Democratic Underground

Archives: January 8, 2011

Ex-Sen. Bob Dole Back At Walter Reed Hospital

Israeli Anti-Missile System Faces Fire at Home and Delays in U.S. Funding

Off to prison you greedy fugger

How do we know that Bugs Bunny isn't a Muslim?

How do we know that Bugs Bunny isn't a Muslim?

AOL Computer check up is ONLY $4.99 a month now (it used to be free, and still is junk)

BANK BUST FRIDAY !!!! ...... feliz dos mil once edition.

Brian Williams discusses his Speaker Boehner interview - Charlie Rose tonight

(CA) Gov. Brown Slashes Governor’s Office Budget

Tweety asked the Barter-Chickens-For-Health-Care Lady, "Are the crazies taking over the GOP?"

Tweety asked the Barter-Chickens-For-Health-Care Lady, "Are the crazies taking over the GOP?"

Sen. Boxer challenges GOP on environment issues

Sen. Boxer challenges GOP on environment issues

Do you know that Jesse Owens gave Jamaica his 100m

What Drives the Delusional Right? Why Palin's Christian Fortress Must be the 'Greatest Country Ever'

Group denounces WVC English program as ‘xenophobic’

Group denounces WVC English program as ‘xenophobic’

BP Cleanup A 'Cover-Up,' Louisiana Says, Pointing To Oil - MSNBC

Finally, an update on kitty Delenn!

Mary Bono Mack (R-CA) clearly enjoys contributions from the wealthy...and wealthy contributors.

When the govt owns the hospitals and the medical staff...

KO coming up with more on the Janocide/Brewercare

Florida wildlife experts say mysterious orange alligator must be dyed

Florida wildlife experts say mysterious orange alligator must be dyed

Paul Mason, once the world's fattest man, suing NHS for not helping him sufficiently with obesity

NADLER: Again-GOP Only Interested in Some of Constitution-Banishes Civil Rights & Civil Liberties

Republican "letters of apology" never fully admit guilt and always sound like weasels masturbating

Restore Arizona Transplant Web Site set up by an IL GOP rep!

Three Little Words: How Bill Daley Can Be Your Next Hero - Richard Eskow

Three Little Words: How Bill Daley Can Be Your Next Hero - Richard Eskow

US man with warrants gives false name during traffic stop - of guy who was also wanted

The Conservative Constitution of the United States

With Russ and Grayson gone. We need to shift our hero worship to Anthony Weiner.

Greenspan Warns of Risks From U.S. Debt

Hitler-Mocking Dog Enraged Nazis, Say New Documents

sigh...Barton's statement on the new Congress

Obama Promises Full Recovery for Employment (NYT)

***** ALERT - Weiner coming up on Rachel *****

Glasgow pantomime dress broke Geneva Convention

Five myths about why the South seceded

The New Jim Crow; How Mass Incarceration Turns People Of Color Into Permanent Second-Class Citizens

Police identifying men in video taped assaults of severely disabled women in care homes

YouTube Offers First Glimpse of Crowd-Sourced, Ridley Scott-Produced Documentary....

bystanders film attack rather then helping victim or calling 911

What if teabaggers ran their families the way they say they want to run government?

Separated at birth - Gov. Rick Scott and Harry Potter's Lord Voldemort

A letter to the Washington Post about The Post's 'beatification' of Boehner

love being able to see MSNBC news online at their site - an hour after air time

Social Democracy was once an experiment in the US

Social Democracy was once an experiment in the US

Mandatory Friday Malloy Truthseekers check in!! TGIF! Brad Friedman subs for Mike

Warning: TSA Now Looking to Confiscate Christian Louboutins

Think of an idea for a great textbook that could be produced for a mere ten million dollars

"...he used to work for us over here, we fired him, because he sucked..."

Jobless and hopeless in America

Girls arrested in Facebook teacher attack invite

Girls arrested in Facebook teacher attack invite

Girls arrested in Facebook teacher attack invite

The more I watch the GOP making fools of themselves, they more they

Obama's full-court press to make up with business community

Judge strikes down NC ban on public profanity

Grassley Investigation of TV Preachers Veers Off Course, Says Americans United

What a way to start the day! Phoenix radio station offers Bristol Palin job as morning show co-host.

Study reveals growing social inequality in OECD countries

Greenwald: "Serious Escalation Of DOJ Efforts To Probe, Harass" WikiLeaks Contacts (Subpoena Link)

If you were Karl Rove......How would you wickedly twist Boehners bouts of blubbering?

US school bans 'kirpan', Sikh community concerned

US school bans 'kirpan', Sikh community concerned

US school bans 'kirpan', Sikh community concerned

I used to be disgusted, then I was amused...

Twitter Informs Users Of DOJ WikiLeaks Court Order, Didn’t Have To

Bill Daley's Real Agenda: Obama's Reelection

What would the World be like if guys like Boehner and McConnell smoked weed

What would the World be like if guys like Boehner and McConnell smoked weed

John Edwards Not Engaged to Rielle Hunter according to Hunter's lawyer

The media and the man with the “golden voice”

This guy understands the problem

The first 2011 oxymoron

Russians to enter lake that's been sealed off by ice for 14 million years.

You miserable bunch of job-killing mother-fuckers!

Bloomberg Decides To Cut Dept Of Ed Contractors Instead Of Firehouses

Alternet: 9 Essential Questions About Bradley Manning & WikiLeaks

The Money Paradox

Gender neutral passport applications - could Sheridan and O'Keefe demonstrate any more bias?

Now I've seen it all -- Snorting Bath Salts to get high? WTF?

WOW! Football AND a loving tribute to the GIPPER? Super Bowl XLV plans Saint Ronnie tribute.

Call a Plumber ! The Cesspool outdoes itself ...

Big Brother Bill (Gates) Will Now be Watching the Media: "The Bully Pen"

Bernanke: It could take four to five years for the job market to "normalize."

Is Europe back? Maybe, with China's help.

History scraps 'Kennedys'

Does anyone here have the clip from way back...

Seriously? Arizona singled out MEXICAN AMERICAN studies in the ethnic studies ban?

It looks like John Edwards may finally be getting on with his life.

WTF!!!!! US wants Twitter details of Wikileaks activists

Study of Lice DNA: Humans First Wore Clothes 170,000 Years Ago

Bird and fish die-offs from yesteryear: 20 reports from between 1882 and 2007


Is it possible for government officials to damage national security?

Massive bird deaths attributed "polution and climate change."

