last day and...

The LeviathanCrumbling Manifesto

put your imagination to work . . .

Google adds number search tool

Paper or plastic?

let's try this again, shall we?

Deliver him with a CAPTION

Snappy Answers

My jerk brother-in-law got us a talking Spongebob doll for X-mas.

The Democratic Presidential Dream Team:

John Adams cannot win (pt. II)

I need a new candidate, and I can be bought. NOTE: This is a LOUNGE thread

Scariest animated Disney character?

Finished "DaVinci Code" my thoughts & ***SPOILERS***

Best Thong

Is anyone else fairly close to 250 posts...


2004 US Presidential Vote Share Market

dang . . . yet another priest accused of child molestation . . .

Kathleen Russo (Spalding Gray's wife) to be on Paula Zahn tonight

Best NEW nickname for W?

Bestest spam poetry

Atlanta Erupting over Bush Visit!

Any Galaxy 500 fans? What else should I listen to?


I live in such a weird nation

letters, i get letters. nothing like hate mail

If Laura Bush is the Perfect Wife.......

Horror fans - Sam Raimi sent mr. blm a note

Google's Tribute To The Mars Rover

NABDA statement on Bush

Today, Iraq....tomorrow, ze CAPTION

This is my 701th post...ask me anything...

Michael Moore on CNN 6:45 EST

Henry! Fetch me some water!

mmmmm Deep Fried Cow Brain Sammwiches

Anybody got a nail...or a CAPTION?

Fastow question

Another lyrics posting...

how do you type italic text and bold text in your posts?nt

Is Laura Bush selling butter?!?!?!?

Need to draw a flyer. How?

Letter from one of my soldiers

this damn republican "co-opting God" thing is working on me (rant warning)

A friend will bail you out of jail.

Has your soap ever shown...

Just checking in. It's balmy up here!

Say it isn't so! The New Jersey Nets are going to Brooklyn???

Omaha area DUers

Prodigy dog! How do they learn this stuff?

After a year of banging heads with conservatives I'm quitting.

exceptionally cool website . . .

WooHoo-my article is published in the CSM

I just changed my avatar for MLK jr.'s B-day

This is my 500th post....

Jeff Garcia arrested on DUI charge

Need help on Asperger's Syndrome support thread

It's so damn cold in my apartment, I can hardly type any more

Lieberman criticizes Clark, calls him Democrat

how many colleges have rules like these (rules at Liberty University)

Have Any of You Stopped Eating Beef Because of Mad Cow?

Rat Bastards! Look at what they did to my wonderful favorite DC

I know why the spirit mission was successful

Republicans make no effort to control dangerous chemical

Slobodan Gingrich

JEEBUS! The Lounge Moves Almost As Fast As GD These Days!

Cadillac CTS or Infiniti G35 or Saab 95?

Saw Billy Collins' sold out Arts & Lectures reading, ask me what you will.

Now REALLY REALLY CONFESS: What was the first Pauly Shore movie you saw?


YOUR Theme song

What if MLK had lived?

OFFICIAL - Pixies Reform to headline Coachella with Radiohead, Kraftwerk

A Quinn Martin Production... IN COLOR! (ACT 1)

Anyone here remember the polio scares when you were a kid?

A very interesting way to waste some time

Isn't it disturbing when you see people who violently hate Jimmy carter?


What food can you not stop eating once you start?

CONFESS!!!!!! First R-Rated movie you ever saw and the age you were....

Seattle DUers-Have you ever used a food bank?

DU this poll

A Call to Conscience:

Why do doctors lie? A plea for advice.

"There comes a time when silence equals betrayal."

I just bought a Dremel - What should I do with it?

What's the strangest thing your pet eats?

Who is the smartest person ever?


Has anyone seen Cold Mountain?

Oh, No!

What do you think about homeschooling?

"Dear God, please make me not laugh...please make me not...laugh..."

A hippie walks into a bar...

Obscure records you own


Is It cold where you are?

I Installed Wood Floors!

DU drivers, please help me do some research for a friend.

Star Wars Sequel Episodes 7, 8, 9 may be coming after all

Well, that was NOT fun!

Now REALLY CONFESS!!!!!!!! First X-Rated movie you ever saw!!!!

Of What Are Your EARLIEST Childhood Memories?

What is the VERY worst thing George W. Bush did as President?

This Frank Zappa quote will chill you...

CMB Is Supposed To Withdraw Today...

Kerry leading Iowa?????

Presidential primary prompting voter registration

Live Video: Dean and Braun at 2 PM ET (CNN will show it too)

"Profiling of All Airline Passengers"... Kucinich responds 1/14/04

No offense but this is pretty funny picture

I have this thought going through my mind today, Sharpton and Dean

What are the candidates positions on Crime?

