Democratic Underground

Archives: February 13, 2009


Fremont (Ne) council again looks at illegal immigrants

doncha love the republic spin on gregg...'he's a man of principle'

La Vista police make arrest in (civic landmark) tree vandalism (I'm a proud tree hugger)

How the Repukes Sabotaged the Stimulus Package

Maybe it's time for a Department of Hole Digging

The Hunt for the Missing, ‘Missing Memos’

How the Bill's two versions address Clean Energy:

Thousands of US weapons astray in Afghanistan: auditors

who's the wicked witch of the east on tweety's show?

And odd combination of programming and advertising

Hershey, Mars & Nestle: Stop Child Labor! (E action)

How many seats are in the US House of Representatives?

Jesse Jackson Jnr is delivering a great speech on Lincoln and slavery right now

Last Saturday in the thread about the ice fishers caught on the floe in Lake Erie

Olbermann to smack down Big Pharma tonight, coming up..

Fellow Gen X'ers: Who wants to jump off the planet with me?

Judd Gregg Withdraws...David Sirota's Comment on this from "The Left"

Iraqi Foreign Minister Says No Sudden US Pullout

Whoa! Just how crooked is/was the GOP in NY?!

Man appears free of HIV after stem cell transplant

Obama is singing the national anthem with his hand over his heart! Take that, Freepers!

Are Bill O'reilly's parents alive n/t

Obama praises Nelson's (D-Ne) role in stimulus bill

Census of Agriculture Shows Growing Diversity in U.S. Farming (# of farms grew by 4%)

The GOP reminds me of some horses I would see at a stock sale.

A Readable Summary of the Stimulus / Jobs Bill that House/Senate Passed...(Open Left)

our newly elected President is giving another great speech

Autism Not Related To Vaccines

Wanda Sykes to Entertain at Correspondents' Dinner

Pres Obama is speaking at the Lincoln celebration

President Obama in Springfield, IL

How, Exactly, Is Gregg "A Blow" to President Obama? RW thinks it Is!

Trivia Question - What US senator won $853,349 in Powerball lotto?

Threat Assessment Mysteriously Non-Hysterical This Year

Gregg - was it the recusal?

It's Wanda!-Sykes to entertain at Correspondents' Association Dinner

Why do you think Judd Gregg stepped down?

If I give now will the ads go bye bye?

Cancer. Something's going on and I could use some advice.

Quote of the day.

I had not thought about this before

Does anyone believe there's secret gov't causing problems like the flip flopping of Gregg?

Remember when the media reported Bush closed Abu Ghraib prison a few years ago? It was a lie

My take on Judd Gregg and the crime syndicate with whom he's conspried

Her leg was saved, but recovery has been painful (drunk driver)

Just how dumb is Hoekstra? "Communications unfiltered is an opportunity we need to use."

What is the difference between 419 scams and trickle down economics?

No Knock On Edwards, But Jeeez - What The Fuck Was I Thinking In The Early Primaries???

bill maher is on larry king.....N O W

RUSH LIMBAUGH SINGS, "I'm A Nazi," -With His Voice and his words

Firing Back on the Obama Recovery Package -- Again

Blue Dog, Allen Boyd from Tallahassee has a primary opponent

You people talking about taking away Octomom's kids are overreacting

Please critique my ltte re: Black History month-I had trouble with some wording

Obama is building a nice dossier on republican obstruction and dirty tricks.

HOLY CRAP! Obama decks Gregg

The State of New Hampshire’s 2010 Political Chessboard

Interesting how the lines of history intersect. Lincoln--NAACP--Springfield.

Mandatory Thursday Malloy Truthseekers check in!!

Who said, "Education of the highest quality should be “as free as air and water”?

Wasn't we supposed to "buy" bad mortgages with the first so called Tarp?

Ashley Judd & Defenders of Wildlife Plan a Big Suprise for Palin's DC Visit

To fix the economy, tomorrow is Emergency Christmas. Only 14 shopping hours to go!


More Putrid Peanut woes.. this time Texas.. All items from Texas plant recalled over salmonella

In consolidation, USAA to move half of Norfolk work force

Anger at the financial sector's hubris is surfacing again after 70 years. The old order is dying....

Looks like the Asian markets are moving up

Is it unfair hiring practice?

Can anyone recommend a good Lincoln biography/history book?

Dig unearths 13th century ceramic

Has anyone else found and to be completely worthless?

Hey, I may have missed it, but did anyone go to Longhorn's wake/funeral?

Tennessee lawmakers lend names to Obama citizenship lawsuit...sheez louise..

Tennessee lawmakers lend names to Obama citizenship lawsuit...sheez louise..

I hate Valentine's Day

I hate Valentine's Day

Ethical Question about Reproductive Choice

Teacher in Texas suspended for being "an atheist and a liberal"

It's Valentine's Day for single DUer's too...

VIDEO: 49 Aztec Warriors in Mass Grave

Archaeologists unearth surprisingly pristine site in Louisa County

Octomom's baby bump

Mao was a community organizer. Reagan was a president -

20/20 what would you do? gay couples kissing in public

Guardian UK: Why Marriage Rates Have Plummeted

Church denies association with Nadya Suleman, mother of octuplets

Latest Newsweek cover is wrong....

D'Amato is just not that into Ghouliani, sics Rick LAZIO on'im. That'll do it!1

how the Blogosphere took on Stanford

From ATC (Dash-8 accident): Descended to 2300', left heading 330, vectoring for the ILS....

Time to factor in War Spending.

Can anyone point me to the actual details of the AMT change in the stimulus bill?

News out of Florida - Teacher fired for 'wizardry' sues school district

Inukpasuit, Inuit and Viking contact in ancient times

"I love you Barack" - Anybody else see this creepy woman on the Daily Show???

Jim Hightower: Wall Streeters Want Our Pity -- Gimme a Break

Message from God

Don't like the word "nationalize"? Let's try the word "receivership"

Urge to commit beating rising: Nazi bar opens in Seoul (near University area)

"Diaper Dave" Vitter Says Obama Adopts Judicial Standards of a "Dictatorship"

Did I hear right on today's Thom Hartmann show that he thinks Darwin's theory is "atheist mythology"

Who is this asshole? "Caterpillar CEO Refutes Obama"

surge update - Suicide Bomber Kills 30 on Iraqi Pilgrimage Route

surge update - Suicide Bomber Kills 30 on Iraqi Pilgrimage Route

Like lawyers at a murder trial.

Right Wing Terrorism Watch - White Supremacist/Armed Robber accused of Obama assassination plot

Targeting the RNC Welcoming Committee: A Case Study in Political Paranoia

WJ Inholf whinning about run away spending. Back in 1992 people rebeled

Oh come on! Don't these people have anything better to do?

== Death by moron = By Mark Morford

HEADS UP - FPDS = Federal Procurement Data System.

Toilet tiff prompts Snellville mayor to have bathroom buddy

Well there goes Judd Gregg's fifteen minutes of fame

A Chronology of Confusion

Extend Obama's term to eight years now.

Listen David Gregory

Listen David Gregory

andrea mitchell playing the part of mika on mourning joe

Plunging Values of Used Vehicles Foil Rebound in New-Auto Sales

Today's Moron Joe was so weird..tension ooozing through TV.

Farm subsidies, bitter and sweet

Shouldn't there be a "Diaperman" theme song for Vitter, to the tune of "Spiderman?"

Feedback Desired, Esp. from Those Good with Numbers.

Underpants in the news- fighting against “custodians of Indian Culture." extreme right-wing group

The Further Adventures of RimJob and Mel

Don't support Obama? Well, then you must hate the troops!

Toyota Plans Wage Freeze, Buyouts in North America as Output Cuts Increase

Use the word "snarge" in a sentence.

Anybody else hear Bruce Springsteen singing "My Hometown" inside their head

Reminder: Peanut recall applies to PET products too! (from the ASPCA)

Why do people like looking at car crashes?

Homeless Man Beaten by Fresno Police Officers

$1 billion in funding for the National Nuclear Security Administration dropped

Democrats down some Senators for stimulus vote tonight

Dear Sen. Leahy, screw a Truth and Reconciliation Commission

Some Fault Bush Tax Cuts For Lean Days in Texas (February 2001 article)

Stem Cells end 10 year use of AIDS drugs in Patient

Beverly Eckert, widow of 9/11 victim, was aboard Flight 3407

What Do YOU Do with Info from DU?

Why can't we get aggressive media people in DC like we get at crash scenes?

We Only Need 51 Votes in the Senate Inside Obama's Economic Crusade

Found in Iraq: "King Tut"

That gold background

Dear President Obama,

From Jim Robinson's FreeRepublic: WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!

Heard a new one today. Can someone tell us about 1910?


The last straw with these M-F'ing banks!

In case you missed it, there were two executions today...

Can someone explain "closing costs" in the event of a home mortgage? Are they necessary?

Baby-Faced Boy Is Father At 13

Commuter plane crashes into house in New York, killing 49

Bernie Goldberg's Hit List

On National Geographic/Morphed, an interesting fate for some polar bears ......