Riots Rock Algeria Over Prices, Jobs

every time its like a knife jab in the stomach

every time its like a knife jab in the stomach

The GOP’s Axis of Ignorance: Gays, Latinos and Muslims

Oh Goody - Bath Iron Works To Build Three $5+ Billion Dollar Zumwalt Destroyers

A Gay Sailor Speaks Out in Support of Capt. Owen Honors

So I'm in a co-workers office today...of course he' a righty

Dept. of Labor Targeting H-1B Pay/Benefits Compliance

Lady Blah Blah blahs again

Lady Blah Blah blahs again

Nazi Fury At Hitler The Paw-Raising Dog - Guardian/AP

'Kennedys' miniseries is pulled by History Channel

'Kennedys' miniseries is pulled by History Channel

Halliburton finally named as a contributor to the Gulf oil spill by Obama

Halliburton finally named as a contributor to the Gulf oil spill by Obama

Bennett toon: The Mouthpiece

Rise of the New Confederacy

An unsatisfying answer to "What's wrong with conservatives?"

Jan Brewer is a despicable individual. I think she is guilty of negligent homicide.

DU is more fun when the republicans are in control.

Circus to feature banned smoking act and dwarf pulling hoover with his penis

If doofy ol' Julian Assange ...

Down and Out Year in Review

The Obama BBQ (why can't we all have potato salad?)

John Kasich Plans to Give His Staff Raises While the Rest of Ohio Suffers

America's Mayor© readies a can of Rudy-flavored whup-ass for the 2012 Presidential Election

Glenn Beck Dropped From New York Radio Station WOR

Liberals in Red Hell...time for a group hug.

Robert Reich: "The Problem Is America's Richest 1% Are Raking It in -- Not Public Employee Pensions"

Toyota Wins Ruling Against Former In-House Attorney Dimitrios Biller

Andrew Breitbart: Roy Cohn, Redux!

Chick-Fil-A Has Deep Anti-Gay Affiliations

MUST READ: 'Time to Stand Up for the Public Sector' - Robert Creamer/HuffPo

Turning innocent Pakistani families...

Gov. Voldemort to sell off Florida's two planes, lay off 10 workers

Hey President Obama, you're right it was your tax breaks for the rich

Hey President Obama, you're right it was your tax breaks for the rich

Democrats mount second sales pitch on health-care overhaul as Republicans seek to repeal

Hispanics Highlight Republican Hypocrisy

Hispanics Highlight Republican Hypocrisy

Am I the ONLY one who got a "Happy New Year's" card from BP?

Ted Haggard To Star In Reality Special On TLC

Ted Haggard To Star In Reality Special On TLC

Mike Pence targets Planned Parenthood

Any DU'ers have experience with Medical tourism?

Sarah Palin's Alaska' NOT Renewed For Second Season

NASA Stuck in Limbo as New Congress Takes Over

CNN Vid - Ben Stein: "We're gonna have to raise taxes but we can keep kicking the can for a while"

When Obama Warns the America People About THE MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX

O'Reilly admits he's a dope.

I'm thinking of suing Norwalk High School.

Ohio's Kasich joins other GOP governors in urging Obama to let states cut Medicaid enrollment

Digby Nails It Again: For GOP, the Slogan IS the Strategy

Who dealt it owns it

Beyond Sprawl: Part Three

Let's hope that Sarah Palin's Iowa and New Hampshire get an early cancellation also.

SIUC, faculty reach agreement to avoid layoffs

Boehner boo hoo

Boehner boo hoo

It's 10% of the unemployed who give the rest a bad name.

Sources: John Edwards engagement rumors false

Privatizing Social Security Again? By Helen Thomas

Privatizing Social Security Again? By Helen Thomas

Cultural Guerillas In Paris

Hahahaha! 'Sarah Palin's Alaska' NOT Renewed For Second Season: Report

Hahahaha! 'Sarah Palin's Alaska' NOT Renewed For Second Season: Report

and in act 4 of the very predictable story.... guess who comes back into the picture

Drunken man runs over kittens in order to kill and eat them

Repuke humor



KOLD (Tucson) now streaming live coverage of Giffords Shooting

"I can think of 100+ more deserving traitors, but it's a start."

I wish DU had been around since the '60s.

Tim Ryan loses seat on Appropriations Comittee

Tim Ryan loses seat on Appropriations Comittee

Flashback: gun dropped at Gabrielle Giffords event, at a grocery store

Let me tell you what the other side of the REAL coin is

Let me tell you what the other side of the REAL coin is

Larouch Is Crazier Than The Birthers

"History network pulls plug on Kennedy project"

Giffords may have given her life to pass HCR and Bayner will try to repeal it on Tuesday

Giffords was on Palin's "target" list, it turns out:

Giffords was on Palin's "target" list, it turns out:

Convicted Felon Ollie Spews Again

All democratic congress people need to double their security.

It's Not Like We Weren't Warned... 'Obama's Admiration of Ronald Reagan' - OpenLeft


Teabaggers are fucking cowards

May I "date" myself and quote Gibran?

4 confirmed dead in giffords shooting.

Congresswoman, 6 others killed by gunman

Palin reloads, aims for Giffords

Look at this Red State post. Saturday Morning Caption Contest. This is why this stuff happens.

Look at this Red State post. Saturday Morning Caption Contest. This is why this stuff happens.

Congresswoman, 6 others dead:

They're out there rounding up their "Oswald", no doubt !

Sorry... I Will NOT BE BUYING The Lone Gunman This Time Around...

This is the result of all the chaos created by the Republic Party. nt

AP confirms Giffords shot in head...

Will the MSM call out Angle and Palin?


The intent was to assassinate her and take as many of her supporters with her as possible...

Fox News reports Congresswoman Giffords is dead

Giffords worked her behind off to bring a huge Solar Plant to Az, that Brewer took credit for.


I had the privilege of meeting Rep. Giffords many times.

CNN affliate is K-GUN

CNN affliate is K-GUN

More details from Gawker

More details from Gawker

AZ congresswoman shooter in custody

Something Brand New In The Muslim World

I hope this doesn't scare you off from being involved politically publicly

Congresswoman Giffords is

Congresswoman Giffords office vandalized during healthcare debate.

Rep. Earl Blumenauer: New Republican Rules Threaten Infrastructure Funding

MSNBC, NPR, CNN,Twitter and fox: Rep Giffords Assasinated

She's Gone.

MSNBC just reported that Rep Giffords has passed away

Folks, this is just the beginning

FLASHBACK: Man admits church shooting, says liberals should die

MSNBC says Giffords alive

The pushback will begin in approximately 72 hours. Right now FoxNews ...

The pushback will begin in approximately 72 hours. Right now FoxNews ...

500 Internal Server Error

MSNBC - Giffords has died

Video: Rep. Giffords target of harassment, threats (this is from last year)

The other side of the unemployment benefits extension coin

msnbc just spoke live with a sherif saying he just spoke with a surgeon saying she's still alive

UMC called KOLD saying Giffords was in surgery

I blame McCain

Anyone who has Twitter: A backup zip file of Sarah Palin's map

MSNBC (2:29PM EST) just reported she is still alive. Retracted their death report

Anyone listening to this sheriff on MSNBC - what a great person

Giffords Bio

Giffords Bio

I am just as p.o. about this as anyone but

This Sheriff is using this to make a statement

This Sheriff is using this to make a statement

Giffords last Tweet prior to the shooting...