Deans tops Kerry, Clark in New Hampshire poll

It's a three way battle between Clark, Edwards and Kerry

Early votes overinflate states' importance

For my 1000th post,

Whoever wins the Va./Md. primaries on Feb.10th wins the nomination

Poll: Dean and Clark gaining in California

Perfect Storm sweeps into Iowa for Dean

Dean said: "Only one candidate stood up against the war when it mattered"

I'm a Kerry supporter but I am totally impressed with Howard Dean...

My Democratic Club Endorses Dean for President (Sacramento, CA)

John Adams cannot win (pt. II)

Granite Status: Who's the outsider now?

Evaluating the polls....

WOuld Clark take the sidecar if Kerry is the nominee?

What is the point?

Rasmuessen reports (W 48 - Clark 48)

Why Dennis Kucinich Could Win Anyway

Didn't Gore choose to use matching funds??

Ann Richards on CNN's Larry King tonight

Kerry escalates pace, message in Iowa

Iowa will also be important in November

Kerry: Bush should focus on Iraq, not Mars

No more internecine backbiting! It's about damned time!

Just got an email from Coach Dean Smith cheering for John Edwards!

Iowa Predictions Thread

Strategy for 2004 Victory – Dean Already Has It

It's the Kerry-copter

Kerry campaign hands out flyers at Clark events

Michael Moore on CNN

What is Dean's theme song?

Where Clark stands out,

Dean said: "Only one candidate stood up against the war when it mattered"

Anyone see Bill Bennett on HANNITY & colmes the other night?

State (NH) explains independents can vote in coming primary

Ted Kennedy's recent Iraq War policy speech (MP3 format)

This Guy Can Rock the White House: One Democrat chooses between Clark/Dean

Skinner did you vote in the DC primary?

Dupe - please delete/lock

This Race is WIDE OPEN

Michael Moore to appear on CNN's Wolf Blitzer Reports - 5:48 pm ET - 1/15

does anyone know the percentage of prez nominees who won iowa

Why haven't the Democratic candidates all seized the O'Neill revelations?

hypothetical: Dean wins Iowa, Clark pulls ahead and wins in NH

Anyone but Lieberman

Goodbye Carol Moseley Braun hello sexism

What's it mean that

Dean Campaign Event -- 7pm et CSPAN - AFSCME

Newsbyte on Dean and Gephart Unfair

Dean's Statement on Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Birthday

What has caused Kerry and Edwards to surge in Iowa?

This Guy Can Rock the White House

A word of caution about Zogby and ARG

Clark within 5 pts. of Dean in NH: ARG Poll

Sez Who?

From the "real life" true stories dept.

New Mark Fiore political cartoon- Very Funny!

In King, Kerry hears a soul mate

We're ditching the 250-posts rule and the 1-month rule.

Who Should I Vote For In May?

Like Jury Duty? You'll Love Caucuses

Could NH end up being Clark vs. Kerry?

The Democratic Presidential Dream Team:

This thing is not over for Edwards yet (my #2 candidate)

Would a contested convention be good for the Democratic Party

Kucinich's Ten-Point Plan to Bring Our Troops Home From Iraq

Michael Moore's Pending Clark Endorsement - Thoughts?

media review site -

Californians Widely Favor Dean Among Democrats

Dean criticizes Clark, calls him Republican

"Kucinich Star of Debate" 1/11/04

17 things you don't know about Howard Dean

I am ashamed of my candidate

Clark Attacks the Military-Industrial Complex (NPR TRANSCRIPT)

Wesley Clark's Editorial On Securing Peace In Iraq (London Times)

Kennedy on CNN: "We Need John Kerry," Rushing Back to Iowa!

Clark's Remarks Draw Closer Scrutiny (AP)

Link: "The Myth of the Democratic Establishment"

DLC Democrats

If what goes on here bothers you, better hope your guy is not the nominee

Most recent 2 days of Zogby Dean averaging 23-20 over Kerry...

Can Kerry Win Over Youth?

A few reasons I think Clark is the best candidate to win Florida

Dean: "It's the people, stupid!"

Why should I be happy that the attacks against Dean worked?

Post questions about the new rules here.

More About Clark's Role With Axicom...

TO BE CLEAR: You are still permitted to criticize candidates.

The CMB endorsement of Gov. Dean: your thoughts?

If you want to say something rude -- DON'T!

Wesley Clark's Testimony To Congress September 26, 2002 (Drudge Lies)

Why I will vote FOR Dennis Kucinich

Kennedy blasts Bush on Iraq, Campaigns Fiercely for Kerry: Kerry Anti-War?

Here's a laugh for everyone

The Records Come Home To Roost. Dean Endorsers and Media Pundits in Panic.

NEW rules for the General Discussion: 2004 Primary forum