Wanda Sykes To Host White House Correspondents' Dinner

Cut Military Spending for Universal Healthcare!

BWAHAHAHA Who wants to go stir up crap in the RR forum?

Bitchin' Bush Ice Cream Flavors

Now that Obama's Blair says world economy threatens our security what happens with trade agreements?

The Sheriff attempting to charge Phelps also acquired a .50 Cal

Fabulous Friday Lefty Affirmations.....

I think Grover Norquist's comment is very applicable...

SKINNER Where are the freaking hearts?

Axelrod hits Rove:"last thing we're looking advice on fiscal integrity or ethics from Karl"

Republicans take the high ground-don't want to "politicize the Census"

Have fun today! Vote on who's to blame for the financial mess!

Don't like them. Don't help them.

USA Today: No one home: 1 in 9 housing units vacant

McCain whining on the Senate floor now

Arts Funding Remains in Final Stimulus Bill

Here's a novel idea on where to place a 10 Commandments stone. How about in front of a CHURCH!

So, yeah, is that guy going to get away with authorizing torture or what?

Jim Hightower: Wall Streeters Want Our Pity -- Gimme a Break

Cheney Dunk Tank Raises $800 Billion For Nation

George W Bush 's hotmail account finally accesible to public view

I want new rules for all legislation in Congress...

Peanut product recall- expanded FDA list

GOP seethes over Charlie Crist's stimulus-plan support

25 People to Blame for the Financial Crisis (starting with #1. Phil Gramm)

Who are these famous politicians in these yearbook photos?

The Republican scorched earth policy

Food Stamps as a Reason for Obesity

Obama and rethuglicans..... I hope that .......

LA police to investigate threads against octuplet mom

Sen. Inhofe pushes for tax cuts by citing JFK's Great Society

What happend to the 48 hours they said we could have to look at the bill??!!!

"The last thing that we're looking for is advice on fiscal integrity or ethics from Karl Rove"

"The last thing that we're looking for is advice on fiscal integrity or ethics from Karl Rove"

the house debates are fiery!cspan now

Kinda looks like France has decided to join our recession.

How is it possible that there are ZERO honorable Republicans in the entire Congress?

Consumer Confidence in U.S. Plunges as Job Losses Mount, Home Values Fall

another reason a nuke plant has to shut down - debris

Drew Peterson engaged

MarketWatch: S&P 500 profits are doomed

Fundies: Christian TV special (translation: anti-gay hate TV special) being stifled

Matthew Rothschild: Nationalize the Banks

Conservative marriage is unnatural and offensive.

Net Neutrality and other add-ins. Does anyone know where we stand

Man appears free of HIV after stem cell transplant

Oh Crap, "Octuplets doctor has another patient expecting quadruplets"...

DOD Role in CIA's Secret Jails

Stupid Faux News headline


The GOP's failed attempt at Valentine humor

you know that bathroom toe tapping code. . . . .

The "truth" is oh so very very often unrelated to facts.

Iraq vet- "We lost more soldiers to suicide than to al Qaeda."

British to play smaller role as US troops fight ‘losing battle’

Am I the only person

US-Russian commo satellites collide, spew debris. Story and interesting "PIC"

So, um...I guess we're not going to hear the "miracle" meme today...

Microsoft Slaps $250K Bounty On Conficker Worm

Jake Tapper ..... Come On Down! .........

Four Tennessee legislators want Obama to prove citizenship

MARX on TARP; debunked Marx quote; Authentic Marx Quotes

The Ultra-Radical Republicans

FACTBOX - Tax Details of US Stimulus Plan

In Japan’s Stagnant Decade, Cautionary Tales for America - (train wreck ahead!)

Are you more pro liberal or anti conservative

“De-regulation” is such a friendly word for Lawless Business Practices

Last Russian general warns US on Afghanistan

BLANKLEY: Yes, we need censorship

As the Congress prepares to vote today

Who would you like to see Obama appoint Commerce & HHS Secretaries?

I think Obama needs to start reaching out to Republicans....

Obama gets another shot with his budget.

Obama gets another shot with his budget.

A plane crashed! Check this out...

Congressman: 'We all cast our votes with one hand and crossed our fingers with the other'...

Larry Flynt to be involved in David Vitter Reelection Campaign?

House Passes Stimulus

The "octuplet mom" is getting DEATH THREATS? What the hell is WRONG with some people?

OK, we tried being bipartisan, now it's time to tell the Cons piss off...

Conyers: No More Delays For Rove On US Attorneys Testimony

My layoff notice. On Friday the 13th no less.

LOL - GOP looks for next 'Drill, baby, drill'

The jobs bill passed the House in a bipartisan way ......

So ... that young Peroia Congressman gets to ride AF1 and be seen with the prez ...... and then ....

House Passes Stimulus.

Report: Clinton-Era Census Director May Return

*** Stimulus Bill has passed in House ***

JPMorgan, Citigroup halting foreclosures

Boehner is bawling in the house now

What's the deal with Randi Rhodes show? I miss her

States decide!

burning question:

Just who did we elect?

Office Of Public Responsibility Investigation: “Very Harsh Conclusions” about Yoo and Bradbury

All I can say is thank god we have a big majority in the House

The Republicans want the country to fail........

The Fairness Doctrine: Just Say No (Huff Post)

Sept. 11 widow killed in Buffalo plane crash

When is the Stimulus package going to be voted on today by House and Senate?

FDA approves depressant drug for the annoyingly cheerful

Again, not a single Republican voted for the stimulus package......

Make Heroin Legal - Long article

Dick-less hunting party with Karl Rove, Fred Barnes, and Chris Wallace

Bush Aide: Leahy Truth Commission Is ‘Terribly Dangerous’ Idea, Possibly ‘Deadly’»

Republicans just want to piss on the process. They have no ideas.

CNN sez the stimulus just passed the house

No trouble call from Colgan to air traffic control

What the hell is wrong with Rep. Dan Lipinski? He voted "Present"???

Why do the Repubs always talk about Reagan and not Eisenhower?

Compuware Lays Off 250, Hires Kwame Kilpatrick

U.S. News and World Report: "Congressional Offices Don't Have the Stimulus Bill, Lobbyists Do"

Do Republicans Have A Future As A National Party?

JP Morgan, Banks to Halt Foreclosures for 3 Weeks.

A Healthcare F'rinstance

A Healthcare F'rinstance

Punctual Payers Face Higher Rates From Card Companies (Update1)

When 'bad' credit stands in the way of a good job

Jonathan Bush (Dubya's first cousin) is on CNBC again begging for stimulus money!

Finally, an explanation of why 60 Senate votes are needed to pass the stimulus.

Finally, an explanation of why 60 Senate votes are needed to pass the stimulus.

Is there something in the stimulus bill for Exxon?

Sick and Tired of Friends Trying to Sell Me Snake Oil

When did Bombardier take over DeHaviland?

Anyone know which House 'Dems' voted against the stim?

9/11 widow killed in crash in Buffalo

And once again the Republics are the first in front of the cameras!

Between smokes, Boner speaks to America. "We ain't no party of no" "OhNoWeAin't"

Republican Concern Trolls

Of all the 'reasons' for the economic collapse, why is there so little mention of BUSH'S FUCKING WAR

San Francisco weighs ban on new head shops

The Peanut company files for bankruptcy

Ky. Senate OKs bill to ban 911 calls from airwaves

What's the $2 billion discrepancy in stimulus package numbers?

Just a thought about political purity ......

Federal court strikes down Wisconsin's cheap gas ban

Franken Lawyer Grills Election Official In GOP Town

GOAL!!! - CBO Analysis="Congress has essentially hit President Obama’s goal"

Mobile Dental Clinic Treats 'Mountain Dew Mouth' Eastern Kentucky

thursday TOONS: part 3: Heros and Villains

Trial Begins For Men Accused Of Killing Gay Man In Florida

I'm really impressed with the republicans in congress now

The GOP pin their hopes on a Great Depression in order to regain power

$963,083 v. 4 billion. Because there aren't enough threads castigating N. Suleman.

How the Crash Will Reshape America

"$90B in debt for every man, woman, and child in my state"

Repugs lost the elections, lost today's vote. Yet, they're all over my teevee screen. WTF?

Mortgage fix that could save every home owner as much as $500 a month.

"Nothing but pubes on TV,"

Pointing Bush logic back to Republicans

Phil Gingrey could be the dumbest MOFO in this congress

One alternative...The World Social forum. Whadda think?

How is today's "Emergency Christmas" going?

More on "Ancient mummies revealed in Egypt "

was Beverly Eckerts plane Wellstoned? That question is making the rounds now.

Fairness doctrine, schmairness doctrine...

If you are a teacher or parent of little kids, you already know this ....

DU this Poll: Who you would want to have a beer with? Hannity or Obama?

In 1992 Pope John Paul II officially conceded that the Earth was not stationary

In 1992 Pope John Paul II officially conceded that the Earth was not stationary

In 1992 Pope John Paul II officially conceded that the Earth was not stationary

What happens to us Sirius/XM subscribers if the company goes into bankruptcy?