Gifford's image is all over right wing hate sites

CNN reporting: "We know she has had death threats against her"


KOLD: Rep. Giffords NOT DEAD

Red State Saturday Cartoon of Left Wing Media Shooting Range.

For those who think we can reason with these fucks just remeber this day REMEMBER THIS DAY

Forbes Says Health Care Reform is Working!!!

Okay, President Obama, here's your chance to take a stand...

Sarah Palin, you shoud be ashamed

Not my congresswoman, but




Death threats at Bay City TX H.S. - what the media isn't telling you ---

Terrorist Extremist Americans

Congressman Issa calls the President corrupt, this is where it starts, and how it ends

Fucks news reporting on the Gifford shooting

FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK Goddamn the right wing

There isn't anything for the news media to know about her condition, she has a right to medical

Guns in kid's bedrooms? Ohio town approves

'Mcveigh-ed' -- that's what i'm calling it

Rep. Giffords dead according to MSNBC

How many original posts will this single event generate?

msnbc sources say still confused if she is dead or not

Political Assassinations

MSM mess up

Gifford's last tweet

One thing is for sure. The republicans and the right have fostered an environment

PIMA County Sherriff just called out the Media live on MSNBC

PIMA County Sherriff just called out the Media live on MSNBC

John Boehner sent an email. As speaker he needs to be in the flesh and in front of the camera with

Let's hear it for bi-partisanship

Palin. For posterity....

Arizona Daily Star reporter calls guns a 'fetish' in Arizona.

rightwingers have NO reason to fear town hall meetings

rightwingers have NO reason to fear town hall meetings

Drug Industry Is Biggest Defrauder of Federal Government

Tea Party did this?????

Janet Napolitano:”Right-wing extremists” pose national security threats

Janet Napolitano:”Right-wing extremists” pose national security threats

"We've diagnosed the problem...HELP US PRESCRIBE THE SOLUTION..."

Sharon Angle: "You know, our Founding Fathers, they put that Second Amendment in there for a good

Arizona rep's office had been shot at, vandalized and broken into during HCR debat

Giffords is alive

Remeber when Napoliatano spoke out about internal terrorist, she was criticized. ,

Forums showing du in negative light

CBS News Reporting Suspect In Custody

UPDATE: Giffords in surgery as of 12:58 AZ time. nt

Obama attributes economic growth to tax cuts

CNN reports 9 shot,all critical or serious. One child among them.

A federal judge was shot and killed at that event with Giffords...

Giffords was one of the people Olbermann donated to that got his suspended.

Check out these hateful Facebook pages in regards to Gabrielle Giffords...

Why isn't the Media reporting on the Teabagger and Palin connections?

MSNBC:Shooter " White Male, mid 20's" according to eyewitness

When you get shot point blank in the head it is not fucking "indiscriminate"

UPDATE ON MSNBC: Congress woman is NOT dead but in critical condition.

I've talking trends for a while and one of the trends

I've talking trends for a while and one of the trends

Tuscon Local News Live Stream link on now

SarahPAC Crosshairs Graphic with Congresswoman Gifford's Name --->

Congresswoman Giffords is the new Fort Sumter.

Can it be agreed upon

Unreal: RW republican speculating that it might be border violence related

Negotiating with killers. So now will someone get the clue?

"Disgusting how quickly some have jumped to blame you Sarah. We know better!"

Sheriff blames Right wing hate talk

The republicans are the party of whited sepulchers

Oh my God.

****Congresswoman shooting Press Conference 130pm (AZ TIME)*****

Fuck...and that is NOT all...

They're killing Democrats in the streets

Shooter shouted something as he shot before HE was shot by security.

Gifford's father blames the tea party

Freepers already spinning conspiracy theories.

Video of Gabrielle Giffords victory celebration

Godfather inspiration (Charles 'Lucky' Luciano) was a fraud

Godfather inspiration (Charles 'Lucky' Luciano) was a fraud

How many Democratic leaders have been shot in the last few years?

MSNBC: Federal Judge also shot at event / 9mm Glock recovered at scene

Today, it's a hell of a name for that AZ TV station - KGUN. nt

Obama's release said Congresswoman Gifford was gravely wounded

Tea Party Terrorist...

John Boehner issued the following statement

Please let this serve as a reminder...the right wing wishes us all DEAD...

"Don't retreat,,,reload" Sarah Palin - speech is dangerous at times

Giffords dad: "The entire Tea Party was her enemy."

Tucson KVOA live broadcast here.

Remember Sarah Palins political hit list on Facebook????

"I Need A Handjob": The Creepiest Commercial Of All Time? (VIDEO)

This is an assassination

Sara Palin just moved to Arizona

Damn!!!! Another important person shot tooo

Gifford's father blames the tea party

Giffords supported SB1070...

Sarah Palin is praying that the goon wasn't one of hers.

watching FauxNews and Shep Smith

Political Toon from 1921. The more things change...

MSNBC: Gifford talking prior to surgery and is still alive.

Comment from Rep. Giffords father

When will M$Greedia show us that Sarah Palin

Sharon Angle Floated "Second Amendment Remedies"

Fox News: Had she (Congresswoman Giffords) done anything to outrage people?

Giffords Still Alive

I predict they will withhold the name of the shooter...

The McEducation of the Negro

How many times are they going to say "deranged" gunman? Is that supposed

From "The Professional Left"'s Facebook page...

MSM Spinning The "Both Sides" Bullshit Already

Scream Bloody Murder

AZ Central is live blogging

AZ Central is live blogging

Congresswoman Giffords commenting on Palin having a "target with gun crosshairs over our district"

Scream Bloody Murder

FUCK YOU Sarah Palin May You Rot In Hell (here is her statement - too little, too late)

AZCentral reporting

The Federal Judge was killed

Teabaggers: Taking America back to the 19th Century, one bullet at a time!

Will simple meet and greets be a casualty?

18 shot,6 dead on CNN from a Deputy Sheriff. Congresswoman in critical condition.

Freepers ready to piss themselves over the "target map" and "lib media blaming Sarah"

Assange and Wikileaks defended by Fox News

The 25 Weirdest Interview Questions of 2010 from Forbes. I've got an answer to all of them:

Fuck you M$M - you have gone along with the right wing goons

The media has humored Sarah Palin and the Tea Party fascist goon squad for ratings long enough.

Does anyone here believe this wasn't going to happen since Obama was elected?

MSNBC reporting a federal judge was killed at the AZ event.

