Democratic Underground

Archives: August 15, 2005

American Prospect cover: The shameless dishonesty of the war pundits

LA Daily News: The unasked question

The Fable of the Emperor and the Grieving Mother

Iraq's Children: Choir of Despair

Social Security Lessons (Paul Krugman)

Times: So we're going to bolt from Iraq. Where are the cries of complaint?

The Real Reason Why Cindy Sheehan Is A Threat To The GOP

Deadly Tale of Incompetence (Mohamed Atta and Able Danger)

Legal Urban Legends Hold Sway -LAT

Yale Global Online

Gov't Cuts Back Pacific Salmon Habitat

Charged Uganda radio host 'sorry' (Garang conspiracy theories)

U.S. Jews protest pullout silently

I need a bit of help collecting data about Cancer and 9/11...

So, what REALLY happened to flight 77?

The Voting Rights Act's 40th b-day. Freedom demands eternal vigilence.

Crawford Rally photo album

Houston DUers: what's up with this site?

Did you know???!!!

Sign, Sign Everywhere (in Crawford) A Sign!

Cindy Sheehan for President 2008!

Cindy 'toons I tried to post Sat,

On Technorati: DU rated 71st. This that fairly normal?

How many here think the War on Terror *itself* is bull---t?

Truthout Cindy webpage

For everyone so eager...

Vj Day

With regard to the shots near Camp Casey, I am reminded of

(Expletives deleted) Sludge misreport!!!

Dead soldier's mom brings anti-war protest to Bush


Bill O'Rielly & Fox News

Bush Pre-senile Dementia Video

Will this be considered a protest or a waste of time.

The Larry Mattlage Memorial Porta-Potty

Anyone in or near Upstate New York Can Get Free Ride to Crawford

A Mother and the President

Where does Bush get off anyway.....

"Little help for families down on their luck"

The Port-a-Pottie Invasion (LINKS)

the origin of "We Don't Care"???

AAHH!! My Internet Was Down ...

World Bank's Paul Wolfowitz Says Bomb Cindy Sheehan

Are there any threads on the Gaza pullout?

Ray McGovern rocks


Is there a list of all the Iraq/Afghansistan KIA families Bush has met

Cindy Sheehan speech from 8/13/05

O'Reilly is currently polling his website's readers

PHOTO: Larry Mattlage, who came out shooting during a prayer service

I just googled Camp Casey....

PHOTO: "Major combat operations are OVER!"

The Sept 24 big will they be?

In a few words, could someone

FReepers practicing for that (warning, kinda gross)

hahaha, Homer Simpson just referred to Bush as Commander Cuckoo Bananas

Videos of Cindy from Brad Blog

Bush declares victory in War on Terror,

Bluebear, signing off for a while. Everyone keep up the good fight

When the Watergate hearing started...

A Mother and the President (Time Magazine)

I don't like Dr Bill Wattenburg

Map of American Iraq war deaths by state

Entire video of Kesterson on O'Rielly?

Sunday Monitor - (1) Rove. (2) Live from Crawford.

Is there a Byrnes-like purge going on at the State Dept., too?

Needed: help for wounded vets' families

Now that Cindy has started the revolt - should there be continuing

Justice Sunday PU

deleted message*

Cindy has shown us one person CAN make a difference!

No-confidence vote

I can't wait until the House and Senate come back in September.

do we have a collective opinion

just saw Larry (shrubs neighbor)on cnn i think he is leaning our way...

Michelle Malkin planning to slam Cindy

16 hours away from "The Situation Room"

Should we get a professional crowd counter to count the crowd on Sept 24?

The first, concrete crack in the Republican monolith will be:

Go ahead George, get on with your life

Barry Crimmins (from Crawford) is on Peter Werbe's show right now.

Would canceling my Washington Post subscription really matter?

Anyone have a link to the pic of Cindy hugging the Bush supporter?

I'm a LIBERTARIAN because I oppose the PRISON STATE

Did anybody get their call from Homeland Security???

Bush goes reality-based (pabloonpolitics)

Has everyone seen the Time magazine article - "A Mother and the President"

This Whole Thing Has Been Great For DU. More Of Us Sign Up Everyday!

Question for any who have cable internet service to stay on DU.

Separating 'other' military deaths out from "hostile fire" deaths is bunk

I need the cartoon of Cindy vs. the tank

DU has lowered itself to attacks on Cindy Sheehan's family

Bush should declare victory in the War of Porta-Potties

Their contridictions will undo...(Sword of Shannara SPOILER - 1970's book)

In all seriousness, shouldn't the Secret Service be nailing Mattlage???

New website..

Wacky RW Lunatic Vandalizes Ariana's Site

Lastest reason for the war in Iraq

Gingrich: We "need to be cheerfully funny about our opponents"

I know a lot of you are very much involved with Sheehan

My take on Cindyfest: Why I can't support her now.

I'm finding the most interesting people parked outside my house

" Marine of the year Accused of Firing on Crowd in Mass.

Atascadero man joins campaign in Crawford

Is Crawford Getting Too Crowded? Coming up on CNN Headline News

Which is Rising Faster: the Gas Prices or the Death Toll?

6 feet under Great POLITICAL show tonight

Britain no longer part of "coalition of the willing"

amarillo tx gas 2.69......what is everyone else

Need a link - Company that produces petroleum from waste

Courts ruled no "equal access" for Medicaid recipients

TWO CENTS: Should the United States reinstate a military draft? (SF Chron)

Termite calls on DUers to march on Crawford!!

Open letter to the Crawford Peace House

What would it take to change the name of Crawford?

Murray Waas reports more on Rove/Plame....Ashcroft involvement

Gas here jumped up 11 cents overnight. What the hell?

Justice Sunday: "Our laws are based on Ten Commandments"

A moment of silence for nostamj, please.

Once again, since there are a lot of newbies,

Bush: A National mutation through unnatural selection...

If we wage war in Iran will the Freepers sign up to fight?

Murray Waas & Mark Kleiman: More bad news for Bush, Rove ...

Remember An "I Stand with Cindy" site

Something i've notice in the last couple months...

here's a tribute to my awesome father

Is this the crazy Crawford shooter guy? -PIX->>>

Beer Drinking, Gun Toting Larry Mattlage: Fascist Or Misunderstood Kook?

Mike Ghallather and me

I am disgusted at "leadership" so self-serving and oppressive,...

I'm watching Zell Miller on Justice Sunday II on TBN!

Wow !!! - Freeps Turning On Church Over Sheehan !!!

Brad Blog: The Strange Sacking of General Kevin P. Byrnes

WP: At State, Some Employees Languish in Security Limbo (another purge?)

Walken for President 2008

Deadly Tale of Incompetence (Mohamed Atta and Able Danger)

Greece Plane Crash Kills 121, 48 Children

Deadly Tale of Incompetence (Mohamed Atta and Able Danger)

Smoke rises over Civil War cannon sales

China tightens security to head off anti-Japan demos

Iran says U.S. and U.K. Behind Ethnic Clashes--Daily Star

CNN: The 'suspicious package' that wasn't /"Bomb was SS Training Tool"

U.S. investigates abduction of Iranian dissidents in Iraq

Troops back at friendly fire site

WP (Section D01): In Texas, A Time to Circle the Minivans

NYT/AP: Koizumi Apologizes for Past Colonization

Power plants armed (Wales)

Russia to launch English-language news channel

Koizumi Apologizes for Past Colonization

Tests indicate seized chemicals could have been used for explosives, milit

Iraqis back women's rights - with Islam

Saudi investments abroad over $750 billion

Proposed Panhandling Ban Draws Georgia Protest

Thousands Fill Church for 'Justice Sunday'

Iraqis Consider Bypassing Sunnis on Constitution

Venezuelan Anti-Imperialist 'court' Issues Guilty Verdict Against Bush

Ind. Couple Who Rejected Child's Medical Care Faces $172,000 Bill

Polar Bear Makes Huge 74 Km One-Day Arctic Swim

US conservative Christians slam "judicial autocracy"

Critics Want Overhaul of Army's Bonus System

Chinese, Russian Militaries to Hold First Joint Drills

NYT: Rulings (by courts) Trim Legal Leeway Given Medicaid Recipients

Mom says war protest will continue until month's end

Paramilitaries get free pass, critics contend (Colombia)

Doubt on war grows in U.S.

Wiccan Wants Town to Pay Her Legal Bills

Polish priest slams laws of "Jewish bankers"

Commander Cuckoo Bananas episode of Simpsons on tonight!

Homer just mentioned Cuckoo Bananas

I'm thinking about wearing a Chastity Belt.

The Aphex Face

Spirit of Peace

Rocket Science, or Brain Surgery?

Ooh stormy outside--a few minutes ago

I'm thinking about wearing my girlfriend.

Fund Drive!

Fire ants infesting my corn!