It is patently absurd not to tax the rich

Undeterred, Conyers Subpoenas Rove a Third Time

Did any Republicans in the house vote for the stimulus bill this time?

does anyone know what will happen to Beverly Eckert's lawsuit now?

Should stimulus $$ not go to the districts where GOP representatives voted against it?

Report: kids died in kerosene fire ...Family had no heat

I knew the airline CEO in college- he was a creepy then

Mom convicted of using cattle prod on daughter

My Mind is Slowly Returning--It's Been 6 Days Since I Went Cold Turkey...

Educational Grants for Reading Programs

1,900 Ohio GM workers face 1-wk layoffs

Who's this wiggler screaming at Nancy Skinner?

Ginsburg's cancer has not spread, court says

Here's number 3: Jet PLane Crash at London City Airport

Nancy Skinner -- I have to apologize

"That young man never should have come into the Army"

This must be getting serious, the Bailout cost is now approaching the annual Defense budget

Shut the Fugg up Rushicans

Hawaii civil unions bill passes house

And again, not one republican. Not one.

"STAFFER F" - Re: Judd Gregg dropping out -a contact suggests this connection to the Abramoff probe

Senator James Inhofe (R-OK) attacks liberals on talk radio

Real Reason Why Judd Gregg Withdrew His Name - TPM Report

I've had it with Republican Cant

7 Dems voted against the stimulus bill; 1 has a good reason

Thursday TOONS: part 1: Republican failed brand

Where is the outrage from We The People?-by Dan Rather

Thursday TOONS: part 2: of Banks and Bailouts

Kidnappers Threaten American UN Worker Abducted in Pakistan

The Rude Pundit: The National Review's List of "The Best Conservative Movies of the Last 25 Years"

Michael Phelps and Alex Rodriguez just had Octuplets!!!!!!!!

oh the irony is just too much!

The Religious Right Wants A New Name

Is it just me, or is business too sterile with a big stick up their butt nowadays?

Huge mistake in the stimulus bill.

For all the Repubicans worried about having time to read the Jobs Bill .......

Young woman booted from team for being straight!!!11!

Is there any truth to this? re: Obama and unions-

"Addicted" America’s Drug Policy Is Idiotic - By David Sirota

Tweety discussing investigating Bushco in a few minutes

I went to a cocktail party last night.

I went to a cocktail party last night.

My Big Assed jar of Skippy is getting low. Has all the bad peanut shit been taken off the market?

Judges Plead Guilty in Scheme to Jail Youths for Profit

War and Piece: Gregg had an Abramoff problem

Where was the skeptical Media in the run up to the Iraq War.

We need to encourage Obama to order the release of the 28 pages from the 9/11 report Bush wouldn't

BA jet in airport 'hard landing'

My Least Favorite Member of Heath Shuler

Bill O'Reilly Sends Helen Thomas Flowers After Calling Her A "Wicked Witch"

My but those FReepers are drama queens

Can I start a company that electrocutes people...yet prosper?

Mail carrier faulted for not cutting across lawn

with the hearts fund raiser... who is the romantic in your relationship?

20/20 "What would you do?" - 2 gays kissing in public

The 50% battle

Prominent Orchard Park man charged with beheading his wife (founder of Bridges TV)

Prominent Orchard Park man charged with beheading his wife (founder of Bridges TV)

Undeterred, Conyers subpoenas Rove a third time

Keeping you stupid: Right wing think tanks

Strike down PROP 8

The House and Senate need push-button voting like Illinois has.

Should we only follow the laws we agree with?

We can see why Bernie Goldberg's book was an inspiration to the Knoxville church gunman

The Rude Pundit: The National Review's List of "The Best Conservative Movies of the Last 25 Years"

Wingnut on Tweety: "Obama doesn't have the guts to sic prosecutors on Bush"

Fuck these republicans.

Don't Divorce Us

why do republics hate education?

THIS is why fireworks should be outlawed!!

Mark Morford, Death by Moron

Walter Jones, GOP Congressman, Signs On To Investigating Bush

Do you feel it's likely that even small businessess are ?

A Thousand Little Pieces

Cenk Uygur or Sam Seder on MSNBC @ 10pm?

Well, when all else fails, over-tax the porn industry

The Five Year Ban: Global Over-Population Part II (worthy read - links to good info)

Dan Boren is An Idiot

Why do I have to listen to Bonehead Boehner

Why do I have to listen to Bonehead Boehner


It's either no specifics or it's pork.

A MOUSE? Boehner spokesman claims on $30M mouse in bill *AND*admits that it is not IN the bill (LOL)

Rush Limbaugh calls Obama "Satan"

Have you signed Sen. Leahy's petition for a Bush Truth Commission?

again, not one republican voted for the Jobs bill

anyone know which dem reps voted against Jobs bill?

Digby: Until we neuter the Blue Dogs, it will be nearly impossible to enact liberal legislation.

Do you prefer the vote to carry now .... or would you prefer they filibuster?

TN church shooter: 'Know This If Nothing Else: This Was A Hate Crime'

TN church shooter: 'Know This If Nothing Else: This Was A Hate Crime'

All we wanted to do was resod the Mall. Can you **imagine** if we had proposed single payer .....

How do you think Speaker Pelosi has done since Obama took office?

I need some advice, I don't know if I should intervene.....

Blackwater - Rebranding itself

Don't hate me for pointing this out about Obama's speech last night

What is the Stimulus Vote at? Last look 57 Aye's

When will we know who won the election in Israel?

Paul Krugman's Friday column. Right On as Usual.

Lindsay Graham is a huge DOUCHEBAG

BAD NEWS for Coleman - GO FRANKEN!

Waa waa waa! John Barrasso (R-WY) wanted a chance to go home before voting.

House Democrats voting against Stimulus Bill

Can anybody convince me that the high speed LA < --- > LV rail is pork?

Happy 1234567890 everyone!

Bushwatch: First speech not in U.S but in Canada.

The homeless and the lack of will to solve a problem that has many solutions

The vote requires 60 votes, Right?

Are Republicans saying anything different now than they did in 1993?

170-foot cross met with mixed opinions

9/11 Widow in Buffalo Crash Was Also Guantanamo Protester

Why is Pat Leahy, Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, pushing a "Truth Commission"

You thought Judd Gregg was a bad choice? Get this:

New right-wing emal FWD and my response ( reply all)

Do you know what it would be like to live in my world?

Why doesn't the stimulus bill have a patriotic marketing name?

Randi hasn't been on the air for over a week now

hear the asshole on tweety? 'waterboarding is torture AND appropriate'

What's the basis of t he SNL/Paterson dustup?

What's the basis of t he SNL/Paterson dustup?

Phelps arrest backfiring on sheriff, local editor says

What's wrong with being accountable to your funding sources?

Aldermen seek to ban 'animals displayed in circuses' in Somerville

What the hell is wrong with Obama's nomination process?

privatizing crime.....? Judges Plead Guilty in Scheme to Jail Youths for Profit

Norquist: GOP is going to run against the stimulus for another five years.»

How shameless are these Repukes talking about passing on debt to our children??

the New Deal didnt work!

I haven't been able to watch the news shows tonight. What is there take on Gregg?

I'm hungry.

Want To Save The Economy? Enact Healthcare

Is it a rule of nature that causes Dems & Reps to have so little in common?

Bill Clinton Calls For Return Of 'Fairness Doctrine'

Freepers working to claim Henrietta Hughes is a fraud

Intelligence Czar Blair's Economic Warnings Echo the Past

"Say what you will about Bush, at least he kept us safe from terrorist attacks."

Help-my latest ltte printed today-on stimulus plan

**SENATE Stimulus Bill DEBATE thread**

Shouldn't the Senate adopt rules allowing Senators to vote on bills from outside the Capitol?

"Diaper Dave" Vitter Says Obama Adopts Judicial Standards of a "Dictatorship"

Net neutrality is now at risk

"Lord, I hate the world since Obama's bill bans religious worship, take me in death tonight!!!1"

I'm sorry, but the Stimulus Package is the most LIBERAL, PROGRESSIVE, KEYNSIAN BILL in decades

Cut the Military Budget-By Barney Frank

Talking Points Memo: The Political Implications Of The Stimulus

How much formal education do you have?

Judge Ginsberg gets the most 'extraordinary' medical news

Sherry Johnston's drug trial has been postponed until May.

Senator George Voinovich----A Real Asshole

CODEPINK: Send a Peace Valentine to Obama!

This article by Glenn Greenwald about Politico ought to be in a sticky atop every page on DU

Food Bank Friday! February 13, 2009!

Most important news story of the week (ending February 13, 2009)

Obama's Defense Department appointees - The $3.4 Trillion Dollar Question

so what is the opposite of a miracle?

An 86-yr-old's letter to a bank show why a credit union is a better bet than BOA.


Vaccine Court DID NOT decide that there was no link between vaccines and autism

Judges Plead Guilty in Scheme to Jail Youths for Profit

Why Gregg quit.

Maybe you thought you were imagining it? You weren't.