Wonded Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords One Of Twenty Recently Targeted By Sarah Palin PAC

Wonded Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords One Of Twenty Recently Targeted By Sarah Palin PAC

Wonded Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords One Of Twenty Recently Targeted By Sarah Palin PAC

Corporate whore spin in full glory. MSNBC has interviewed TWO republicans

Right-Wing Blogger Tied to Vandalism of Congressional Offices (Including Giffords)

Sarah Palin and Sharon Angle are Terrorists

A Federal Judge was also Killed in the Attack (FOX Reports)

Can't help but remember two days ago, when Boehner said he can't stop birther type outbursts.

Weird. Daily Kos just *now* scrubbed a story about a disgruntled...

FR: "What’s the fuss about? This is what Giffords wanted. I say pull the plug on the Nazi."

MSNBC just reported that Fed Judge John Roll has died in that AZ attack

Giffords "responding to commands"... expected to survive surgery

Giffords expected to pull through according to assistant city manager.

AP sources: Gunman in Arizona lawmaker's shooting identified as Jared Laughner

AP sources: Gunman in Arizona lawmaker's shooting identified as Jared Laughner


On the speculation of who could do this

Anyone get screen saves of FREEPERVILLE's Gifford's shooting celebration threads.

150 years later and where do find ouselves . . . . again?

Jumping to conclusions without facts is foolish!

Via Shep Smith: Shooter is a 22 year old White Male

FR reloads: "When the government fears the people you have liberty. I say it is time for liberty."

Yes, another thread. Husband watching CNN said to me, "Why did you mention Palin?"

Palin's Hit List:

Ironic, I turn to Faux news on my Uverse and it shows that Glen Beck's

Huffington Post: Giffords 'Expected To Pull Through'?

I'm going to guess some of the right wing web sites will be off line for a while

Our FRiends focus on the important issues...

[EDIT] Phoenix NPR member station KJZZ-FM live coverage link

CNN screen posting said 18 people were shot. Is this accurate? n/t

CNN screen posting said 18 people were shot. Is this accurate? n/t

White male, early 20's, black clothing, arrested at the scene.

Sheriff on MSNBC right now wanting the 'inflammatory crap' in the country to stop.

Luke Russert finally wins my admiration by pointing toward the rancour around the health care debate

UK Guardian report of the Assassination attempt

MSM mess up again.. 6 dead... then 4 dead now one dead

Freerepublic is down

UMC news conference up...

You can get arrested for Conspiring to do a drug deal and

Sarah Palin's actual gunsight map.

Is it even possible to become wealthy without exploiting someone else?

Reminds me of November 22, 1963. Waiting to hear what happened, how she is. eom

NPR Should be Ashamed of Themselves

You can get arrested for Conspiring to do a drug deal and

Before The Republicans Start Lying About it

Report: Tea Party Gifford's enemy, father says

This Gifford/Multiple citizen gunfire is worth a thousand new threads...

Hospital spokesman "very optimistic about recovery"

MSNBC: Gifford expected to pull through

"Very optimistic"!

Ten patients to the hospital - one dead, five critical

Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT03) nearly in tears on MSNBC over Giffords shooting

Mixed sex handshakes banned

I'm going out on a limb here, but I think I know who targeted Giffords.

I'm going out on a limb here, but I think I know who targeted Giffords.

A young child died

Bracelets for Sarah

Bracelets for Sarah

Has John McCain commented on the shootings ?

Hey Luke Russert:

This was instigated by many and now their hopes have come true.

Giffords had discussed fears of having Sarah Palin crosshairs on her. (VIDEO)

Giffords had discussed fears of having Sarah Palin crosshairs on her. (VIDEO)

Delete - dupe

Tuscon shooting: a young child died at the hospital

A nine year old girl. Just damn.

Obama about to make statement.

"Pot-Hating Bush Holdover Unanimously Confirmed To Head DEA"

Press conference going on, the surgeon says the bullet went through her brain and came out the other

3 incendiary devices sent to Democrats this week,now this.

3 incendiary devices sent to Democrats this week,now this.

Obama speak soon

Shooters pics

Jared Lee Loughner's YouTube channel

KOLD-Tucson reporting gunman had a pistol with an "extended magazine"

Official statements from Repubs mean absolutely nothing

From Twitter (Palin's dictum from 3/23 being retweeted)

Pat Robertson: Federal Judges worse than Al-Qaeda (Fed. Judge ASSASSINATED today)

Tucson Citizen saying they are looking for other suspects?

A Lesson Learned...

****Press conference coming up around 1:45; local KVOA feed here*****

President Obama's Statement

He says he's a US mil at MEPS (?)in Phoenix

Has Brewer said anything???

Laughner or Loughner

Nancy will speak at 5.30pm

What books do you think they'll find in the shooters house?

Never Surrender

Fuck you, Sarah Palin!

Fuck you, Sarah Palin!

Rabble rousing is a well paying profession on the radio these days.

Paul Krugman: Assassination Attempt In Arizona

He sounds like a "Freeman."

He sounds like a "Freeman."

HOSPITAL confirms YOUNG CHILD died at Hospital

Jared Lee Loughner's Youtube:

KOLD Live Stream from the site of the Giffords assassination attempt:


I just heard a jackass call up and say " the only ones "worst" than the shooters

Is the media spelling his name right? I found a youtube channel

Hospital spokesperson says she is not dead , she is in surgery

Local KVOA NOT confirming AP story regarding identity or much of anything else.

via HuffPost - Giffords responding to commands

Should we all collectively ask for Pamela Gorman to apologize for her machine gun election ad?

Also killed...Chief Judge John Roll

Assassinated Judge was Previous RW Target

Tea Party Victory Song (Jared Laughner)

MSNBC waiting for President Obama (video link) starting

Sarah Palin is an ignorant

She was shot because she wasn't liberal enough?

Giffords Press Conference Liveblog

Giffords Press Conference Liveblog

Was the shooter a war vet?

Was the shooter a war vet?

MSM ignoring Sarah Palin and Teabagger connection, blaming "border violence"

Flashback to 2010: Speakers at NRA convention 'target' Washington, midterms

Jan Brewer going to give a presser?

Meanwhile over at Huffington Post

FBI reporting "Lone Gunman" 21 year old white male

Mirandizing terrorists?

Giffords was Arizona's first Jewish congress rep, too?

Giffords was Arizona's first Jewish congress rep, too?

God Bless Rachel Maddow - check out her blog:

How many more Tim McVeighs will the Republican right wing create before the

How many more Tim McVeighs will the Republican right wing create before the

i will not make any judgments about today's events until the suspect has a press conference

KOLD - Jarred Loughner

Confirmed he's a 22 year old white male, hospital news conference live now.

Confirmed he's a 22 year old white male, hospital news conference live now.