Bush is still tying to privatize Social Security

Should I slice bananas into my Cocoa Puffs?

So tomorrow is my first day at a large state university


So, here's all my cats... (warning... big JPG)

Just got back from the Grocery Store......

feed me, seymour, feed me all night long

Hey! Where has curse10 been of late? Anyone?

Do people normally tease each other?


I finally bought a car!!!!!!!!!

You missed the party!

It's official, Jack Thompson is a total horses' ass.

I'm thinking of wearing a piece of cod...

What are the upsides and downsides to marriage?

"I am wicked pissed!"

The Comeback

It is so nice to be home.

Sufferers of ADD, Apserger's, and/or PTSD - are your illnesses included in

Pics from last night's b-day party in ATL!

Who here can draw/illustrate in realistic fashion?

The worst movie ever!

Recommend a dial-up ISP that doesn't kill you with ads & crap?

Gee, the news just put up yet another bit about the lonely childlike guy

Dylan to be featured on PBS' American Masters in September


School starts the 22!!Back to Missouri Southern State University!


I'm finishing up a client's system. Ask me anything.

My ideal man

my perfect woman

Hooray for Captain Spaulding, the African explorer.

Do DUers like dogs as much as cats?

My perfectly ideal hermaphrodite.

Help! I'm being devoured by bed bugs!

Eating champion wins new contest

Freepers practice for Patriot Potty use after the demo!

The picture of my dream man

i saw an employment app

Harvey Birdman: Morocco Mole got busted!

Goodnight kisses from Uncle Zomby

floogeldy is making me leave du

Best Food Network Cook?

I say again: State Mottoes That Just Didn't Make It

what are you thinking about RIGHT NOW?

Lucille Ball tops list of popular dead stars.

progmom is the only person responding to my threads tonight

Daisy and the Dukes dip to number 3

This is an actual album cover that came out in the early 70's

i'm thinking about wearing a piece

We all cheer for a yellow soccer team!

Niece's friend home from Iraq.... his best friend killed by

can somebody PLEASE post something

i'm thinking about riding a cock

Fun/geeky stuff: Convert a current event into a STAR WARS crawl

i need to atone myself! quick like!

Have you been Feithful this Sunday?

What cheesy 70's song would you like me to earworm you with tonight?

How do you check AIM history?

How do you take a screenshot of your monitor?

what is this?

why is there no "fuckstick" key on my keyboard?

If this doesn't creep you out . . .

See any good movies this weekend?

Do you remember the "sex thread riot"?

I once ate at a restaurant in Nashville called........

The Secret Life of George W.

Write a scene for Season 6 of Six Feet Under

DU I need some good vibes, we are trying to get a home loan tomorrow

I'm thinking about riding a cockhorse

Question for any who have cable internet service to stay on DU.

Well I am leaving DU...

I saw Cindy Sheehan in a grilled cheese sandwich!

Find your center

Lightning Strikes right on top of us!

6 feet under great tonight

A big fat WOW!! Just found my POW bracelet from 1966!

Are there lots of new friends on DU today?

I am a man with simple needs...this is my dream woman...

Can anybody recommend a good clip-on reading light?

stop acting so childish!

From FR, you may not believe what you read.

The adventures of Maddy McCall - on the road to Crawford

Does anyone know about Michigan state medicaid?

Neil Young, Carl Jung, Young Frankenstein or Young Americans

I would like to have known this guy.

"They mostly come out at night."

I just saw the 60 Minutes story on Hillary Swank

Anyone have Windows XP

My almost 4 year old daughter is cracking me up!

This tells you why Bush always tries to act all macho

I had my 4 month old kitten spayed today and the poor kitten is just

In the spirit of is the man I am looking for.....

They're left, they're vegetarians and they're on your iPod

Dogs vs jogger- what should I do as a dog owner?

In the spirit of is the man I am looking for.....

What are your favorite nicknames for Bush?

So I lost my job....

hp psc 1310, good or bad?

I'm considering leaving my husband and starting a mink farm and gun store

What movie tough guy/psycho would you like for president?

At what age do you take a kid to a funeral?

the latest pixels from the Waldorf Cat Haven (***dial-up warning***)

Ok, I dare you...

My "baby" starts high school tomorrow

Figure out how I did this

Back from the beach - any advice on keeping that vacation state of mind

How did you spend your day?

I am really scared.....I can't get over this overwhelming feeling of doom.


Now I've figured out why I too am single - here's my perfect woman

I had a dream last night that the DU Lounge was in a church basement.

Besides W., Whom would you like to see the glove punch?

Dare to take the Sleaze Test.

The Bible & Hunter S. Thompson

Ever had one of those days when you feel like Michael Faraday?

Harvard Jumps Into Evolution Debate

Study on gay rams may help explain human sexual orientation

Just when you thought the shit couldn't get any deeper.

Holy merit badge! Divine retribution?

An Army of 41,000

Would you have missed any of this?

Hey, what did Santorum say about the Boston Swans?

BGlobe lead editorial 8/14: Praise for Kerry bill

Lawrence, Mass - Marine of the Year opens fire on crowd

The drinking game discussion...

Bush's fatwa to Little League: "Play hard, play fair, play to win"

What was the deal with that neighbor who "shot at a bird" near the camp

Walken for President 2008

Isn't tomorrow the day the courts re-visit the Abu Ghraib picture case?

C-SPAN will be broadcasting entire McKinney congressional 911 briefing!

Why is "worldnetdaily" linked to in Yahoo News?

"WE MAY OWE THEM A BIG APOLOGY " (Able Danger scandal)

How can we tell the difference between George and Cindy?

In the Media Battle over Roberts, GOP on Top--CSM

Hey Freeper Fascist Assholes.........

40th anniversary of Voting Rights Act: Freedom requires eternal vigilance.

It's time to change the meme away from "Bush Lied"

Angered farmer fires shots near Bush protesters

What's with Congress turning a blind eye...

CIA we let bin Laden get away ....... opps!

I'm pretending I'm Karen Hughes.

bush told the truth once.

Notes from Camp Casey (Sunday nite)

CNN video clip of Bush neighbor Larry Mattlage "pacticin' fer dove season"

Not war casualties?

should Dems embrace war as a matter of political advantage?

UN's Nuclear Watchdog, IAEA, rebuts claim Iran is trying to make A-bomb

Carlyle Group = Right Arm of BushCo Corruption?

How about a Globalization DU group?


Snip from FTN transcript today about leaving Iraq.

I just saw Evan Bayh on C-Span and he said

A naiive question: Why doesn't the party make a fuss about voting ?

"The Resurgance of Movement Politics"

Cindy has an article in our Sunday Editorial Section!

David Margolis,Fitzgeralds new boss, shady past???

Simple Poll, Do you support Cindy Sheehan or not?

New GOP Meme: Please, DON'T Fall for THIS One!!!

Bush lied us into a phoney war and we bought it??!!

Excellent "Cindy" poster at Dailykos. (link)

If Utah schools force teachers to teach about Intelligent design....

James Walcott on McCain.....There's only one Maverick, and his name is Jam

Herbert: Lives Blown Apart (Wounded Soldiers and their Families)

Nashville Scene: "Jesus is just all right with Tennessee Democrats, too"


Krauthammer - Jihad against the jihadists

Will America be ready when oil supply peaks?

An Unlikely Conversation With The Cowards in Congress

Party Over? On Cindy Sheehan (Juan Cole).

Beyond Populism: Venezuela and the International Left

Al-Qaeda, a Secret Service Operation?

Great Bush/Cindy Sheehan Cartoon by Rob Rogers of Pgh PG

Analysis: 'Black August' in Iraq

Don't get lost - if you aren't white and pretty

Is the Iran Crisis for Real?

A Bad Shift for the Court--By William Raspberry--WaPo

Richard Schmitt (LA Times): Standing on the Shoulders of Perjury Law

21 Administration Officials Involved in Plame Leak

Tom Engelhardt (TomDispatch): Cindy, Don, and George

Ed & Pub: Guild Leaders Want WaPo Out Of Sept. 11 Freedom Walk

Thomas Graham (Tom Paine): Iran: A Crisis Of Choice

Anti-Bush OH War Vet calls Bush a Liar on radio/Authorities Surround Home

The best antidote to terrorism is democracy

Arianna: "Miller's UN-likely Visitor"...

Shrinking Detroit has 12,000 abandoned homes

Al-Qaeda, a Secret Service Operation? (fifth largest turkish newspaper)

POLITICAL NOTEBOOK: Reid looks to be in Roberts' corner

Robert Fisk : A constitution that means nothing to ordinary Iraqis

Evolution: Just teach it

Village Voice: What Now, Karl? Rove and Ashcroft face new allegations

Murdoch's "News Corp is a nothing but a badly performing business"

Helen Keller: Not Blind to War Crimes

WP: Stop the Roberts Bombing

Robert Fisk: How can the US ever win, when Iraqi children die like this?