"House of Cards" on CNBC - anyone watching?

Who set up the "Vaccine Court" and why should we believe their findings about Autism?

Sarah Palin is not amused by people making donations to Planned Parenthood in her name.

Looting Social Security

Latest from the Freeper-type...

Hilarious Congressional Kabuki

Starbucks to sell instant coffee — $1 a cup

NTSB: Plane Crew Saw Significant Ice Before (Buffalo)Crash

Friday Night Bank Failures Announced

I think people are interpreting the meaning of evolution wrong!

Undeterred -- Conyers subpoenas Rove a third time

An honest request for lurking Reagan worshipers:

What would be the best way to deal with sins of Bush administration?

'Now hiring' sign draws thousands to Ga. parts plant (3000 applicants for 600 $10/hr. jobs)

For Valentine's Day, I'm gonna come right out and say it - I LOVE DU WOMEN

Why "Evil" Du-ers MUST Criticize Dems

Will we have to put up with this 60 vote horseshit from now on?

My new Condo next month

Son of an architect of the Christian Right pleads with Obama to stop being bipartisan

It may surprise, delight, or annoy you that The Pet Shop Boys never went away.

I am so stupid, i am moving next door upstairs in this duplex

Well, I got the catalog to pick out my gift for being at my job 10 years

DO WANT: House of the Dead: Overkill for the Wii.

Bongs over here! Come and chill out.

In March of 2008, I hired a lawyer to clear up a problem.

Everytime I see Deutsche Bank in the news, all I can think of is

Amazon selling rape simulation game

The Inconvenient Truths About Medical Marijuana -- Five Easy References

The Inconvenient Truths About Medical Marijuana -- Five Easy References

Funny how everyone keeps talking about bad album covers...

Hey! It's Joan Jett & The Blackhearts...

You are DTM if you don't dig this 80s song

All That Jazz

Paul Pierce and Rajon Rondo traded to Utah Jazz for AK47 and Ronnie Price!

Did I just hear right?

GOP who oppose the stimulus bill should get less money for their state

Pssst---Hey, Ignored People.


Police: Man lets boy drive for a 'bonding moment'

What exactly did Mal do to the Operative after the throat-punch?

A father at 13

Ladies & Gentlemen of the Lounge.......except RevolutionaryActs....

Holy shit, Tarantino's WWII movie looks great (Now with teaser trailer!)

Glhaargh! Economy's in the tank & my school still can't find a flippin history teacher!

so Lincoln and Darwin were born on the exact same day?

It's love, pure and simple. (pic)

I think my dog is "jesting". At least that is what I call it.

One month from now I will be at the hotel at my convention, I hate waiting.

Irish Music Fans.....

Ladies of the Lounge.......except McTaTas....

So life, and the end of it, happens again.

Woman who sang about fire charged with 7 arsons

Box of Rain (youtube)

"Careless Whisper" recorded by SEETHER?

"New" EBN mashup

Cooper the cat shows his stuff in photo exhibit.

Damnnnnnnn Whiskey....

Fellow Gen X'ers: Who wants to jump off the planet with me?


Yahoo Answers gives me little hope for humanity.

Rollcall. Who's up?

Facebook has two Democratic Underground groups. What's the deal?....

Best beard, Darwin or Lincoln?

Breaking News: Series of Concentric Circles Emanating from Glowing Red Dot

The most amazing magic trick I've ever seen (short vid)

Does the Vermont Teddybear commercial look like the opening of a porn scene to anyone else?

Were Lincoln alive today, what would he be doing?

So, have you ever created a sock puppet to

If Mr. Writer gets me a Vermont Teddy Bear for Valentine's Day, I'm going to kick his ass.


Any paraskavedekatriaphobics in the house?

You people need to stop talking about me behind my back.

Weird facebook thing.

Midlo likes the Jonas Brothers. How can there be anything more humiliating..


Is Mr. Bean doing late night comedy?

Help - Good Vibes requested and needed!

Looks like Mr. Midlo and I are headed to splitsville

Looks like Mr. Midlo and I are headed to splitsville

A lot of the "economic meltdown" is deserved and has been coming for a long time

Is seven years a long enough prison sentence for totally destroying the lives of many, many children

Delete, wrong forum

You are DTM if you don't dig this 70s song

suicide in India between 1997 and 2007 now stands at a staggering 182,936.

Musing on writing poetry, or on writing anything:

Yep, I work in a progressive place

LOST - what is it with the black smoke monster? By my count,

Dick Fuld

Dump the GOP

Joss Whedon's new show, "Dollhouse" premiers tonight

Good morning Lounge

I'm headed out for lunch and a Costco run.

So what do we think about azmouse?

This is so wrong.

a 1912 Valentine postcard said:

Bill Clinton urged to cancel speech in prop 8 boycott

Grammys: I lost all respect for Stevie Wonder.

Have a little fun: Find 5 Challenge game

Attention La Lioness Priyanka

The local Nissan dealer is having a BOGO sale this weekend.

Use the word "snarge" in a sentence.

Larry Johnson - Ex CIA - knows exactly what he is enabling. So what is it?

Look at this happy family

The benefits of clean water (funny Brit news cast video) 00:31

My GD thread about marriage equality

How often to you search for yourself at DU?

News flash: madinmaryland and midlodemocrat are NOT the same .....

Last night I had a dream that I was at Arby's.

When you hear "Oh Snap!", what do you think?

oshyposhy appreciation thread

Come participate in my first poll!

Woody Allen fans: Favorite Movie?

Joaquin Phoenix: I wonder what's going on.

Phillies pitchers and catchers report in less than 24 hours!

Toll Collector in Delaware???

My 1000 post

If you had super powers

Midnight at the Oasis is better than anything by Oasis...Discuss.

We're always playing catch-up with East Coasters in the Lounge

Can you guys keep it down a little?

Could you pass the UK Drivers Theory Test?

Recycled Toilet Paper

So cute! (Fawn and Kitten playing)

I step away to take a dump, and it becomes ALL MIDLO ALL THE TIME

Shh. I'm talking to American Express and they think I'm Mr. Midlo.

What's for lunch, DU?

Man that Midlodemocrat is a slack-jaw, redneck, loser, dingbat ignoramus

Does canceling a credit card damage your credit rating?

Midlo's at Costco, place your bets on what mayhem will result:

Oh shit..Plane Crash in Buffalo

Post something that will make UPS hurry up and get here!

Freeper Valentine Love Poem

Costco Rant Part Deux - An updated DTM list.

Friday Midlo Bash Thread - President's Day Special

Mitch McConnell Is Wrong – The New Deal DID Work, and it Still Does

Does the Lounge need more Midlo threads?

Question to the Lounge. Does anger need a Midlo management course?

Woman's Record-Length Nails Broken In Crash

Funniest thing you've ever seen at a Costco? (aside from Midlo)?

Things to do while in Rhode Island.

India to launch cow urine as soft drink

Question to the Lounge. Does Midlo need an anger management course?

Ok, so what is the difference between "practical" and "practicable"

Our neighbor got rid of his car whose alarm kept malfunctioning at all hours.

I wish there was a shorter way to type "ok"

Mardi Gras In NOLA

Here's Who Should Win The Oscars for 2009, Nominated Or Not

Henry Rollins' letter to Ann Coulter--very funny video

I have $100 in my bra

When you go to an ATM machine and take money out you then get a balance of what

My Coworker Keeps Humming "Patience" From Guns 'n Roses

Any Groove Salad from SOMA-FM fans out there?

hen you go to an ATM machine and take MIDLO out you then get a balance of what

I'm glad its friday.

I'm glad its friday.

It's Friday evening, I'm having a few brews on my deck

When do the hearts start?!?!

Buy cattle

Is Midlo a carpetbagger? Yay or Nay, you decide

Michael Phelps and Alex Rodriguez just had Octuplets!!!!!!!!

Is "Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist" worth renting?

Earth Hour 2009!

Should I go to the Midwest to visit Du'ers? or should the midwest come to me?

Is it just me, or is business too sterile with a big stick up their butt nowadays?

PHOTO: KKK cop should lose his law-enforcement certification, says former boss

PHOTO: KKK cop should lose his law-enforcement certification, says former boss

OMG the vodka at the corner store is so delicious!

What's with all the blue roofs on the houses in Pensacola?

This will gross you out.

Pond or Pool

Poll for the over-50 DUers: The Monkees or Paul Revere & The Raiders?

For 'No Name No Slogan'

WOOHOO! I aced those entrance placement tests! No remedial English or Math for me!

For all Who Hate Valentines Day: Bad Love Songs

Anyone planning to watch premier of Dollhouse tonight?

"If it bleeds, it leads."

The ignorance of Windows users is frustrating

The word of the day is "Midlo". Replace any word in a thread title with "Midlo"

Sexy Vampires? (Why you shouldn't infatuate yourself with something that wants to eat you)

PSA and frugal tip of the day.

Hero Woman Changes In Front Of Open Window

Is Direct TV a scam or is it pretty good?