Rep Giffords:"Sarah Palin has the crosshairs of a gun sight over our District...

Can anyone tell me if Giffords has children?

What an embarrassing day for the news media.

Is there a...oh, I dunno, COMMON THEME...that may stir up the worst in Palin's followers?

On EMS response and why it took half an hour

Fake Loughner profiles popping up like dandelions on Facebook

President Obama coming up now

Jared Lougner? Not laughner. Google him & get the shots --

Giffords husband Mark Kelly has just arrived in tucson airport

The mods are working their asses off right now

Jim Robson is a coward. He's white-washing FR.

Grijalva calls for greater security for members of Congress

Grijalva calls for greater security for members of Congress

Obama speaking now:

CSPAN-1 is carrying KVOA-TV coverage of the shooting. Link here

The Republican Cover-Up Is Going Hardcore

Who remembers the day James Brady died?

the batshit wingers are really twisting and turning to distance themselves from the anti government

Obsessed with gold and referring to his readers as "listener" = Beck radio fan.

Obsessed with gold and referring to his readers as "listener" = Beck radio fan.

Hate speech is dangerous

Why is msnbc talking to so many GOPers?

Janocide Brewercare is on now

Jan Brewer speaking now.

Sarah Palin's Facebook posting a hour AFTER the Giffords shooting...

ADL: The Freeman Movement

Let's see if the name ends up being Laughner...or Loughner???

Can we please take a moment for a deep breath?

Jan Brewer on now.

MSNBC: "shooting comes amid a highly charged political environment "

MSNBC: "shooting comes amid a highly charged political environment "

Palin's Take Back 20 Web site is back up now without the infamous poster....

What's a suicide bomber who has easy acces to automatic weapons?

Oh, God! Now Jan Brewer is holding press conference!

Has Arizona's governor issued a statement yet?

Has Arizona's governor issued a statement yet?

Screen shots from Jared Loughner's Myspce pics page before it was taken down

Statement from Eric Cantor

Statement from Eric Cantor

Mark Kelly and Gabrielle Giffords wedding.

In 2009, another gun nut showed up where Rep Giffords was speaking (at another Safeway) & dropped

I have no sympathy for Jan Brewer's crocodile tears.

Bad Experience with Small Claims / District Judge

Palin Issues Statement via Facebook

Jan Brewer speaking out now on CNN live internet

a really nice article about Congresswoman Giffords and her husband

Did I see a smile on Jan Brewer's face?

Isn't it time we brand Palin/Beck as "Domestic Terrorists"?

Of note, this is the Three in the morning call... where is Speaker Boehner?

It was posted on another message board that this shooter is an "anti-government anarchist".

Jared Loughner was arrested in 2008 on a local charge dismissed by county attorney

Jared Loughner was arrested in 2008 on a local charge dismissed by county attorney

For those who don't know anything about Congresswoman Giffords

The child shot in AZ has died.

The child shot in AZ has died.

The largest religious group in America without representation in Congress

Jared Lee Loughner's youtube channel

McCain defended telling voters to 'reload' and 'aim for' Dems in March...

It's not just Beck, Palin, Hannity and Coulter; it's become more insidious.

Palin graphics targeting Giffords (Must see, if you have not seen them!)

Silent thread for Gabrielle Giffords

Tucson: 4 Dead, 7 at hospital, per KOLD live feed.

Gabby Giffords is the first congressman to be shot since Leo Ryan at Jonestown in 1978.

Congrats, Sharron Angle, on your "Second Amendment remedy."

Palins facebook page put gunsights on 20 dems she was targeting.

Republicans Creating Fake Profiles On Facebook To Frame Democrats

Who is BoyBue and why has KOS scrubbed him?


Talk about cooking the unemployment stats

Repubs: Killer Klown party

Jared Loughner - YouTube video of his last thoughts

Dem. Rep. Giffords shot in Tucson

Can only wonder how the Coward Limbaugh will spin this.

Do you remember the videos of people in line for Palin events?

The Republican Cover-Up Is Going Hardcore

anybody remember the 'bagger sentiments displayed on the signs?

Folks, MSNBC's coverage sucks

Giffords was on Palin's "Target List"

Remember, There Was Bombs Mailed This Week As Well

Sharron Angle's Second Amendment Remedies

Pic of Jared Laughter (sp?) with giant crossword puzzle

Bob Franken, on MSNBC, just linked the Palin crosshair thing to this shooting.

Bob Franken, on MSNBC, just linked the Palin crosshair thing to this shooting.

She's a sweetheart, isn't she?

Rep, Franks (R) doesn't think this is political. Okey dokey, you do realize a CONGRESSWOMAN was

My guess is that Loughner is psychotic

Hopefully this Jared Loughner lives long enough for a NAU Amero to replace the US Dollar

What Roger Ailes & Murdoch's little network has wrought

San Clemente landslide leaves four houses on the brink (pics)

Remember Beck called for a personal Revolution and that the Liberals wanted a violent Revolution.

I think the President himself speaking was a bit much. For a member of congress not in the

America is losing the ability to function as a civil society.

How many people would Gifford's shooter have shot if automatic weapons

MSNBC confirming now that 6 have died.

It's January 8, does anyone else find it a bit shocking that since the beginning of the year..

Am I the only one around here who thinks Gov. Brewer has Alzheimer's?

Giffords Comment on Sarah Palin's Target Map: "...there are consequences to that action.”

PHEW at last - Bob Franken at GEM$NBC mentions Sarah's graphic

"No! I won't trust in God!"

Here is why GABRIELLE GIFFORD was assassinated.. >>link>>


Neil Young's Ohio and today's incidents

delete this

delete this

This was no tragedy, it was political TERRORISM.

Six people now dead

Have you prayed for a liberal today?

Who are the other staff members of Gabby Gifford who

Who are the other staff members of Gabby Gifford who

Remember Oklahoma City in 1995 during Clinton's Presidency?

Speaker BONER Must Be Drunk and ........

I'm betting they were waiting for Gabby Gifford's husband

Right-Wing Nutcase shot up a school board meeting.

Is it possible we at DU show more respect toward Elizabeth Edwards?

I find Senator McCain's statement of today sadly ironic

John McCain's statement

TPM Flashback: Giffords Read First Amendment On House Floor (Video)

"The left sacrificed her to forward their agenda"

Don't separate this tragedy from the Tea Party

Bill Clinton's Prescient Warning Earlier This Year: What We Learned in Oklahoma City

Who was your dream pick for Chief of Staff?

Who was your dream pick for Chief of Staff?

When the Messiah comes, the Right will crucify him. (Haaretz)

When the Messiah comes, the Right will crucify him. (Haaretz)

When the Messiah comes, the Right will crucify him. (Haaretz)

KOLD-Tucson reporting a call for blood donations...