The Friends of Phil Zelikow (Able Danger Debunkers)

The Cindy Sheehan Action Center

Can't make it to Crawford to support Cindy Sheehan?

Balloon Ceremony Idea for Camp Casey

Support Cindy Vigils in Your Area (

1,000 Letters to the Editor for Cindy

Take Action - Puppy Mill Campaign (Write Congress!!)

CNN bias:whitewashes shooter {shot in air}protstng Cindy

John Conyers calls for newspaper articles

Has the U.S. Media reported Cyprus Jet crash victims "frozen solid"?

Interesting Price Breakouts For Specific Oil Grades

Cool weather in AZ

Seabird Population Collapse On Farallons Mirrors North Sea Disaster

The Oil Price To Be Scared Of - NYT

1C Additional Rise - Maybe 10 Years - To Climate Point Of No Return

Tennessee Coal Road Blocked to Protest Mountaintop Removal Mining

Shell tax row heats up (Venezuela)

Brazil 2005 inflation view falls to 5.4 percent

Mummy smugglers jailed for life

The other uprooting

The Israeli state and the ultra-right settler movement (Part 1 of 4)

Israel seals Gaza settlements, settlers defiant

Diary of a settler - 'I believe God wants us here'

35 families left in north Gaza

Forewarning of the WTC2 Collapse -- Captain Joseph Pfeiffer's testimony


Columbus Dispatch: Diebold Pushed too Hard to Sell Voting Machines

Need links on Cleremont County, OH '04 election issues!

Election Reform, Fraud, & Related News Monday 8/15/05

A Clarification by DR Janow-- on HAVA section 301

Once we get VVPATs or VVPBs, what's next? multimedia ELECTION FRAUD CD (2004 STOLEN ELECTION) new seed

Vigil for Cindy, ENCINITAS, CA - Moonlight Beach Aug. 17th

Agenda short on voters' concerns

Gas at $3.37 self service - LA beach communities

Vigil for Cindy- Wed. Aug. 17, Ventura and Laurel Canyon in Studio City

Getting corporations out of politics...I was asked to sign a petition

Why is Barbara Boxer supporting Bill Nelson?

John Gibson Smears Cindy Sheehan and the University of California

Interesting Democratic blog in.... Orange County

2nd District workshop report

Loebsack says "I filed papers to run" at 2nd district workshop.

Vigil 4 Cindy Sheehan at Peace Abbey in Sherborn MA. Wed. 8/17

Summer of Advocacy and Fun with Freedom to Marry Coalition & Mass Equality

(Whitman) Teens list sex desires on Web

Candle Light Vigils for Cindy Sheehan in Massachusetts

My LTTE was printed in the Star Tribune today!

Kelley Doran?

Candlelight Solidarity Vigil for Cindy Sheehan

do DVI to VGA adapters cause flickering?

OK you web publishers you, I need your advice please

OK, what should be my next step?

What's a good "sound recorder" software app? I found 3 big boxes of LP

TDWFB (Sugar Land, in DeLay country) fundraiser Sept 17th

Eminent Domain

Bell fleshes out gubernatorial bid

To the residents of Crawford

Yet more Crawford pix (graphics heavy warning)

A Crawford Peace House Morning

Channel 13 (Houston ABC) covered the shots fired at Camp Casey this

Hey! San Antone's got Air America now!

Republican slams Joe Barton

Amusing pic from Bell's kickoff

A few more Crawford photos (graphic heavy warning)

Why does San Antonio need 2 Air America stations?

Feingold stumps for phony Dem?

Support Cindy TODAY 08/15 in Milwaukee!

Just passed Mark Green

Wes Clark in Madison and La Crosse, 8/30/05, Wisconsin Dems

GOP Tries To Sneak $750,000 To Bishop's Creek In Budget.....

Praise for Cindy

Are DUers in Europe seeing a big climb in fuel prices at this time ??

Best critical essay on Bush I've ever seen (Origins of Specious)

For streaming radio fans

Camp Casey 2 springs up in Chico Ca.

Only 110 until 75,000! Wow, we are getting bigger all the time

Oh Mr. Benchley-y-y-y-y-y

Bush hunkers down so he doesn’t have to hear the truth

The Rumsfeld Dilemma: We're Gonna Need a Bigger Boat!

Bakiyev sworn in as Kyrgyz president

NYT - 41 Days in Jail and Counting (bring your hip boots)

Ugandan radio show host is "sorry" after charged with sedition

If it really is true that curiosity killed the cat, then George W. Bush...

some New Freedom Commission on Mental Health recommendations adopted

there AIN'T no Democratic Opposition Party

President Rides Bike with No Grievous Injuries, while soldiers DIE

Blogs can bite.

Man charged with having sex with rabbits

Stay the CURSE.

Why does God give certain tracts of land to certain people?

The Cartoonists are on Cindy's Side (Update: Almost Includes Cartoons!!)

The Bush "vacation" Doctrine

I guess we're not, "staying the course", afterall

Meanwhile...if you want to decide for yourself about the SUPREME COURT

Freeway Blogger

Breaking news LOL! A top aide to al-Zarqawi has been killed

Another RW group turns against Roberts

Del. state trooper helps enforce Rick Santorum's 'family' values

Who says that DU doesn't influence mainstream media?

Admiral Stockdale on War - very timely

'Marine of Year' shoots at noisy crowd

Interesting Quote from Murray Waas' latest blog post

"God's Song" Randy Newman

a HA ... *now* they're chipping PEOPLE.

I always liked Luckovich, but has he plagiarized? a DUer

National Catholic Reporter: Schönborn steps back from attack on evolution

Soooo Lance Armstrong is a Republican....I wonder

Wish I could give more to the fund drive

Link to Cindy Sheehan's writings since 2004 at

The Guardian: How Bush would gain from war with Iran

Gen. Byrnes, Fort Monroe - another angle

Stripes letter: U.S. should leave Iraq

Cindy in the news 8/15 Add your articles and vid clips here

Phoenix homes prices up 47% from last year. Bubble anyone?

"Thousands Blacked Out Across Northeast"

RE: The recent string of leaks and speculations on LIHOP/MIHOP and Iran...

"Chafee Ready for Tough Blue State Campaign"

Guy James to be on Thom Hartmann's show at noon est today

Someone Tell the President the War is Over

Reagan economist says Cindy is right!

A few Camp Casey pictures in the paper

Who will take the challenge?

JEEZ you Liberals are an Angry Bunch!

AP says, "Clinton, Pirro Still Very Similar"

Imus supports Cindy on morning show.

41 Days in Jail and Counting

The Congressional Offspring Military Enlistment (COME) Project . . .

surprising information about the mastermind behind the London bombings.

Get Ready for World War III (Paul Craig Roberts)

Has that "We Stand with Cindy" site been started yet?

This weeks Top Ten List.

This is fucking priceless...

Halal burger bar opens in Paris

Remember, folks: We're no longer fighting a Global War on Terror.

Support the troops ..... not so much after they get wounded.

Looking for a photo of Cindy wearing "Question W" t-shirt...

RW GOP holds political rally in Two Rivers Baptist Church, Nashville,TN.

Did you know yesterday was Justice Sunday II? -PIX->>>

James Wolcott on McCain........Pretty brutal, but so true

"kidnapping members of Congress...."

CD launch for Bill Clinton tunes

Have you seen any anti-war messages on television ?

At what point in morons* ratings...

Bush and his grief---are the "lacerates" flowing down his cheeks?

OK - Change for Cindy ------- Who cashed in the coins?

Cindy's hometown paper.. keep an eye on it

Hey, Freepers! Message for you inside

They are waking up-Republican relatives of slain soldier-against the war!

I kindly request more news

Caption Contest!

Is now a good time to point out to the nation that lies to start the

Regarding Cindy Sheehan: What Do You Hope Bush Will Do?

Who Can Stand Danielle Pletka?

$3.00 per gallon in Cincinnati by Labor Day...

Christopher Walken for President?

How many people with Cindy Sheehan this weekend?

Bike Riding With Bush Gives White House Reporters New Perspective on Presi

Dare I listen to Mike Gallagher this morning?

Fla. Librarian Suspended After Patrons Visit Porn Sites

I hate it when they say Wilson was attacked for critcizing the prez

A coup would bring in a more reasonable and democratic leader? Did ...

Anyone following Cindy at Michael Moore's site?

Cindy and her personal life should not be used as smear tactics.

Parental Notification: Are judges the new doctors?

'Dear Mr. Bush I Have a Complaint...' (music )

Farrakhan: Mexican President Was Right

Kissinger finds parallels to Vietnam in Iraq

I saw the best bumpersticker this AM

Message from a Tree Hugging Liberal - Our Nation's Beaches

We all need this...bush survival bible! hehe

Isn't the court case on the torture photos/videos supposed to be today?