What's your favorite gas station deli/Resturant? (Wawa, Sheetz, Royal Farms)

What's with the "Google $ date +%s 1234567890" ?

The last photograph: Alexander Gardner.

what's in your trunk?

not cool dude!

PSA: Don't add movies to Netflix queue at 3am drunk

I'm back

I'm back

K-Y Introduces New Line of Jam

That Miles Davis was a motherfucking genius

So JVS calls us all 'fuckfaces' and *I'm* the angry one?

The new Eliza Dushku show starts tonight

I'm sure this would get me beaten up in GD, but I honestly don't know what net neutrality is.

Why do I have to renew my driver's license?

In honor of Valentine's Day: Cheesy Love Song Dedications.....

Whoever designed Spinning Equipment must have also designed BDSM Equipment

Anybody else still tickled to death that our President's middle name is Hussein?

are we doing hearts?

The Lounge Jukebox is open, Friday the 13th Edition. Spin your various scarious...

CONFESS!!!!! If you were Skinner for a day what one thing would you do with his powers

Dinner time transforms my adorable two-year-old into an abomination

Do what, now?

Do what, now?

The anti-vaccine nuts saying I'm poisoned are pissing me off.

Why do boys and girls prefer different toys?

Well, this may be my last thread if DU can't be accessed from Beijing.

Pet peeve du jour: MEDIUM soft drinks!!

The RetroLounge Daily Poem Thread (Fri 2/13/2009)

Last night, I dreamt I couldn't sleep.

I HATE this woman at work.


What's the best light beer?

Lounge Ladies: What cologne do you most like on men?

I GOT LAID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The only decent songs by the Rollingstones are Emotional Rescue and Mother's Little Helper.

STUPID QUESTION OF THE DAY: Do commuter trains and ferries in the US have wireless internet

Ever drink a fith (750ml) of hard liquor is a relatively short amount of time?

George Washington's Rules of Civility

Aviation Buffs - 50th Anniversary of the last B-36

Share your very favorite obscure word..or non-word.

Mike Malloy: The Republican Party needs to be eliminated.

My Baby's Gone.

I've got a queston about Firefox


The BlueIris Semi-Nightly Poetry Break, 2/13/09

FBI seizes records of Florida elections supervisor, Buddy Johnson.

Etiquette question. You're invited to stay at someone's "lake house."

Breaking: Stores have all run out of chocolate.

what's in your freezer?

kitten picture of the day for friday february 13

My package is going in the wrong direction!

All those who believe in telekinesis,

To all Lizards: Happy Friday the 13th, happy long holiday weekend,

Perfume is the weirdest movie I have ever watched

What kind of mother would abandon this cute baby?

I wrote my doctoral dissertation about DU.

It's after midnight. Happy Birthday To Me!

So. When is the last time YOU cooked something that turned out so revolting,

Stories From the Road: What Darkness Lurks in the Heart of Droopy?

Rahm Speaks

Obama Speaks

Bongs over here! Come and chill out.

Republicans FAIL again. Excellent.

Don't worry ya'll, Keith O. will set the Gregg situation straight

I probably won't get a reponse to this question, but I'm feeling

I probably won't get a reponse to this question, but I'm feeling

Funky Lying Media uses pile-on "Nominee Issue" to hide Gregg Runaway Bride move!

Psst He is good ..... very good

Gregg needs a new excuse.

All we got on the stimulus bill is a lot of nothing and a belief magic bullet Specter won't fold.

Rachels opening is awesome tonight

We worked hard during the primary and now it's time to bury the GOP

Your immediate reaction to Gregg's withdrawal.

I wonder whose advice Prez Obama is relying on more? Jarret/Axelrod or Reid/Rahm?

I think the Republicans see themselves in a "window of opportunity" re: Obama.

The more impressive Obama is - and that speech was just incredible -

"Only a Union"

"We will be remembered for what we make of this moment"

Damn how many speeches did Obama make today?

So which of Obama's Lincoln speeches did you think was better?

Fourth attempt at Commerce?

Obama: Heads we win, Tails you lose

It's amazing how quickly the bank bailout bill passed and how long it's taking on stimulus

How ballistic will DU go if Obama selects another puke for Commerce?

It's Time For Partisanship! President Obama should follow Abe Lincoln's Example not Harry Reid's

Senate confirms Panetta as CIA director


Just pick Bill Bradley as Commerce Sec and get it over with

Will Obama's bipartisanship strategy work in the long run?

Will Obama's bipartisanship strategy work in the long run?

Obama's Plans For White House Art

Jeebus, did we win on November 4th?

Anyone find video of President Obama's speech in Springfield?

EchoHawk could run Indian affairs

Anyone find video of President Obama's speech in Springfield?

2 Years ago, I proposed that the Democratic party adopt Abraham Lincoln because the GOP had

Obama rocked Darwin...

Obama rocked Darwin...

Wait a minute, didn't Gregg already resign? Too late?

Wait a minute, didn't Gregg already resign? Too late?

Kennedy will not vote on stimulus; stimulus passage not guaranteed.

GREGG: "The census was only a slight catalyzing issue. It was not a major issue."

funding for the nuclear weapons infrastructure was removed from Stimulus Bill

Get Out of the (White) House

**Heads up. Obama speaking live on MSNBC now!!**

Judd Gregg is a .....Flip-Flopper!

Judd Gregg is a .....Flip-Flopper!

Judd Gregg is a .....Flip-Flopper!

PHOTOS Gregg is comforted by friends after a difficult day

What was cut from the final version of the stimulus bill?

Congress to governors: Use it or lose it (govs must spend their stimulus allocations within 45 days)

Enough with the "No we Can't" Legislative analysis

Amusing to watch House R's whining about deficit. We borrowed from China to pay for Bush tax cuts

Obama's Dept of Justice should NOT prosecute Bush administration crimes

How Banks are Worsening the Foreclosure Crisis:

How Banks are Worsening the Foreclosure Crisis:

PHOTOS The President's Day (Feb 12)

Is it me, or are we seeing pretty much the exact opposite of the Bush administration?

If the GOP wants to pretend like they didn't have enough time to read the stimulus bill . . .

So Republicans are suddenly concerned about rules and procedures?

I think Obama is in trouble. The Stimulus has yet to create a SINGLE new job!

I think Obama is in trouble. The Stimulus has yet to create a SINGLE new job!

Financial-rescue plan hindered by White House desire to avoid Senate confirmation battles.

Financial-rescue plan hindered by White House desire to avoid Senate confirmation battles.

Obama's Strange Obsession . . . by Tina Brown . . .

Obama's Strange Obsession . . . by Tina Brown . . .

Obama's Strange Obsession . . . by Tina Brown . . .

In the Spirit of Bipartisanship ...

Who ARE The 20 Scumbag Dems

Who ARE The 20 Scumbag Dems

Obama hails stimulus victory, says more to do

Obama hails stimulus victory, says more to do

Why Some Constitutional Suits Don't Stand a Chance in Court

"Senator Gregg looks like a FOOL !!" (Howard Fineman just now on MSNBC)

Judis: The Left too deep in the tank to apply pressure on Obama on the Stimulus

Judis: The Left too deep in the tank to apply pressure on Obama on the Stimulus

Judis: The Left too deep in the tank to apply pressure on Obama on the Stimulus

President Obama's Remarks to the Business Council

President Obama's Remarks to the Business Council

President Obama's Remarks to the Business Council

President Obama's Remarks to the Business Council

Sorry, New Hampshire people, but you're fucked now.

Sorry, New Hampshire people, but you're fucked now.

Sorry, New Hampshire people, but you're fucked now.

Blue Dogs Say Helping Wall Street Is a "Genuine National Emergency," But Helping Main Street Isn't

Top 20 gaffes by George W Bush

Can anyone name one thing "bi-partisan" that the Republicans have done since Obama became POTUS?

NY Mag: Jim Cramer defends Tim Geithner

Is Rahm Emanuel doing a good job?

Enough with the bipartisanship!

It's Not Pork, It's Beef

It's Not Pork, It's Beef

Closing speeches on the House floor for H. R. 1, NOW on C-Span. Vote scheduled for 1:30PM.

Joe Klein: Don't Trust, But Try to Reconcile

Lincoln Chaffe.

how about a green stimulus that helps avoid foreclosures?

how about a green stimulus that helps avoid foreclosures?

Hoyer gives a great speech at the floor.

Hoyer gives a great speech at the floor.

Hoyer gives a great speech at the floor.

Hoyer gives a great speech at the floor.

Hoyer gives a great speech at the floor.

Ha ha - now MJ and his cohorts are saying that President Obama was TOO visible this week

Another GOP winner. Meet Virginia Republican Chairman Jeff Frederick .

*** Vote on Stimulus Bill has started ***

All post-2000 family finance gains now erased

**Gibbs press conference live now**

I hope the Stimulus Bill passes the House with Not One "R" Vote!