White House Hits Back At Liberal Critics of Bill Daley

I knew he would be a white male.

I knew he would be a white male.

Elisabeth Hasselbeck calls out Sarah Palin (video)

Spokesman for Giffords' Opponent says, "I just don't see the connection."

Hou do you pronounce "Loughner?"

Republicans - The Party of Assassins

Irony alert: newsfeed on CNN coming from KGUN.

Irony alert: newsfeed on CNN coming from KGUN.

Keith will have a Saturday edition of Countdown tonight

Palin not likely to return for a second season on TLC

Personally, I blame the "Grammar Nazis"

Personally, I blame the "Grammar Nazis"

MSNBC talks to Gabrielle Gifford about the death threats. Aired 3/25/10

tired of news quoting palin condolences - pick someone else who had not targetted this congress

Tea Party Sells ‘America’s Most Wanted’ Playing Cards With Pictures Of Federal Lawmakers

(DONE!) Please report this fake Facebook page of the alleged Tucson shooter

(DONE!) Please report this fake Facebook page of the alleged Tucson shooter

Just announced here in Tucson - Giffords

The White House has released photos of Obama responding to the shooting:

The White House has released photos of Obama responding to the shooting:

September 29, 2010 HEADLINE-The Arizona Daily Wildcat: Palin reloads, aims for Giffords

Olbermann donated $2400 to Giffords's campaign.

A Timely Re-post

There will be a special episode of Olbermann's Countdown tonight



Sarah Palin, the charge is Depraved Indifference Homicide.

Sarah Palin, the charge is Depraved Indifference Homicide.


It's a big story. Katie Couric's doing the news over on CBS

NY Daily News: Gifford a target of Palin

‘Don’t Retreat, Instead – RELOAD!’ (don't let her get away with this)

Dana Bash on cnn

This is "second amendment remedies" in action.

Are you watching GIffords on Chuck Todd's program

Are you watching GIffords on Chuck Todd's program

John Lewis on GEM$NBC now

cbs news arizona reporter says FEMA will be in charge WTF they are the

Palin has a role in this, but let's NOT forget...

Do we know for certain if Loughner was motivated by Palin and her ilk?

It's time to start calling this terrorism and this shooter a TERRORIST.

If a teabagger shot Giffords, the tea party needs to be classified as a terrorist organization

If a teabagger shot Giffords, the tea party needs to be classified as a terrorist organization

Daily Kos: Federal Judge John Roll killed in AZ shooting had previous death threats from ruling....

MSNBC: "Not politically motivated"

Rush, Beck, Coulter, and Palin all culpable for inciting assasination

mr loughner lived to tell about it...

2nd Person Arrested?

2nd Person Arrested?

2nd Person Arrested?

Ed Schultz coming up on MSNBC to take over coverage

Don't forget the shameful rhetoric of elected Republicans: "Job Killing..."

For all those amazed that she lived after being shot in the head... 2 words--James Brady

Sarah Palin Has NOT Deleted 'Reload' Tweet Or Facebook Note

Sarah Palin Has NOT Deleted 'Reload' Tweet Or Facebook Note

ABCNews quotes Gifford's father

Jared Lee Loughner Identified As Gabrielle Giffords Shooter (INFO, VIDEOS)

Bringing up Students for a Democratic Society on MSNBC currently

WP: Gabrielle Giffords discussed budget cuts, health care in last interview (on Fox) before attack

Twitters from people claiming to know Loughner

Because of "copycat shooters" potential, should DU take down Palin's hit list?

Mods--this is a tough day. Thanks for your help in the midst of

Gates Tries To Cut Military Health Care

If Ozzy can be dragged into court for his Song Suicide Solution what about Sarah Palin

Freepers: "Couldn't have been one of ours"

Gifford's own response to Sarah's "map"

Hey Teabaggers! How's that "Tree of Liberty" doing?!?

Toon: Not our original intent!

Toon: Not our original intent!

An important note to make about the shooters flag burning video

CBS News shows Palin crosshairs map and Rep. Giffords comments about it.

Rumors are that FR is scrubbing the shooter's posts from FR.

Rumors are that FR is scrubbing the shooter's posts from FR.

Didn't take long for fuck face Bob Franken to start comparing the shooter to the SDS did it?

Who should be implicated as accessories to the murders today in Arizona

Oh God, lived with his parents

I tried to go to Freeper Land to see what they were saying about Rep. Giffords

"Sarah Palin's Alaska": No second season (Dang?)

Which of the following is the most important, in your opinion?

That piece of shit palin is as much to blame as the shooter

That piece of shit palin is as much to blame as the shooter

If you want to see and retain Palin's UNEXPUNGED Facebook "Target" page:

Marty Kaplan: "The 'Lock and Load' Rhetoric of American Politics Isn't Just a Metaphor"

Give Obama the benefit of the doubt.

Give Obama the benefit of the doubt.

Give Obama the benefit of the doubt.

so, it turns out it wasn't a crazed mexican liberal with ACLU and NCLR cards in his wallet . . .

The United States faces a very real terrorist threat

Here comes the spin..."Friend" on twitter who hasn't talked to shooter since 2007 calls him liberal

Media Trying to Inoculate GOP in Giffords Shooting

"goodbye friends" Jared Loughner's Stream

"This is the biggest cover-up in the history of America"

Nurse on KOLD...shooter taken down by four elderly men....

Nurse on KOLD...shooter taken down by four elderly men....

Jared Loughner Myspace allegedly scrubbed....(some info kept)

Loughner's main beef seems to be

Jared Lee Loughner - Lyndon Larouche follower?

Lynch mobs- even virtual lynch mobs- freak me out.

There are two kinds of people in the world . . .

Hey Pro Life Sarah - a child has DIED today. Happy?

Twitter Responds to WikiLeaks Document Demand by Feds–But Who’s Next?

America is armed to the teeth

Sarah Palin's web page is gone

(Arizona) Federal Judge John McCarthy Roll shot and killed

If the shooter is psychotic, then he's a useful idiot. If he's rational, then he's a tool.

What is to stop the R's from making Grover Norquist CBO head?

What You Can't Measure with a Test

What You Can't Measure with a Test

Liberals will just turn the other cheek.

Whether there's a direct connection between the shooter and Palin is beside the point....

What is the count now? Democrats have been singled out for murder or intimidation since Kennedy.

And it’s long past time for the GOP’s leaders to take a stand against the hate-mongers

And it’s long past time for the GOP’s leaders to take a stand against the hate-mongers

"Simply put, the elderly are superfluous to capitalism."

From Motherjones on Loughner

Still Thick Oil in LA-BP Needs To Be Held Accountable

Discussion of the murder of John P. Wheeler III

If Capitalism Saved Us From Communism, Who's Gonna Save Us From Capitalism ???