Saw a cool bumper sticker this weekend

Guy James on now with Thom Hartmann -- streaming

Talk to Cindy

Bush lied us into a phoney war and we bought it??!!

just one victim of many: Yassin al-Sammerai

Cindy has the "Authority of the Dead" as Justification for Peace

Tried to buy Bush on the Couch and got this from the website

"Five Orphans From Home Makeover Show Sue"

4th Circuit Court upholds Virginia's Pledge law

See how they LIE about Cindy!

Bush says war is noble - Cindy Sheehan says her son died for a lie..

'Justice Sunday': Operation Fill Up All The Pews reports limited success

Looks like Dubya is quickly loosing what few marbles he had left.

Gas Prices

Holy See "Uneasy" about Embryonic Stem Cell Research

Antiwar camp losing appeal with Bush neighbor

Has the "Casey's Family" e-mail been debunked yet?

WAAAAIT A SECOND!... this isn't THAT John Roberts, IS IT???

What happened to Denny Hastert Story??

TVNewser has a tip that Novak's CNN office has been cleaned out

Calling out to all those who are not in the United States:

"We Will Not Pay a Penny of This Fine"

Larry Mattlage should be glad

Saturday at the General Assembly (Paper ballot mandated in NC)

Larry a tale of a country mouse and a city mouse

I finally got a copy of that freakish freeper letter. who has the rebuttal

Bush is missing a golden opportunity here

24 Soldiers buried in Ohio. "He died doing what he loved".

2.99 for premium here in Atlanta

This is why I support Impeaching this president

Standing on the Shoulders of Perjury Law (Fitzgerald)

So George Bush is Spending His Time Watching Golf on TV? >>>

OK I donated

Folks... Don't listen to Rush. Ever.

Candlelight vigils for Cindy (DFA)

Listen to Pigman

Please send me your Cindy Vigil and Camp Crawford pictures!

"Who's Behind Cindy Sheehan? " - RW Attack Version

Cindy Sheehan: a good woman trying to stop a bad war

My Letter to Vincent Fiore

Woah Billy Jack versus Bush

Sheehan: "When they start sliming my home life and my family..."

I have been bad.

Anybody subscribe to LA Daily Journal? Can you email me the

Sometimes I have a vision of DU'ers being cats that are

Where is Iraq oil going .... I thought that the oil was going to help

Help!! I need a short and sweet reply to this e-mail...

BREAKING NEWS ~ Agreement reached on Iraq constitution, ready for referral

A question about the Crawford counter-protesters

If we pull out, what about the Kurds?

"A Shot in the Arm for Protesters:"

Intercepted memo... Re: Intelligent Design

Rush was just ranting about Sheehan "pro-terrorist"

"Mother's Iraq-war Protest near Bush Ranch Picks Up Steam" & Larry Mattlag

No brush clearing photos, yet? Not one???

Bush signs bill creating electronic prescription monitoring

Bush: "I like to be fit .... I like to drive myself, I like to work hard"

Now is the time to Nationalize the 2006 elections

I wanted to discuss soldiers stories ..Graphic..

HEY!!!! What happened to the thread about the AG photos???

Need a bumper sticker design--

High Gas Prices are Al Gore’s ...Environmentalism Coming Home to Roost

If you have Google Earth...

Cindy Sheehan news article consolidation thread?

"How Bush Would Gain from War with Iran"

"(Cindy Sheehan) is a tragedy slut...."

"Someone Tell Frank Rich the War Is Not Over"

Bolton visits Judy: "Just two potential Plamegate sources shooting the ...

You know what would be really cool?

My RW neighbor is pissed at Bush over gas prices and she said

"The Situation Room", Monday, August 15th...

Cindy articles

Want to see some BS(homeland security)?


Nuclear Favoritism: Which nations get to have nuclear capabilities?

Has anyone checked their gas prices today??? I live on the

Anyone hear anything about Cindy Sheehan being behind the . . .

Pilgrims of Protest in Crawford

For Cindy

Highlights of DU Cindy posts Day1-Day 9

9/11 Families for Peaceful Tomorrows Statement of Support for Cindy

Anti-Iraq War Song

Ed Schultz is ridiculing Bush's looney neighbor

Neo-con national anthem by Nick Lowe?

F-16s scrambled to investigate Cyprus airliner??

NYC: Anyone going to Union Square to support Cindy today?

VIDEO: Gunshots Rattle Doves In Crawford (KCRA NBC 3 TV Sacramento)

Iraq Parliament Extends Charter Deadline by Week

Iraq Update:Iraqi lawmakers agree to seek 10-day charter extension

"discovered 30 bodies of people apparently tortured"

anybody watch Henry's Film Corner on IFC?

Cindy Sheehan On Larry Mattlage. Talk To Your Neighbor.

Thousands are supporting Cindy Sheehan and no one got pictures of...

My letter to Red Robin Restaurants

Any News from the ACLU? Anyone got updates?

Quilts for Soldiers and Georgette in Germany

Caller from Camp Casey on Ed Schultz 1:18 pm PST

Killen Free On Bond

She's been asking him to take her someplace EXPENSIVE...

Kos doesn't think Delay will be indicted

Terrorist BABIES?

which is better: Tipping Waiters, or Paying them better & No Tipping?

Now, now...

Something a little less noble

Is anyone listening to the young lady caller on Randi Rhodes

Randi Rhodes quotes from a NYT article yesterday that....

Anne Norton: the Rise of the Neocons.

Camp Casey (Crawford) and Support Vigil photo album version FIVE posted

Pat Buchanan makes great arguments *against* attacking Iran

Cindy answers criticisms in Truthout article.

Stopp Clapping

Larken Rose convicted (section 861 IRS Code)

Cindy is on Randi's show now!

Counter-Protest -PIX->>>

Cindy Sheehan: cat-herder extraordinaire!

Gas - $2.70 a gallon - Columbus Ohio

A Radical Suggestion Re: Sheehan

Has anyone noticed the increased membership on DU

Ruins of Lonely Mesopotamian City Still Stand After Two Millennia

August 17th Move On organizes vigils for Cindy! Host your own!

Robert Fisk: A Constitution That Means Nothing to Ordinary Iraqis

Neither Iraq nor Iran have threatened the US, nor have Al Queda ties,

Want something to Really Really worry about?

A WTF moment

Lundberg says gas has gone up 20 cents in as many days; here it's 20 in 4

Update, RW email I responded to today

Security incidents in Iraq, Aug 15

WWIII anyone feel that it may happen within 2/3 years

For those who want to slime Cindy; Look @ *'s past.

ACLU court case today, torture photos?

No updates on the Abu Ghraib photos at ACLU yet

The AIPAC trial of Rosen/Wasserman for spying

Gas War is over!!$1.97 yesterday...$2.60 Today...

You know what Mattlage meant by "dove hunting" don't you?

Judith Miller's lawyer on Lou Dobbs today

Get Ready for World War III - "The Bush administration is insane."

Abu Ghraib update...where to find?

Newsflash to CNN

CNN - Kissinger finds parallels to Vietnam in Iraq ..LOL

Time: A Mother And the President

Cindy: The Peaceful Occupation of Crawford (Day 9); Hope

What's the endgame here?

Looking for article on Parks and King supporting Sheehan

FYI: Crosby/Nash clip from Friday's "Hardball" is up on MSNBC site, but..

opinions wanted on GWU and VaTech

John Cole reports Malkin's latest smear against Cindy

Time out for a "SNAPPLE MOMENT"

Whos is Randi Rhodes talking to now? Who is this man?

Anyone making fliers for the Cindy vigils on 8/17

Wes Clark coming up on Fox news (2:12 p.m.)


Republican hyprocisy

Rescued soldier : I was used

Liberty University Loosens Dress Code

Another newsflash to CNN

Wayne Madsen Report: "The Corrupt Kenneth Blackwell".

Was it ever PROVEN that Bin Laden attacked us?

I am off to Cindy rally in Union Square.

Jessica Saji Missing

Stop the Presses! In the country that has the highest divorce rate in the

Rove smear machine crashed due to Cindy Sheehan

Regarding Intelligent Design conjecture

Cindy Sheehan is anti-Israel?

The last vestige of "rationalized" war support: "It was noble"

Should Iran keep "military option" open in dealing with the US?

A Democratic Energy Program.....

"Stealing the Fire".....Saddam gets nuclear secrets from Nazi connections

Here it is - Design #2


Majority of Americans Have Lost Confidence in the War, Polls Show



Joe Trippi on The O’Reilly Factor tonight to debate about Cindy Sheehan

CIA not finding coded messages in Al-Jazeera broadcasts

Whoop ! Whoop ! Whoop ! blonde girl in Aruba news ! Come get it

I am really disappointed with some people here on DU. (rant)

Wired: Feds Push Flier Background Checks

In case you're wondering about Clint Black

Gas hits $3.49 in Kirkwood CA

South Africa and "The Bomb"

i think pubLic buiLdings need this image dispLayed

Rove, DSM, Torture Photos, Cindy

"A lot of people would like to talk to the president" - I wondered

To benefit all lurking freepers

Just received this email from our Dem area leader here in Ga.!