I sent Valentines to all the Republicans I know. Obama on the front -

I sent Valentines to all the Republicans I know. Obama on the front -

I sent Valentines to all the Republicans I know. Obama on the front -

I sent Valentines to all the Republicans I know. Obama on the front -

House Democrats Presser on CNN. They are praising Obama big time

The right has thoroughly screwed up this economy that we have to jump off a cliff to jump start it

President speaks, Polls move

Politico: Obama to Seize on Bolder Strategy; stronger selling and less care about winning GOP votes

Pentagon staffers gush after meeting Obama

How about Lincoln Chafee for Commerce?

How about Lincoln Chafee for Commerce?

How about Lincoln Chafee for Commerce?

What exactly is the fuel for the birthers?

Boner, et al, press conference...whine, whine, whine...

Boner, et al, press conference...whine, whine, whine...

I don't understand the whole census thing...

the mice story is a LIE

"Maybe waiting for someone to call him up asking him to be Commerce Secretary"

I don't understand the whole census thing...

I don't understand the whole census thing...

I don't understand the whole census thing...

The GOP is trying to use Pelosi the way we used Gingrich

I don't think it's very patriotic to go against the Commander in Chief in a time of war

I don't think it's very patriotic to go against the Commander in Chief in a time of war

Drudge's full-on assault of Nancy Pelosi continues

I think Congressman Schock most likely LIED today on the House floor

Republican GOP Valentines (Example 2421 why there are so few RW comedians)

No more playing nice! "BLANK" the Repukes - Fill in !

'Limbaugh's Legions' in the House voted NO on H.R. 1. Now they and he 'hope it fails.'

Rahmbo: From Now On, Policy First, "Bipartisanship" Second

Obama Advisers Sour On Bipartisan Outreach?

Cornyn calls the refundable tax credit 'wealth transfer.' Only Limbaugh's Legions think payroll tax

Cornyn calls the refundable tax credit 'wealth transfer.' Only Limbaugh's Legions think payroll tax

Why didn't the MSM ever break down spending bills under the Bush Administration?

Wow. Jake Tapper. What an asshole.

Now Repuke congressmen are complaining about wasting time on a Steelers bill

Coburn is lying his ass off ... again....

Coburn is lying his ass off ... again....

" fast would the economy recover in the absence of a stimulus plan?"

" fast would the economy recover in the absence of a stimulus plan?"

Rahm: Obama Lost Control Of Stimulus Debate With Bipartisanship

"Pay no attention to Obama..."

House Committee Appointments: 18 Republicans, 16 Democrats

Axelrod To Bush Advisers: Butt Out - Especially Rove

The Long Term: How the RIGHT FEAR it, and HOW some on the LEFT just don't plain GET IT!

The Repugs are trying to cling on to the last 30% of the US that still believes in them.

Well I have learned my lesson...Winning an election is more important than doing what is right

I can't wait until 2010.

California GOP Gov. Candidate Meg Whitman Says ‘Faith’ Drives Her Opposition to Gay Marriage

Free bumpersticker idea for 2010!

People, people. The GOP will only destroy Obama

People, people. The GOP will only destroy Obama

Krugman: "Bush cut taxes $2 trillion and look where that got us - what are Republicans thinking?"

MSNBC's Chuck Todd complaining that the Obama WH isn't giving enough access

Senate voting on final passage NOW! Evidently combining procedural vote with final passage.

Hillary Clinton's climate-saving voyage

Hillary Clinton's climate-saving voyage

Addicted to fake outrage - Sirota

Why does CNN continue to lie? You do NOT need 60 votes for a bill to pass the Senate....

GOP Republicans making HUGH MISTAKE...gambling that they can destroy Obamas Presidency is NOT A GOOD

Hardball is great today. Pukes are being absolutely CALLED OUT and enraged

57 ayes with 3 Dems not voting yet -ck cspan

Have you reached out to republicans like President Obama has?

Stick a fork in him ... In New Opinion, Minnesota Election Court Seriously Damages Coleman's Chances

Another morning where I woke up saying THANK GOD this man is the president

IF the Stimulus works. The Death Knell of the Republican Party.

IF the Stimulus works. The Death Knell of the Republican Party.

Sen Gregg- The trojan horse sent by the GOP

Ruth Bader Ginsburg's prognosis better than originally thought

Thank You Anderson Cooper! Watch AC 360 tonight; must watch.

Fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be a bumpy night.

Ebony Magazine's President Obama cover highest selling in it's 67-year history

Ebony Magazine's President Obama cover highest selling in it's 67-year history

It Was Reid Who Suggested Gregg

I liked Dick Durbin's speech yesterday

Schuster is the best news program on TV right now. 1600 PA Ave.

Call them (Republicans) out over their BIG Lie: "Government can't create wealth"

Clyburn cleverly inserts 45 day limit for Govs to spend stimulus $ - will expose hypocritical Repubs

Clyburn cleverly inserts 45 day limit for Govs to spend stimulus $ - will expose hypocritical Repubs

Abraham Lincoln: The struggle of today is not altogether for today - it is for a vast future also.

Gallup: President Obama Approval Rating goes up 3 points in 3 days!

PHOTO Congratulations Callie Shell!

"End The Honeymoon" - why the left needs to start pushing Obama like the GOP & centrists do

regarding President Obama's bipartisanship charm offensive. let me splain something to you

Look everyone, Obama *KNEW* the Republicans wouldn't work with him...

Look everyone, Obama *KNEW* the Republicans wouldn't work with him...

PHOTOS: Vice President Biden at the Special Olympics

Check out the new Illinois liscence plates you can get for 2 months to benefit

Is it time for Ted Kennedy to step down?

McCain says Obama & Democrats need to work on bipartisanship, "hopes they've learned a lesson"

TOON: Tom Toles, as usual, for the win

Obama: The Movie

Abraham Lincoln worked to build transcontinental railroad that modern Republicans would call "pork"

"This is the most expensive expenditure bill in the history of the US" Senator Barrasso (W)

Krugman: This is all too reminiscent of Japan in the 1990s

Nouriel Roubini: Nationalizing the Banks Can End The Death Spiral We Are In

I have a question for fellow DUers ... why did Team Obama pick

Repubs complain constructing a high-speed rail line between LA and Vegas is Pork??? That is pork?

Four Tennessee Legislators Want Obama to Prove Citizenship

Video: Nayda Suleman: More of the Crazy

Chuck Todd: Harold Ford Jr. for Commerce Secretary?

Plouffe: "our best fundraiser and organizer"

D.M. County weighs charging inmates for toilet paper

Major Birther Case Could Be Dismissed On Merit Within Hours

Wasserman Schultz is UNBELIEVABLE!!

U.S., Russian satellites collide, posing threat in space

Continental Plane crash near Buffalo, New York

Homeless Man Beaten by Fresno Police Officers

Dodd Says Credit Card Companies Are Gouging Customers (Update2)

Further US cutbacks at Toyota

"Diaper Dave" Vitter Says Obama Adopts Judicial Standards of a "Dictatorship"

Four Tennessee Legislators Want Obama to Prove Citizenship

US Gear Ending up in Pakistan Markets

Financial Crisis Called Top Security Threat to U.S.

Sri Lankan seized in Philippines

China to create blacklist of local journalists

Myanmar extends detention of opposition leader

Senate passes stimulus plan (Australia)

Minor league team tokes the line with Michael Phelps Night

Thai PM says Myanmar migrants sent back to sea

European Parliament robber got €50,000

Official: Iraq Blast Kills 30 Pilgrims (Third-Straight Day of Bombings)

Toyota to Offer Worker Buyouts, Freeze Wages in North America

Two (Iraqi) children killed while playing with mortar round

Baby-Faced Boy Is Father At 13

5 children killed during Australian operation in Afghanistan

Myanmar reports huge heroin haul in January

MPs urge Gandhi sale intervention

Beleaguered Security Company Blackwater Worldwide Abandoning Tarnished Brand Name

North Korea assembling longest-range missile-paper

Zimbabwe Opposition Party Official Arrested

Army doc, 74, soldiers on toward 3rd tour overseas

Four Tennessee legislators want Obama to prove citizenship

Consumer Confidence in U.S. Plunges as Job Losses Mount, Home Values Fall

Report: 2 sentenced to death in India drain murder

Sept. 11 widow killed in Buffalo plane crash

J.P. Morgan Chase and Citigroup are halting home foreclosures

Senate Confirms Panetta As CIA Director

Investigation Looks Into Political Pressure In Bailout Distribution

Toyota moves deeper into U.S. work cuts

Congress to governors: Use it or lose it-A devilishly clever last-minute insert to the House version

Near Sri Lanka’s War Zone, Wounded Civilians Struggle to Cope

UN predicts rise in human trafficking amid downturn

Hamas murder campaign in Gaza exposed

Investigators think missing Fla. girl was abducted

Federal planes fly deportees back over the desert they crossed on foot

Blackwater to change name to 'Xe'

Sept. 11 widow killed in Buffalo plane crash

Buffalo Man Who Launched TV Network to Show Muslims in Positive Light Arrested -- for Beheading His

US 'lost track of Afghan weapons'