Ford unveils new All-Electric Focus

It appears from all evidence the the shooter was mentally ill. BUT

AP says his name is Jared Laughner

Palin has lost ALL credibility today. She's now unelectable. True or not?

The Mudflats and blowback on Sarah's facebook

Does anyone else just feel profoundly depressed today?

Since Giffords' shooting, SarahPAC appears to have removed Giffords' name from the list.

Would a knowledgeable DUer please post the names of

Protect the Queen! Protect the Queen! Protect the Queen!

Congresswoman shot: Sarah Palin Catching Heat

"Shooter was a Left-winger" - It's started

Possible Friend of shooter says he was left wing.

"Armed and dangerous" Bachmann says she's praying for the victims (via Twitter)

CIA torture theorist working for KIPP charter schools

CIA torture theorist working for KIPP charter schools

GM is laying off workers & offering 12-16 hour days to those remain.

Bitch as much as we do about the state of DU

Don't call the number on the Mike Huckabee ad (1-800-771-1705)

Tea parties fear backlash

"Gabby Giffords WAS a friend of mine"?

FR: "Holding Palin culpable is just as terrible" as Giffords getting shot.

At the moment, I don't blame ANYONE but the shooter himself.

comical ... because the shooter read "Communist Manifesto", he's a "flaming liberal"

Fox is carrying coverage from their local affiliate; KGUN....

Limbaugh Has Two Inches Of Solid Wood Right Now.

Freeper warns "liberal cruddy Democrats" that "the majority of Americans ARE the tea party"

"Extremely intelligent and aggressive" 300+ pound feral pigs terrorize Florida residents

Jan Brewer just signed (this year) a new law lifting restrictions on concealed weapons

Silent thread for Gabrielle Giffords

Check out the headline in today's Az Republic - the state's largest newspaper.

Sam Seder: "If @sarahpalinusa insists she has no responsibility for this violence why is she

A silent thread for Gabrielle Giffords and the other victims of the shooting.

i get my cable news online as I don't have cable...if anyone is interested

Sharron Angle Has Blood on Her Hands.

DailyKos: Giffords Opponent Held Target-Shooting Event To 'Target' Her During Election

Here are the graphics removed from Palin's web site and another site:

Sarah Palin's Political Career May Be in Peril Over Gunsight Target Map

Giffords Opponent, Jesse Kelly, Held June Event to “Shoot a Fully Automatic M16″ to “Get on Ta...

Giffords Opponent, Jesse Kelly, Held June Event to “Shoot a Fully Automatic M16″ to “Get on Ta...

The Federal Reserve is a private bank

Following Giffords Shooting, Sarah Palin's Crosshairs Website Quickly Scrubbed From Internet

A post from freeperville.

Religious organizations set up shop at the Adult Entertainment Expo

Fla. university bans all tobacco use (recreational areas, dorms, and even outdoors and in cars.)

Fla. university bans all tobacco use (recreational areas, dorms, and even outdoors and in cars.)

Fla. university bans all tobacco use (recreational areas, dorms, and even outdoors and in cars.)

First article linking Giffords shooting to Palin's 'target map' and gun sights

Sarah Palin... You told your "followers" to RELOAD

actly tweets a petition for Palin to take responsibility.

Do the polls follow the propaganda or does the propaganda follow the polls?

"The Next Step"

So the teabaggers are trying to distance themselves from this

Gabby Giffords: A Few Words-by Alan Grayson

Why not just assemble a lynch mob?

She isn't alone in shooting in the line of duty

She isn't alone in shooting in the line of duty

Ex-Turkish Intel chief says Gulen movement (owner of largest charter-school chain in US) = CIA front

So; is Gibbs Underpaid? - The Underpaid Robert Gibbs and Washington's Sense of Entitlement

My fellow Democrats: Protect yourselves, and remember history.

Who will replace Giffords?

Rep. Gifford's Father: "The whole Teaparty" an enemy of his daughter.

Charles Manson never actually killed any of those people himself

FR down to scrub Jared Laughner from their site?

The price of gold is rising. Is investing in gold really that much of a scam?

Photo of the alleged gunman

Photo of the alleged gunman

Obama the Centrist Irks a Liberal Lion

Rethugs already saying she "pro-life, pro gun and pro-border security"

Sarah Palin's Rifle Scope Map marking Giffords

Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior

In the middle of all this, Wikileaks Central put my little "I read Wikileaks" declaration up

Ted Nugent isn’t on board with a Palin presidency yet

NADLER: Again-GOP Only Interested in Some of Constitution-Banishes Civil Rights & Civil Liberties

Israeli troops shot on Gaza border

Judge orders police, SIU to hand over Adam Nobody records(G20 CDN)

Internal USDA Report Says $4B In USDA Stimulus Loans May Have Gone To Ineligible Borrowers

House GOP tries to fix mess started by lawmakers who voted without being sworn in

US subpoenas Twitter for accounts of two Wikileaks volunteers

4.1 quake rattles Bay Area

Oil still fouling La. marshes, tour finds

Obama the Centrist Irks a Liberal Lion

Brazil police say footballer Somalia faked his kidnap as an excuse for turning up late

nobody felt the quake??? 4.1...

Fun For Me

Ovation Channel running Firefly Marathon starting at midnight tonight!

Even Christian women have their limits.


California's education chief says schools face a fiscal emergency

Is it easy to hot-wire?

U.S. Passport Application Undergoes Change To Accomodate Same-Sex Parents

I want an Eschertat.

Winterphonic - Concrete

Fill my house's walls with expanding foam insulation, or replace windows?

Uh-oh! From GD, there is a weiner coming up on Rachel!!1!!

Put another song on ourstage:

I think I just blew a phone this morning.

I got 5 pairs of Christmas knee high socks for Christmas, just what I wanted.

Godfather inspiration (Charles 'Lucky' Luciano) was a fraud

Doughboy is in the Oven

Bethany and the Scientific Method:

Here is a funny story.

I'm just listening to the news in Canada. The anchor is an old fashioned

The real CFB title game starting now on ESPN2

OK, 'fess up. Who still has their tree and/or Xmas decorations up?

When's the last time you were THIS proud of one of your, um... accomplishments?

Not approving US-Colombia FTA 'terrible signal to the world': McCain

UN defends Haiti quake relief efforts

Netroots UK: activists discuss next stage of protests against cuts and fees

Man Is Beaten and Killed in Upscale Hotel

K-Lab - Hungarian Wave

Package That Ignited at Washington Post Office Was Addressed to Napolitano

WikiLeaks demands Google and Facebook unseal US subpoenas

U.S. Tells Twitter to Hand Over WikiLeaks Supporter's Messages

Sing It Back

If we're in love

"Sarah Palin's Alaska": No second season (Dang?)