Doesn't it make you so mad?

Dean on Iraq: "We need to leave."

What can politicians do about high gas prices?

A question about Hillary Clinton and senators

Gallagher's Army Dog Poop Pickup Bag Holder

Carly Sheehan: A Nation Rocked to Sleep

So tell me, why does the Iraqi Congress need to ask for an extension

Sonuvagun! I just spent 20 bucks for gas for my lawn mowers

Laura Bush in the news, doing important work for the nation

More Taser Abuse and dangers:

Judge: some arguments in Abu Ghraib prison photo case must be disclosed

Even if you don't watch TV NBC tonight...west coast

Contingency plans for Martial Law?

US Base in this site legit?

Woo-Hoo! I made the pages of "The Right Wing News!"

LOL!! Freepers Melting Down Over Donations To Crawford Peace House!

Over a year for US Constitution to be ratified, Iraq got approx. 7 months

The Price of Power


Cindy's Victory (final version)

Global warming strikes in a big way in BC

"Doesn't it suck when gas costs an arm and a leg?" for stickers on pumps!

Whether it's the White House, the Vatican, or Great Britain, the

Did you know there's a symbol for atheists' headstones at Arlington?

Can we start a re-call effort?

Majority Report listeners: Call up and mention the "We don't care" losers

"Why Iran will lead to World War 3"

Ahhhh, Those Were the Days, Eh Chimperor**??....

Hey Freepers... I Just Donated to DU

Guess what... AP wire is reporting on the Sheehan divorce.

$2.79 Gallon, more troops killed in Iraq and no Iraq constitution

What happens when democracy fails to materialize?

Bush Numbers continue to Plummet on All Fronts

Judge rules some arguments in Abu Ghraib prison photo case must be divulge

In memory of the civil rights activists that justice overlooked

I put notice in at work because I can't afford the gas to get there.

You Can't Fit The Universe Into a Book

Abu Ghraib: Judge Rules "by and large, in favor of public disclosure"

Was Randi just talking to Cindy Sheehan's sister? To be on Hardball

Try again - new, improved version

The bright side of failure - bu$h - Iraq

Rice announces 7 day constitution delay

New at Grand Theft Election Ohio "Bush Sings" A Video Montage for Peace

Tweety's is on "thin ice".... grilling Cindy on her divorce on live TV

From Nashville: Justice Sunday II - Right Wing Hate Fest Continues

All the world's a stage.

Camp Casey Special Event Ham Station

How do you achieve "balance" in your life when you are a mass murderer?


I am so glad Randi is talking about the "mercs"!!!

Can't shake Cindy

Cindy=YES, Bush=NO

Do Any Of The Counterdemonstrators At Crawford Have Relatives In The War?

Chris Matthews is such a shithead

Cindy to be interviewed on Hardball - NOW

My daughter started her Senior year of High School today...

What I don't understand about the people who attack Cindy Sheehan

DUMB QUESTION on Abu Ghraib photos

How to link to a RW site and keep them from seeing the hit count

World War ll Questions.

Anywhere but Texas

oooh, newsmax just got cheaper

Fitzgerald, and his "deep-seated aversion to being lied to."

Sinister New Spyware Threats Emerge - Neonazi spyware?

Court Ruling Barring Silent School Prayer 'seems Indefensible,' Roberts

I finally found the video of me hugging Cindy (hat alert)

I have to give Cindy credit....

Sheehan's Husband Seeks Divorce

A sign that change is ah' comin'

Hey FUCK YOU mr. bush----Protest Poster for the people

Another poll! Cindy Sheehan/Gun totin' guy POLL! DU it!

A Protest Poster for Cindy Sheehan

What % of insurgency in Iraq is homegrown?

They hate us for our intelligence

That fat-ass, all hat no cattle, sunglassed bottle-blonde stooge on Tweety

D.U. this poll

Sirius satellite radio has replace 144, AAR, with Korean programming

New photo's from Cindy Sheehan's Lawyers Posted Now

Which past ruler does Bush most resemble ?

Gallagher a coward and wouldn't approach Cindy

Cindy should run for office - She's more informed then Ah-nuld

Whirling Dervish Condi on TV Spinning the Iraqi MESS....

Gas Prices and Democrats...

"Don't Look For These Names Among The Dead and Wounded"

Jesus Christ....Dennis Hopper in the Pentagon?? new show

Disgusting Newsweek Article Painting Bush as Sympathetic

David Crosby and Graham Nash on Hardball last Friday...

Hastert’s Turkish Allies Tied to Bin Laden

Leave my family alone by Cindy Sheehan on Daily Kos.

What was bush's Shining Moment, & How can he ever get that back?

Day 9 at Camp Casey (Cindy's Blog on Huffington)

'what kind of poliital idiocy is this?"--


We should be WELCOMING those that are waking up!!

John Conyers asks for your hometown news coverage of Cindy to post

SUV listings on up 40-50% from last year

No God has Ever Commanded me to do Anything

Ras: Bush Job Approval Among Independents is 37%

John Conyers: The Cindy Sheehan Action Center

Thank god the Freepers haven't found our secret pages!

Ode to Rush ( a work in progress--feel free to add or edit)

Any good military blogs?

Is Bush Out of Control?

Tweety is making the Bush supporter look stupid

Doesn't it piss you off when conservatives call hitler a leftist?

Alzheimer's Disease & Mom: what can I do ?

If bush is looking for balance in his life, can you blame him?

Would it be better or worse to let Iraq divide into three nations?


How much of a RW orientation is simply ignorance ?

Norman Solomon: "Cindy Sheehan's Message Repudiates George Bush - And ..."

Oh holy shit. Strap yourselves in, folks.

POLL: How likely is Iran War during Bush administration?

The Judy File: Miller’s UN-likely Visitor (Bolton)

ALL DUers Cindy pics 8/10-8/15 (LINKS)

Cindy Sheehan's vigil, how will it end?

"Voting Really Doesn't Matter."

Larry, You Are So Concerned About Jesus But, You Are Up Drunk On SUN.

W’s Legacy is starting to unfold in front of us.

Bush family involved in attempt on Reagan's life? AP 1981

The Conspiracy Is Real And It Must Be Stopped

Is DU moving to the left?

Do you have the right to bear nuclear arms? - compare gas prices in your area

White House LOWERS Expectations for Iraq

The Bushoilini Regime climbs on the "Blame America First!" bandwagon.

I think the tipping point has been reached.

Daddy is Protecting Me! President Bush is my Daddy!!!!!

Regret, Repent, Repair (For Mopaul & Others w/Bush Voting Relatives)

8/15 All DU Cindy Sheehan threads Day 9

I hate to say it but...

Is PETA racist? New campaign compares slaughterhouses to slavery.

I keep hearing the Intelligent Design and Creationists say there are

"I'm sorry I ever voted for bush"..oh yeah, well fuck you.

Support the Troops? Grab a Rifle Assholes!---Protest Poster

WHY are we letting this fucking maniac destroy America & the world?

Hey Everyone! Here is a DU Donation Challenge!

How's Bush doing? POLL! Please DU it!

Conversation in the Dollar Store today.

''I should have brought a Geiger counter,''

I believe in elite conspiracy theory -- because I was part of one ...

Photos from Republican Bizarro World

FRONT Page at ATimes: "Cindy, Don and George"! Must Read!

Dear Average Republican

Republicans Jumping Ship

Did Maddy McCall make it to Camp Casey ok??

"I love these (gas) prices. The higher, the better."

"A Sunday Drive to Crawford" - my story

"We Don't Care" -- tell us something we don't already know.

Where are people going for Cindy Rallies on Wednesday, 8-17?

Vote for a video about Cindy Sheehan to go on Al Gore TV

Labels used for deflection...

"The Stakes Are Too High To Stop Fighting Now" (Sibel Edmonds Interview)

Pesto question from a lurker

Cheese pate with chutney

Gas just hit $1.03 in Ottawa today

CBC locks out employees CBC locks out employees

Canada will take action against U.S. in softwood dispute, Goodale says

Clarke or Blair? Who would you choose?