House OKs stimulus bill, sends back to Senate

Ex-ICE agent in Caracas gets 7 years for bribes

UPDATE: Henrietta Hughes says she's not milking the system

Investigation looks into political pressure in bailout distribution

The recovery plan: shock & awe for a shaken nation

Unredacted documents reveal prisoners tortured to death

Salmonella-hit peanut company files for bankruptcy

Stimulus: Uncle Sam goes green

Penguins in peril as food search turns into marathon

Three major banks suspending foreclosures for several weeks

Stray dogs being killed in Baghdad

Noise, Fuel-Dumping Cause Anger At US Kyrgyz

U.S. Senate Begins Voting on Obama’s $787 Billion Stimulus Plan

Fox News Fires Producer Charged with (Child) Porn Possession

Sherman County Bank of Neb. fails, 10th closure in 2009 (and #11 Riverside Bank of the Gulf Coast)

UN extends Abkhazia mission until June

Gregg won't run again for NH senate in 2010

Madoff Scandal Ensnares Order of Patron Saint for Moralists


Dead rodents, excrement in peanut butter plant lead to recall (Texas plant)

Father dies after saving children from fire

Chicago unveils bid for Olympics

S&P heads to first quarter ever of negative earnings

STOCK MARKET WATCH, Friday February 13

Judge Holds Stevens Prosecutors in Contempt

Shock as Tanzania teachers caned

Police: Suspect arrested (in connection to) deadly Australian fire

Chile publishes photos of Fidel Castro, Bachelet

Ginsburg's Cancer Has Not Spread, Court Says

Airliner crashes in US state of NY

Blackwater dumps tarnished brand name (new name "Xe")

Union killings loom over U.S.-Colombia trade pact

Passenger jet crash landing at London City Airport

40 years' worth of thanks: In 1968, a white firefighter saved a black baby girl....

Toyota Takes Further Measures To Reduce North American Production

Phelps arrest backfiring on sheriff, local publisher says

JUDGES: No problems found with rejected Senate ballots-ST. PAUL, Minn

Former Senate Republican majority committed wild abuses of power

House Dems pass stimulus despite GOP opposition

In Spy Case, Obama's Justice Department Holds Fast to State Secrets Privilege

Undeterred, Conyers subpoenas Rove a third time-Rove lawyer out of office until deposition date

Chavez backers rally to end Venezuela term limits

Microsoft to open own retail stores

Octuplets fertility doctor at center of another multi-pregnancy

Prominent Orchard Park man charged with beheading his wife

Dems target right-wing talk radio

George W. Bush to give talk in Calgary

Feinstein comment on U.S. drones likely to embarrass Pakistan

Democracy Now: The truth about Valentines Day-1/4

Obama DOJ Affirms Bush's State Secrets Position in Extraordinary Rendition Lawsuit!

Wilmington, Ohio Faces Economic Collapse

The Wedding Singer - Love Stinks (Adam Sandler)

Countdown: Health Report-Anatomy of a Smear

Naomi Klein on the Shock Doctrine and disaster capitalism (55min)

Scott Ritter, we're being bullshitted again (about Iran's nuclear program)

Mustafa Barghouti with Steve Clemons on Israel Elections

Young Turks: Down Goes Judd Gregg!!! Good Riddance!

Obama Must Be Bolder Than FDR


KO Countdown (09/02/09): To succeed politically, GOP needs a great depression. "There's no plan B"

Bill Maher on Cabinet picks and the GOP; Larry King interview


Obama Pays Tribute to Lincoln (includes Obama brushing off Judd Gregg)

Give it up: Bill Ayers is ancient history

The New Progressive Generation - Part 1

The New Progressive Generation - Part 2

BBC World "The Oracle with Max Keiser" we talk about Icelandic lesbians; guest Peter Schiff

"Deadly'--Bush Speechwriter: Torture Investigations Are 'Terribly Dangerous,'

Is Rep. Aaron Schock being honest? Claims no Caterpillar employees want him to support stimulus

Susan Collins Strips Oversight

Merv Griffin Show: guest Dr. Martin Luther King (1968)

John Cornyn flunks Economics 101

Gregg Shrugs Off Right Wing’s Census Tantrum: White House Would ‘Do A Pretty Good Census’

Bill Maher, Larry King interview pt. 2

Congressman Peter DeFazio : "The Republicans Are Sticking It To The American People!"

Clarence Center Plane Crash

The Mice LIE that Republicans Just Won't Quit

Young Turks: African-Americans Do Better on Tests After Obama's Election?

Steele: 'No reason, none, to trust our words or our actions at this point.'

Got nothin' on me!

Child Porn at Fox News

America and Israel: Will The Relationship Change? Yes It Can

Blameworthy (financial crisis): 25 people

A Readable Summary of the Stimulus / Jobs Bill (Chris Bowers)

Thousands of US Weapons Astray in Afghanistan: Auditors

Ruin Your Health With the Obama Stimulus Plan: Betsy McCaughey

Bankrupt Bailout (Editorial in The Nation)

Creative Budgeting: Girard College Manages Scotland School

Johann Hari: Despite these riots, I stand by what I wrote

How the Porn Industry Is Getting People all Hot and Bothered About Cooling the Planet Back to Normal

Anger at the financial sector's hubris is surfacing again after 70 years. The old order is dying....

So Far, Amateur Hour (Kathleen Parker in the Washington Post)

NPR Moves to Protect Its Brand from FoxNews

The new Fallujah up close and ugly

Large Banks on the Edge of Insolvency

The Maggots in Your Mushrooms

John Nichols: Gregg's Gone... And Rightly So


GOP seethes over Charlie Crist's stimulus-plan support

Pope Benedict Asks Judd Gregg to Serve as Spokesperson for 'Premature Withdrawal'

Despite Pledges, Package Has Some Pork (Washington Post)

GOP Prepared to Crucify CRIST as JUDAS

MN-Sen: Republicans ditch "strict constructionism"

Warning to Republicans: You're either with us or against us

DA Lets Representatives Off Hook in Legislative Crime Spree

A Short History of US Government Handouts

Breaking: GOP House Members Stimulate their Members During Stimulus Vote

Judges Paid to Send Teens to Juvenile Detention Centers

The Legacy of Reich Marshal Cheney

Clemons/Washington Note: Jim Lobe Gets Different Takes on Israel Election

Addicted to Fake Outrage

Wall Street Mocked American Values by Thomas Frank

Failure to Rise by Paul Krugman

Allen Barra on the Myth of Ronald Reagan

Think you know every last biography of Abraham Lincoln? Think again. by Christopher Buckley

Don't Fix Wall Street, Replace It

Crist Saves FL Senate Seat for GOP, Repubs Whine

Will the stimulus actually stimulate? Economists say no

TYT RANT: Which Representatives Just Stabbed Us In The Back? (!)

Republicans: Spare Me Your Newfound “Fiscal Responsibility”

Nouriel Roubini: Nationalize the Banks! We're all Swedes Now

Geithner's Very Bad Bank Plan Socks Us for $1.5 Trillion and Won't Even Work

It's Fun to Watch Obama Driving These Republicans So Crazy

71% of Americans want to see Bush administration investigated

Why Eric Cantor Hates You

‘Who’s That ‘Nuking’ At My Door?’ Asks The Navajo Nation

Canada to stick close to U.S. on environment policy: Prentice

"Chevon's Oil - Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea" - The Mudflats

ODAC Newsletter - 13 February 2009

The cost of hybrid repairs

Los Angeles Unified (school district) launches (50 MW) solar energy program

The US Utility-scale Solar Picture

Labor Organizers Focus on Renewable Energy Jobs

PSE&G Proposes $773 Million Solar Energy Program (New Jersey)

Study: Billions Needed to Deliver Wind Power to Eastern Interconnection

Electric carmaker eyes Massachusetts

ROAD TEST: A pricey new hulk, but no star as a hybrid

Vattenfall to replace coal with biomass (Denmark)

AAAS Paper Warns Fisheries To Prepare To Be Crushed - 50%+ Stock Drops, Poleward Migrations Expected

First Wind targets 4th wind power project (Maine)

Iceland strides toward a hydrogen economy

(Indonesian) Govt to allow peatland (oil palm) plantations

Congress Spares Energy Spending, Credits in Compromise Stimulus Bill

Cow power takes to the highways (biogas, California)

Big Solar Heats Up (Forbes)

Plugging in the Postal Service (electric vehicles)

Germany Aims Big with a 960-Megawatt Offshore Wind Farm

New CA deal will power 845,000 homes with solar power

372 cities want a cleaner Europe; New York's Bloomberg supports the plan

Professor tries to set the record straight on global warming

Indonesia's Govt. Decree Clears Millions Of Acres Of Peatlands For Palm-Oil Plantations

Japan Rules Out Target Carbon Cut Of 40% By 2020 - Too Expensive - ENN

Solar Power and Geopolitics in the Mediterranean (Powering Europe with African solar power)

Bleak forecast on fishery stocks (BBC)

Fish migrating to cooler waters, study says (CNN)

Peak oil notes - Feb 12

New Shock Absorber Harvests Energy From Bumps In The Road

U.S. court overturns ban on West Virginia surface mining - Reuters

Model sees severe climate change impact by 2050—Britain should prepare for massive loss of landmass

Stimulus Could GIve Calif. High-Speed Rail

UK's ex-science chief predicts century of 'resource' wars—2003 Iraq conflict was first case

Solar: What Happens When Polysilicon Prices Collapse?






K Gardner

fudge stripe cookays

Obama puts onus on U.S. automakers for plan

MLB Union hopes to keep users' identities secret

The February 2009 issue of the BCTGM REPORT can be found online, ready-to-print in newsletter format

Chile publishes photos of Fidel Castro, Bachelet

FIDEL: A Meeting with Michelle Bachelet, the Pres. of Chile

UN Pays Tribute to Fidel Castro and Julius Nyerere

Chavez backers rally to end Venezuela term limits

Union killings loom over U.S.-Colombia trade pact

Ex-ICE agent in Caracas gets 7 years for bribes

Bolivia says 4 foreign firms interested in lithium projects

VIO News & Action - Elections Sunday, ECLAC Cites Advances, Anti-Semitism Charged

Software Libre! Cuba Develops Own Free Linux Called "Nova"

VIO News and Action: Anti-Venezuelan Resolution in Congress as Elections Approach

Consumers Cut Food Spending Sharply

Half of all CDOs of ABS failed

"Buy America" to come under attack in Rome!

TED BUTLER COMMENTARY (gold manipulation)

J.P. Morgan's Abusive Executives Bonuses

More consumers fall behind on paying credit cards

"Buy American" ... ReRushicans afraid of offending foreign partners ...

GOP's Stimulus Talking Points Contradict Congressional Research Service

Tax Gap: Isles of plenty

Students, faculty protest community college cuts

The News Hour Economists panel - Krugman, Rogoff, Marron, Rivlin ... it's worth a listen

Lloyds Banking unveils $12 billion HBOS loss

Cal Transit Association on State Budget: Armageddon Is Here

Stanford Blames ‘Former Disgruntled’ Workers in Probe

G-7 Takes ‘Back Seat’ as Crisis Pushes G-20 to Fore

Developing world faces dire consequences from crisis

It has been a year (since Lawrence King's death)

Attorney Layoffs: "Unprecedented Bloodbath"

Mexican economy shrinks faster; peso too weak -IMF

Picketers storm banker's homes, get re-set mortgages.

Bill introduced to abolish the Federal Reserve.

Toyota offers buyouts to U.S. workers

Nationalization by autumn, bank on it

Nouriel Roubini: Nationalizing the Banks Can End The Death Spiral We Are In

Stepson of ‘family values’ televangelist busted (exposing himself)


Stem Cells end 10 year use of AIDS drugs in Patient

Geithner's Coming Out Party

Gay couples seek marriage licenses in Nebraska

To save or to spend? Americans ponder their duty

Michigan Television Station Pulls Misleading AFA Program ...

Urgent Action: Cleve Jones & Courage Campaign Petition re: Bill Clinton, Do the Right Thing!

GBLT couples in business?

Please watch this & then sign the petition and donate if you can

Thank you Rep Nadler! Bill would allow gays to sponsor foreign partners

Iranian gay couple granted asylum in Canada

20/20 what would you do? gay couples kissing in public

I got so steamed at a coworker today

Bonds, Aaron Who's the best-neither It was May's by far

A conversation about the Israeli Election w/Avraham Burg, Martin Peretz, Sam Lewis &Leon Wieseltier

The Pollard Affair: Was it dual loyalty?

'This time it was Gaza, but we're next'

Hamas threw 'medicine grenades' at IDF

Archbishop Desmond Tutu Endorses Hampshire Students and Divestment!

'Jews Say No' is holding all-night protest outside World Zionist Organization 3rd Ave NYC right now

Hamas murder campaign in Gaza exposed

Jimmy Carter: Include Hamas in Israel-Palestinian peace talks

Jim Lobe: Rightward Shift in Israeli Polls Creates New Headaches

Hamas said ready to sign deal on Shalit release

Arabs make gains in new Israeli parliament

Although I disagree with 70%, an interesting take on Israel’s Gaza War

Amnesty International: Hamas harmed Palestinians

Tea leaves for possible new center-right Israeli government


Hamas providing emergency relief to Gazans

Hamas murder campaign in Gaza exposed

Barghouti to Obama: 2 states now or a long violent struggle over apartheid because 'we will be free'

Autism Settlement Precedent Blames Vaccines

Where do you stand regarding vaccinations and "Big Pharma"?

Minority of Tax-Exempt Hospitals Provide Most Charity Care

FDA's 483 of Peanut Corporation of America

What is your opinion of pharmaceutical companies and research and development?

Autism Not Related To Vaccines

Vaccine Court did NOT say "no link" between vaccines and autism

NeuroLogica: Autism Court Ruling - Vaccines Didn’t Cause Autism

Army doc, 74, soldiers on toward 3rd tour

Military uses social networking to reach public

Army recruiting stand-down ordered for Friday

General: Security permanent in southern Iraq

Rucker soldier admits to shaking son in past

AAFES book, magazine supplier shuts down

DoD names Campbell soldiers killed by bomb

Intel chief: Bad economy a security threat

Army investigating death of Richardson soldier

Sources: DoD budget outline is forthcoming

Pentagon investigators head to Afghanistan

Conspiracy charges in death of Iraqis dropped

Bill calls for equal deployment-to-dwell time

Official: DoD re-examining major programs

Filner, Akaka support advance VA funding

Police seek missing 82nd paratrooper

Vella Gulf nabs 9 more suspected pirates

Coast Guard chief charged with rape, cruelty

Mo. bill would add leeway for military ballots

Chief charged with stealing $366K of supplies

Ex-Coast Guard chief sentenced in rape case

Corps to launch Marine Week event in Chicago

Work goes on at Manas despite closure threat

AFSOC to get first 10 Skytrucks

Obama seen likely to hedge on missile defense

McGuire biofuel project gets defense funds

Lawmakers back Ill. base bid for cyber command

Charter school may open at Davis-Monthan

Afghanistan bomb drops increase in January

Ariz. official: Ruling on base act is relief

Troops prepare to turn over FOB Iskan

House panel hears experts' views on war strategy

Dog raises bomb alert at Ramstein

US Gear Ending up in Pakistan Markets

GAO says Taliban may have U.S. weapons

Shipboard college exams resume with new rules

Obama Faces Afghan War Troop Request

(Military Times) Op-Ed: Failure to Launch

Eglin hopes to cash in on sand, sun and surf

Two officials sent to Moscow in bid to save Central Asian base

School drill team commander faces hearing

B-52 crash investigation to be released Friday

There were seven justified homicides in Genesee County, Michigan in 2008...

Testing ! I went downtown, found this great wall, and now no matter what I do

Basta Rojo! First green of the season

Thursday morning

Asparagus as cancer cure?

I found a rose quartz heart in my path this afternoon.

Astro question

We Moon's astrocode for the week

Is this an orb?

I just applied for a job. Wish me luck?

Astronomers Unveiling Life's Cosmic Origins

Russian Military and Iridium Satellites Collided on Tuesday

New Planets & an Unknown Object Discovered Beyond the Solar System

Vaccines Not to Blame for Autism, Court Rules

The American Muslim. (Great Blog)

Deleted. Ignore. Something went wrong with the posting software. (shrug) nt.

In 1992 Pope John Paul II officially conceded that the Earth was not stationary

A joke on EVERYONE. Not mine, found on net. Enjoy!

Empress, you home?

"The signature of the human diet is cooking."

10-Min Home-Made Slaw. So Pretty and Tastes Amazing.

Yuckie Greasy Pizza Stone

Can you make pickles this way?

Valentine's Dinner

What's for Dinner? ~ Friday

Better World Shopper

Share your favorite recipes ~ CHOCOLATE

Potato starter question

Kay Ivey and the Alabama Prepaid Affordable College Tuition Program

What Do You (Educators) Think About The Stimulus Bill?

widow of 9/11 victim was aboard Flight 3407

Mods, so I don't accidentally do something that's been deemed off limits

was Beverly Eckerts plane Wellstoned? That question is making the rounds now.

Sept. 11 widow killed in Buffalo plane crash

Kinky would be an embarrassment to the party.

Saw "Watchmen" billboard: 3.6.09

Ronettes star Bennett dies at 67

Hey everybody! It's time for BLACK OP RADIO!

Beverly Eckert

GW Bush to give first post presidential speech in Calgary

Tories maintain Cadman tape was doctored

Huffington Post: Obama Fends Off Neighbor-Lady's Advances

Surrey Now: They both owe the 'Now' an apology

Put your "web development for dummies" hat on, please :)

ZOMFG! I have WPA/WPA2 PSK on Linux!

Zone Alarm log shows no firewall alerts at all since at least 12/23

PC Health

Microsoft offers $250,000 reward

How come my cursor will only work in Safe Mode?

We have AT&T Uverse for both my computer and our TV. We're switching to

Kerry shakes things up at the SFRC