Dolphin spectacle baffles experts

Leaked memo sets out plan to replace workers with cheaper labour

Labour's new divide (The party needs Robin Cook's optimism more than ever)

Bush Approval a Low for Recent 2-Termers

Limbaugh Offers To Help Eagles

"The Stakes Are Too High To Stop Fighting Now" (Sibel Edmonds Interview)

Village Voice: What Now, Karl? Rove and Ashcroft face new allegations

Food Arrives In Niger; More Aid Needed

NYT: Complaints Signal Tension Between F.B.I. and Congress

Iraq Leaders Consider Extending Deadline

Roadside bomb kills four Iraqi soldiers in Fallujah

U.S. gas prices again set record high

Venezuela renews threat to cut oil exports to US, says US market not vital

Anti-Cheney protests planned in Alberta

Shrinking Detroit has 12,000 abandoned homes

Antiwar camp losing appeal with Bush neighbor

Analysis: 'Black August' in Iraq

Saturday at the General Assembly (Paper ballot mandated in NC)

Hastert’s Turkish Allies Tied to Bin Laden

Shiite cleric whose arrest triggered uprisings last year freed, aides say

Torture complaint challenges Iraq constitution

Mothers differ on mom trying to talk to Bush

Delta Seen Lining Up Bankruptcy Financing

US reports death of Zarqawi aide as senators demand Rumsfeld's head

Fuel terror plot report played down

Italy arrests 141 in terror raids: breaking

London business confidence at lowest level since Iraq war

LAT: Iraqi Constitution Panel Fails to Deliver a Draft

Al-Qaeda, a Secret Service Operation? (fifth largest turkish newspaper)

Sensors, cameras to record tailpipe emissions in California

Terrorists kill two, injure three of Iraqi VP's personal guards

Greek police raid Helios Airways offices

Canada's CBC locks out employees

Wounded Guard soldier ready to return to Iraq

U.S. does not plan permanent Iraq bases

A deal unlikely on ballot measures:Partisanship driving legislative agenda

Reuters: Security incidents in Iraq, Aug 15

WP/AP: Indonesian Government, Aceh Rebels Sign Peace Pact

Iraqi Parliament Extends Deadline for Constitution

Income Determines Level of Happiness

Sheehan's Husband Seeks Divorce

U.S. Eyes German Differences Over Iran

U.S. budget deficit improves

Party leader: Weld considering New York gov run

Reuters:Iraqi lawmakers agree to seek 10-day charter extension

POLITICAL NOTEBOOK: Reid looks to be in Roberts' corner

Center aiding victims of violence loses funds

LAT: Abortion Pill Investigated in Four California Deaths

Women: Caretaker of famous gorilla pressured us to bare our breasts

STOCK MARKET WATCH, Monday 15 August

LAT: Standing on Shoulders of Perjury Law(Fitz doesn't like being lied to)

NYT: Spyware Heats Up the Debate Over Cookies

Officer blamed in (Russian) mini-sub probe

Canada to act against U.S. in softwood dispute

Iraq Leaders Agree on Draft Constitution

Agilent announces 1,300 layoffs (SJ Mercury News)

Germany's conservatives attack Schroeder on Iran

News-Leader: Chafee Ready for Tough Blue State Campaign

US shoots ahead in stun gun design (Electric Bullets Into Crowds)

Maldives detains dozens in anti-gov't protests

Bush administration had hoped for on-time Iraq constitution

Workers Trying to Contain Effects of Big Spill Upstate (huge NY fish kill)

Lawyers for Accused Moroccan Eye Acquittal (Motassadeq / Germany)

Bush defends ignoring protest

Ex-soldier accused in Las Vegas shootings

Governor's close ties to gas lobby (yep, Schwarzenegger)

DeLay charges left unduly influences Supreme Court

WP: Gingrich Points to Future (21st century Republican governing majority)

Ithaca Moms to Join Bush Ranch Vigil

'Wash Post' Guild Leaders Want Paper Out Of Sept. 11 'Freedom Walk'

Autopsy Report Released On Man Who Died In Police Custody (TX homicide)

Blast at Sinai peacekeeper base (BBC News)

Painkillers raise blood pressure in women-U.S. study

U.S. Professor (U of Vermont) shot dead in Brazil's Amazon (Reuters)

Farrakhan: Mexican President Was Right

Legalise drugs, urges senior Lib Dem (UK)

Canadian hostage said killed in Iraq

Roberts Backed Efforts for School Prayer

Rice says US still confident in Iraq moves toward democracy

Judge to decide on release of new Iraq prison abuse photos (today)

UPDATE: Cyprus plane crash victims "frozen solid" (Reuters)

New Internet worm affects Windows users

Babies Caught Up in 'No-Fly' Confusion

NYTpg1: Living Large, by Design, in the Middle of Nowhere (growing exurbs)

Some arguments in Abu Ghraib prison photo case must be divulged

Navy proposing high-tech destroyer with long-range guns

Accused Mass. Marine Pleased Innnocent (accused of firing at crowd)

Nuke Drill to "Go Live" Scoffed At By Post & Courier (Charleston,SC)

Chavez to Give Latin Countries Priority in Developing Heavy Oil Ventures

Pope wants Crucifixes Displayed in Public/Government Bldgs

Left of Center by Suzanne Vega

He's been on 55 Time Magazine covers & holds the world's record. GUESS WHO

Paging Grovelbot....please pick up the blue courtesy phone

Ever post while drowsy?

What book are you reading?

Peace in ACTION

Barry went on a diet

Question for everyone, is my sig compliant with the rules?

"Jesus spoke with a "terrific down-home west Texas accent."

Girl and Pearl

Walk a mile in another's moccasins

"...get 'cher boards and go Iceberg surfin' with me"...

The winners of the Alph Beard Contest 2005

Good night, my friends! Time for this sleepy head to hit the sack....

Help me write the Rethug Code of Ethics

I am in a snarky mood tonight

Someone who truly cares:

Is anyone else experiencing slow loading here?

Foghorn Leghorn announces a Presidential bid for 08

On our sexiest cartoon lists, No one ever mentions Ann-Margrock

And now, some Minnie Ripperton...

Missing her already

I get the impression that Scarlett Johansson.....

This is weird

Is there gas in the car? Yes, there's gas in the car

A great music link

I am here Way too early today. This week is annual Camping and Canoe

Who broke DU?

Time to crash

How difficult is it to agree to disagree

I have to try ad get some sleep..... Good Day All.....

An "editorial" comment from Across the Pond

Can You Convert your SUV to a Hydrogen Fuel SUV?

Sleep....Round Two.

Plant donating CD proceeds to African aid

LOL . . . A chain mail I just received actually got a laugh out of me

Biodiesel Question

Ever take a hot shower or bath......

Belgian Monks Run Out Of Beer

Z Cars

OMG the employee discount is spreading

Funniest quote I've seen in the Lounge in a while:

Researchers Successfully Grow Meat In Lab

Man charged with having sex with rabbits

Man Shot In Shoulder By Police Twice In The Same Night (Separate Incidents

Wow ,......a CLOUDBURST here..

Good Morning DU!

Hey, it's a state holiday in my part of Switzerland and I didn't know it!

Police Halt Funeral Procession, Arrest Man

The Definitive MLB - Simpson's Analogy List

Happy Birthday Princess Anne, Napoleon

Good vibes for DUer huskerlaw . . .


Government Wants To Spray Clouds With Seawater To Make Them Whiter

Danielle Pletka looks like she's going shopping

Lightning Strikes Oklahoma Man For Fourth Time

AND NOW, FOR MY 1,000TH POST--------

MatcomNews Update: Straight Men Cancel Their Gay Wedding

Prisoner's Spend Months Digging Tunnel - It Was 30cm Too Short- Caught

Man, The Sturgis Babes Are REALLY Out In Force This Year!

I will check back in a couple of hours, and I expect to see some serious

What kind of paper is good for printing DVD cases inserts?

6 more posts and I'm OUTTA the 700 club!

I WOULD listen to stephanie Miller, IF

"It is 1000 times easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle

Matcom Charged Sith: Waving Rex With Habits

The baby's awake!

I just put pics up on ImageStation. How do I post them here?

I will be forty years old in about 40 minutes...

MAN BOOBS!!!! (NOW! on network TV)

Any Calvinists here?

Anyone know where to find the DU glossary?

Is there a cook in the house?

I have a tummy ache...

Red Wasp Smackdown II: "Mano a Mano"

Hidden Waterfall Discovered in California

Ariz. Woman Recovers From 400 Bee Stings

Christopher Walkens.........for President?

Psychic fails to predict crystal ball fire

Knicker thief banned from Scilly

If you haven't heard: Lefty (Phil Mickelson) wins PGA Championship!

Owl given 'L' plates

Limbaugh wants to help T.O., McNabb settle dispute

KG's gratuitous cute kitty thread!!!

Anyone feeding their pets Breeders Choice products?

DU Fantasy Football Laeague - Draft is tomorrow night

Jennifer Lopez, "Tabula Rasa"..."In the beginning I was a blank slate"

"The Price Is Right" just had a 94-year-old on.

Post your favourite kid photo

To the people who vacation in my small town in the summer

Lounge Word of the Day: Fuckwit

Life is weird. Life is good.

Oh LADIES !!!!

Who watched Six Feet Under last night? (SPOILERS)

I've been a DUer for two years now.

what ever happened to the smilie of the day?

What's yer favorite sci fi movie?

I have a ghost. A thief ghost.

It's 3:33 AM. I awoke with astart about 20 minutes ago

Ann Coulter Nipple Shot!

Tech help - my disk is "not formatted properly"

why is MrsGrumpy stuck on the panda smilie?

and you thought F***ing was limited to foul language

woo hoo I just realized that I get an extra day of vacation

Links for Nonprofit/Activist/Community jobs ...

Father, Son Win French Pig Squeal-Off

Ahem. May I have your attention please? Sundog and I have an announcement.

The Shi'ite is about to hit the fan.....

Check in on this Google Earth thread for a laugh...

Some ZombyCoffee to go with your shrug?

Chewing gum in the workplace should be punishable by death

Jack Johnson

Aren't these beautiful!

What is the most beautiful sight in a trance?

So how goes it with the Great Big Signature Line pogrom?

Panda baby, slip a sable under the tree, for me

OH MY.....Check out this E

OH MY.....Check out this ME...

The 'Meet & Greet MrsGrumpy' in DC at the Panda cage as been cancelled

Lazy day...

This is your Duckie

A tribute to some of our Southern rural neighbors..

What is the most beautiful sight in France?

I had a very strange dream this morning

I declare this COOL WHIP DAY!!!

Has anyone seen the Metallica Documentary "Some Kind of Monster"

9 posts to 5,000

Question for Mac iTunes users re: making Mix CDs.

OH MY.....Check out this TEE...

wow!-- check out the 2005 Hooters calendar (IMAGES)....

this panda baby is making me hungry

To our Indian friends: Happy India Independence Day

I declare today I'D LIKE TO GOUGE MY EYES OUT day!

7. Your solution to the health care cost crisis is...

CD launch for Bill Clinton tunes

Sunny side up..poached...or scrambled?.. (Egg babies)

baseball/political joke...hehe

Actually it's pleasantly plump Grey Stripe/White Cat week

You Know You're Addicted to Coffee When...

Did anyone catch Morocco Mole on Harvey Birdman last night?

Happy Birthday Jimmy Webb!

OH MY.....check out this SEA

Who's that walking with a hole in his head?



I fixed our X-box!

Does anyone really like popcorn-with-butter-flavored jelly beans?

HELP! I need an exorcism!!

Did Anyone Go See Broken Flowers?

Man Charged With Having Sex With Rabbits

Am I the only one who hasn't even seen the panda cam?

attention! LynneSin is declaring a week just for her personal pets...

Oh My.. Cheek out this Bee!

Is it offically the Dog Days of summer yet?

For Cindy

Toaster Strudel: Magically Delicious?

***progmom is spreading vicious rumors about me***


I really, really need to fake a glower

If someone sent you an inappropriate private message, PLEASE ALERT.


Blue Bell makes Peanut Butter and Jelly Ice Cream!!

What are the keys to your heart? (more quizzes :-D)

DU men, consider yourselves LUCKY

Tonight on AMC: The best Bond film EVER made!


What's yet favorite flava of Jellybelly?

Wow, did I just get a wake up call regarding medical benefits

So... I guess I'm a grandmother... sort of.

OH MY.....Check out this TREE...

F*CKING Airlines! Pretzels and pillows take back seat to first-class perks

Best bumper sticker I've seen this week 8/14

I am building a 4ft loop tunable AM Loop Antenna to listen to AAR..Links>>

Paris to dump Tinkerbell (her pet dog she totes everywhere)

3rd Ashes test - a draw - but wonderful cricket


I have a bird's nest outside my office window.


i really, really need to take a shower

BUSH goggles/rose colored

So, my infirm FIL is going to Boston to see his lady friend

The fuckwit has been fired.

Police Search Of Backpack Yields Explosive Bestseller (Satire)

What's for lunch?

We're just ordinary people...

Stupid things people say...

What does your birthdate mean?

Internet quiz to test the amount of free time you have. Vote your results

Sometimes I'm right and I can be wrong

(sarcastic) note from bu$h to Cindy Sheehan

Here's a little inside story about Clint Black aka shitkicker

Which would you rather have for dinner?

Who would you rather have for dinner?

World's Smallest Political Quiz

I am god like.....

36 years ago today, somewhere close to a million people joined together

OMG--Another earworm--I Got Mexico>>help!

The geekiest thing you have ever done

Speaking of GAS PRICES ...

Dammit you people! I have work to do!

This panda baby is making me want another kid.

oh no, another ol' rocker sells out....

"I hope you learned an important lesson today!"

Brothers in Arms

You Know You're From Missouri When...

If Fox news is so fair & balanced....

When it comes right down to it, all I really care about is

I must admit it. I like Chuck Mangione!

Invasion of the avatar snatchers!

Eeek! Grovelbot has invaded my avatar!

I'm going for a bike ride. Screw you. Oh, wait...I'm not the president!

"Craigslist" Rants & Raves.Open board for free speech or for racist...

Elvis hater haters can go f*** themselves


Grovelbot ate my avatar...

Eminent Domain

Did Randi Rhodes's producer, Tim, quit???

Eminem Domain

Do you have a "AAA" battery?

Captured! by Grovelbot

Did anyone catch the Pamela Anderson roast last night?

wouLd you guys Leave poor dubya aLone!!?

We have been assimilated....

fuck that shit

fit that shuck

Normally I hate call my student loan place, but this time was kind of cool

shit that fuck

opinions needed on GWU vs Va Tech

Who controls the Cable companies?

How Many Bush Administration Officials Does It Take to Change a Light Bulb

I'm sorry. What was the question?

Question for techies please

Is there ANYTHING that smells better than a fresh orange?

NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! I don't want grovelbot! I want JOE back!

My bills exceed my income, what to do...

Which DUer was having angioplasty/heart surgery last week?

Oh boy, sleep! That's where I'm a Viking!

Apparently an arm washed up onshore in Venezuela


Okay, I'll admit it.

How frequently do they update the donation totals?

well, today was the squid's first day back to school

I believe in miracles....

Babies Caught Up in 'No-Fly' Confusion

They've shown seasons 4 & 5 of "Trailer Park Boys"


Here at work, our computer network has a virus


ahhhh, homemade cheddar & FRESH broccoli soup served in a bread bowl

If you were the film "12 monkeys"

Meet Tyson, the amazing skateboarding bulldog

Does Vicodin make one's posts sink to the bottom?

CONFESS!!!!!! What's the worst disaster you've ever done to your hair

Are we finally moving in a direction of sanity? Rest. stops tipping

question about music transfer....

Good Samaritan Turns In Lost Check - Complains When He Doesn't Get Reward

ok, the fun's over

I Searched "Michelle Malkin photo" and look what comes up!

back in the old days...

Though I hate guns and am a supporter of Gun Control...still

Which is cheaper in your area? Gas or milk?

This is not a threat. It is a PROMISE.

Good Afternoon everyone!

If the bird-flu hits hard, the US could be depopulated in a generation.

So How About That Six Feet Under?

Could someone help me? The Today Show had a clip of me hugging

Question for DU gardeners: just planted a tree...

Women: Caretaker of famous Matcom pressured us to bare our breasts

The Onion: Bush Vows To Eliminate U.S. Dependence On Oil By 4920

Topless NYC protesters point out rights

Has anyone ever had a dog that chewed up wall to wall carpeting?

HELP! I need Curriculum Vitae help!!!

Do you have a "AAA" card?

BlondieK!!!! Where are You?

I'm getting pretty good with this digital camera


Is It My Imagination? Or Does Anyone Else Think That Ed Schultz...

My sig is now in compliance!!!!!!!

"How I Spent My Summer Vacation," by DeposeTheBoyKing


What are your favorite gemstones?

Do you get embarrassed easily?

Electrical question--please.

SPECIAL Poll for DOGS ONLY: Snausages or Pup--peroni?

F Troop.

Anyone ever drive through Wyoming?

Women: Caretaker of famous gorilla pressured us to bare our breasts

Leave Jimmy Hendrix Alone.........Go After Rush

Once In A Lifetime (graphic-intensive)


Ever Go To Bed With Wet Hair.....

You know you're from North Dakota................

Vent Alert: What kind of arrogant, small-minded, ass clown

What rhymes with snark?

The mobile with a jerk alert

What's your ideal relationship? (Help! I'm in wacky quiz mode!)

Post pics of your pet rock(s)

Who has seen "Junebug," and is it an accurate take on the South?


'Ugliest' Dog Is a Thing of Beauty to His Owner

Post pics of your pet(s)

What's on YOUR menu?

When You're Snarkin'

I just adressed 18 envelopes upside down ...

the redding honeymoon is over

28 years later, and Elvis is still dead

Psst! "Wag The Dog" is on!

In honor of Shark Weeks past - for you Sundog!

Bob Boudelang Wrote the "Sheehan Family" Letter to Drudge!

DU men who consider yourselves LUCKY... how do you hold the purse

Elvis haters can go f*** themselves

World's Shortest Personality Test.....

Ben Affleck creating TV show about "Second American Revolution"

Man..FDR did it all!

Hey Kids! How about a DU Donation challenge!

If anyone has problems reducing their sig picture to the new

What would Free Republic's Grovelbot say?

I tried...and failed. :cry:

i miss bLondiek

My family and I would like to thank my friends, my DU Family.

Bronson ~ one of my Golden Retrievers, crossed the Rainbow Bridge...

Puppy Mill Legislation Campaign - DDAL

I'm finally giving up seafood.

The reason I gave up meat initially was the environmental impact

Things to do with Silken tofu

Perimeter Institute lectures on line (free)

Tsunami clue to 'Atlantis' found

Is the Universe Out of Tune -Big Bang Theory fails again??

Folates Best at Preventing Alzheimer's

HRC's Donna Payne on the Ripples Effects of Hate

Summer of Advocacy and Fun with Freedom to Marry Coalition & Mass Equality

Gay Foe Quits Ft. Lauderdale School Committee - Blames Gay Pressure

Limbaugh Offers To Help Eagles

Kleeb: (Oriole's prospect) Bailie brilliant in no-hitter

Anyone watching the PGA?

fantasy baseball trade advice...

Griffey to Sox rumor won't fade away...

NHL week 3 - Pens still on the move...sign LeClair

Hines Ward ends his holdout, reports to Steelers

hey newsguyatl, while Razpy would not eat Jesse..

HELP! Cat spraying

My betta fish seems to be fighting to stay upright.

I need some spiritual help

Church and State Blog cites DU thread.

How they see us: "You may be a fundamental atheist if..."

"Finding My Religion" interviews Julia Sweeney

An article to make you sick with rage--and the antidote

The boys from the 82nd Airborne

Who's going to the Sept Anti-War march? (And Should Kerry speak?)

Ok, now I'm confused again. Apparently Kerry can run for both

Kerry visits Schweitzer on tour

What would President Kerry be doing about gas prices?

The last of the camping pictures

More camping pictures...

Newsletter: 8/15/05 -- Bizarre Plane Crash in Greece

I need some advice:

Schröder warns US on Iran military action - Financial Times

Time Magazine: A Mother And the President

Going to Crawfor in Solidarity with Cindy Sheehan

What exactly is wrong with looking at a poll before acting?

A Time for Moral Outrage (Republicans for Humility and Accountability)

Dated article for those who accuse liberals of loving the terrorists...

Look what showed up in my email this morning

Does this hold up today?

Scam Contest..Which Administration Scammed the America People?

Trouble in Paradise: "Red States" on repealing the Alternative Minimum Tax

Daniel Pletka (AEI) Says Biden is "close" to her views on Foreign Affairs

Four Days @ Camp Casey : Just Got Home

Feingold to stump for fake Dem: why?!?

Guardian UK: How Bush would gain from war with Iran (mid-term elections)

Predictable Freep reation to Larry Mattlage: "Go Larry!!"

MSNBC: "How Bush Is Lowering Expectations"

CAFTA Sellout N.C. Congressman Robin Hayes to be challanged

Remind me again - what was the $$ per barrel of oil

Annan’s brother in oil scandal inquiry

ADDITIONAL info re- folks at Camp Casey

GOP Frist-flops on their 'Contract with America'

Camp Casey Shotgun Guy - Can't they see the irony?

Iraqi Constitution Passed! (NOT!!!!)

"Iran=source of improv. bombs"/vague chem. stockpile finds/ B.S. DC hotel

Reich-wing thug calls Cindy "Al Franken Network's poster girl for treason"

Chavez revokes US agent immunity

Why was Wilson sent to Niger?

Is it OK for outside groups to tie themselves to Sheehan's cause?

Detroit News: Is Bush the wartime president or the vacation president?

Anne Norton: the Rise of the Neocons.

The Democratic party needs a "dealing with 3rd world dictators" plank

What's the deal with the September march?

Working on an OP-Ed piece for my local newspaper...

Maxine Waters is at Camp Casey!

Small town in for big changes if Romney runs in ´08 _ and wins

Why the hell would anyone want to meet with george bush?

Another right-wing "author" invites you to send "feedback" on this article

How soon will there be an emergency to make W go back to D.C.?

Deuce Bigalow political gigilo

Where is Iraq's oil money going?

By the way...Where are the other guys while Cindy is

I did what Jimmy Carter suggested

Is there any connection between withdrawal from Gaza and violence in Iraq?

new progressive movement launches 8/16/05

Isn't it amusing that, of the 4 "Blue Collar Comedy" guys, the Bush fan

My Top Ten Investigations

Think of how impossible it is for Catholics and Protestants

The gas prices are starting to scare me

Zogby report on Ohio

The meaning of "neo-con"?

So what happened with the anti-Cindy freeper thing on Saturday

Gas Prices - How will red state bush base members react?

Photo: "Songman Calahan, left, sings a song taunting Cindy Sheehan"

If that farmer-neighbor of Bush's doesn't like crowds

Majority of Americans Have Lost Confidence in the War, Polls Show

Radio KING Guy James on Crawford: "The sight of those 1800 crosses"

Someone Tell Frank Rich the War Is Not Over

Barbara Boxer asks you to support Bill Nelson

VIDEO: Cindy Sheehan invites Bush to Friday prayer vigil for troops

NEW, 7-MINUTE VIDEO: Cindy et al. in Crawford

All I have to say is, Bye bye Santorectum, I mean Satan.

Prepare to puke - David Duke endorses Cindy Sheehan

Dean: Bush does not have the "credibility" or "capability" to attack Iran.

WOW! Washington Post Journalists Revolt

NBC Nightly News: "Is it time for lowering expectations in Iraq?"

Minimum Wage Initiatives - drawing progressive voters (USA Today/May05)

Larry a tale of a countrry nmouse and a city mouse

Creation of The Islamic Republic of Iraq is why Bush went to war in Iraq

SOP: Iraq Constitution "Delay" Is ILLEGAL Under Their Interim Constitution

Can we make the protest outside Larry Mattlage's permanent?

Cindy Sheehan on Hardball...

Mothers who think their sons died for a lie or mothers who think

Rove smear machine crashed due to Cindy Sheehan

Is it too early to freeway blog

7-min VIDEO of Camp Casey: please forward and upload

Coalition of groups (Velvet Revolution) to launch anti-Bush ads--RawStory

Recruit ads urge parents to let kids go--into Army

Harry Smith, CBS: "Is she entitled to an audience? The president is busy."

Contradicting yourself again, eh, George?

Condi is either a Racist or a Hero! She either thinks Iraqi's are Slaves.

Bush's top reasons for not meeting with Cindy (from Bush's point of view)

Bush Vows To Eliminate U.S. Dependence On Oil By 4920

Boxer calls for your $$$$ in support of Bill Nelson

Cindy on Anderson Cooper - now.

Bush twins AWOL?

Aswat - Who linked him to the London bombings and why? (ISI/US vs UK?)

New documents show Roberts' views on school prayer, abortion, courts

Should Democrats speak out NOW about their views on attacking Iran?

Was Ashcroft a Co-Conspirator in the Plame Cover-Up? Will he be indicted?

Tom Laughlin (Billy Jack) says: "Enough is enough!"

Arrested Al-Qaeda-Member Luai Sakra: Al-Qaeda was intelligence asset

Hitting the trail with nation's cyclist in chief (Forget Iraq)

Limbaugh just said Cindy is crazed out of her mind

Must-read column by Paul Krugman

Why pro-Iraq war (Hillary, etc) DLC Dems Will Never Win:

Conyers: Write 1000 letters to Local Media and the Crawford-Area Papers

Wes Clark: "Our president is not doing his job."

Nominate Cindy Sheehan for Nobel Peace Prize

Trent Lott's new book says Frist stabbed him in the back

Family Research Council Fibs About Its Ratings?

I'm FAR more likely to vote for ...

Pat Buchanan: Attacking Iran would be catastrophic to U.S.

Kissinger finds parallels to Vietnam in Iraq

What would impeachment entail and what would the final results be?

Dean Gets It! Hooray from "Daily Howler" with a rip to Dana Milbank's

Poll: 1/2 of MI Repubs don't want Amway magnate to be 2006 gov nominee

Support Cindy with a Tent in YOUR YARD!!!

The GOP may have taken the airwaves, but we've got the 'Net

Thanks to the McLennan County Sheriff's Office

Check out this interactive map -- winning back the Senate in 2006 Sheehan's Husband Seeks Divorce

Democratic Politburo Makes a Decree - No Primaries!

Why are Democratic politicians not supporting Cindy Sheehan?

Is Bush Out of Control? Capital Hill Blue today

21 Administration Officials Involved In Plame Leak

The New Republic is teaming with the Third Way Democrats...