Friday night. I'm relaxin' with a locally-brewed roasted porter. Anyone want to conversate a little?

Twitter Responds to WikiLeaks Document Demand by Feds–But Who’s Next?


Breathe Me

TRAGIC photo...Mick Jagger has REALLY let himself go.

U.S. to offer more support to Pakistan

Why don't we have an Ask Teh Lounge forum?

Gabrielle Giffords Shot: Congresswoman Reportedly Shot In Arizona

Pra Manha


Children aren't necessarily picky eaters... you just have to know what to feed them.

Congresswoman Shot In Arizona

Congresswoman Giffords Shot (D-AZ)

Radical Iraqi cleric urges resistance against US

Congressional offices prepare for cuts

Sarah Palin's Rifle Scope Map marking Giffords

The Initials BB

US Rep. Gabrielle Giffords Killed During Shooting At Event In Arizona

Some NYC love...

Senior Texting Code

Did YOUR kid survive Sarah Palin's Alaska?

FLASH: Congresswoman Gifford Dies After Being Shot in Head at Public Appearance (6 Others Killed)

Congresswoman, 6 Others, Killed By Gunman


Clap Your Hands

The Van Halen "Brown M&M" story is actually explained - Colbert (6:06)

Obama urges end to "symbolic battles" in Congress

Be Still My Beating Heart


Déjà vu

dead can dance - host of seraphim

I wish DU had a small business/entrepreneur topic

Sarah Palin's web page is gone

Band of Horses - The Funeral

Goodbye Horses - Q Lazzarus

Shriekback - This Big Hush

Concrete Blonde - Joey

Concrete Blonde - Joey

I had a taste of the real world

Congresswoman shot dead in Tucson: reports

Five For Fighting - 100 Years

US Rep. Gabrielle Giffords Killed During Shooting At Event In Arizona - eyewitness

Giffords Opponent, Jesse Kelly, Held June Event to “Shoot a Fully Automatic M16″ to “Get on Ta...

The Sundays - Wild Horses

Here is a funny thing.

Gimme Shelter - The Rolling Stone

Eurythmics - Angel

FBI reporting "Lone Gunman" 21 year old white male

Tide comes in, tide goes out.

Don't leave me now - Supertramp

Commerce Secretary brings business-friendly message to Silicon Valley

OK, class. Use the word "voracious" in a sentence --

Robert Plant - Big Log

What's the pompous guy's conversational crotch for 2011?

My Bad

MFM may TALK sweet n' gentle, but he is one bad ass. Yessirree Bob!! ONE. BAD. ASS.

The Tom Larsen Blues Band (out of Delaware)

(Arizona) Federal Judge John McCarthy Roll shot and killed

Just announced here in Tucson - Giffords

Whose birthday is it?

History Channel Pulls 'The Kennedys'; Says Controversial Miniseries 'Not a Fit’


Super Furry Animals - Juxtaposed With U

Dr. Octagon - Earth People

any DU knitters out there?

U2--Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses

datasuspect's daily inspirational meditation

what is it EXACTLY that a therapist DOES?

DUPE delete

is it safe for my precious pup to drink from those community water bowls set out at

Happy 70th Birthday (January 8th) Graham Chapman!

Should I watch Stephen King's "The Stand" mini-series?

Has anybody ever ordered prescription eyeglasses online?

she stabbed husband ‘because he drives me nuts’

Madonna - Live To Tell

Boston - More Than A Feeling

i found something really cool on the internet

weird dreams

Giffords Still Alive

Federal Judge Shot At Incident In Arizona

Police looking for accomplices at Giffords shooting scene

More young people are winding up in nursing homes

Blaze scorches Venezuela land agency office; authorities investigate possible arson

Spain's National Broadcaster Bans Bullfighting

BREAKING: Male Suspect in Giffords Shooting in Custody; News Briefing 3:30 p.m. ET

Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was a target of Sarah Palin, but is a moderate, gun-owning Democrat

Astronomers Flock to Seattle for Big Space Conference

‘Don’t Repeal Health Law – Go Beyond it to Single-Payer Medicare for All’: Doctor’s Group

Half-time. Seattle 24 New Orleans 20

You want a job where you really start to hate people? Get a security guard job

15 headless bodies found in Acapulco


Feds Subpoena Twitter Seeking Information on Ex-WikiLeaks Volunteer

(Former British Home Secretary) Jack Straw: Some White Girls Are 'Easy Meat' For Abuse

What's the pompous guy's conversational crutch for 2011?

OK, cheer me up. I'll start:

December 1963 -Roling Stones sing Rice Krispies TV ad

Has anyone here ever traveled on the California Zephyr?

"jazz" SUCKS as a genre & music form. May it disappear!1 That said, I will respond: n/t

songs you will never forget

Any fellow Angelenos have suggestions for a new bank, now that Chase is a' chiselin'?

"Thank you so much........ for loving my dad"

Elvis is 76 today.

Obama Eyeing Internet ID for Americans

Banana Bread is in the Oven

Who will win Sunday's NFL wild card playoff games?

1000s Of Egyptian Muslims Show Up As ‘Human Shields’ To Defend Coptic Christians From Terrorism

may i date myself?

Most loved person in the world

(Congresswoman)Gabrielle Giffords shot in head in Tucson

Nevada County CA Rape story and crisis worker?

Verizon Finally Lands iPhone (Announcement Tuesday)

What are your favorite children's books?

City manager: Giffords expected to pull through surgery

Conservapedia's list of the greatest "conservative" songs - ha ha ha ha ha!!!

WikiLeaks Demands Google & Facebook Unseal US Subpoenas

Beach House - 10 mile stereo

Another Charlie the unicorn video!!!

Weird Liberal Head Show #263: Liberals, Leftists, and Workers Unite!

'Morning Joe' cast showing signs of Ted Williams 'golden voice' feel-good story fatigue?

NBC News: Mayor Wilson Goode starts reelection campaign after troubled 1st term (1987)

NBC News: A look at the Constitutional Convention of 1787 (1987)

WPXI News: The death of labor leader I. W. Abel (1987)

WNEW News: Unemployment and labor issue (1978; comments from Victor Riesel)

CBS News: Idi Amin tries to improve his image (1978)

CBS News: Abortion battles in the late 1970's (1978)

WNEW News: President Carter lobbies business for energy bill; gov't spending rant (1978)

NBC News; The Jonestown Massacre & death of Leo Ryan (1978 ... how it broke)

Elvis Costello - Olivers Army

South Sudan's 'oil curse'

Independent Media In a Time of War

Sharia Law Seeping into CPAC?!

Johanna Fernandez: Explosion in Prison Population

Israel regrets killing sleeping Palestinian

River Turns Green Victoria 4 January 2011 WTF!

New International Accounting Rules Opens Door to Fraud

Weekly Address: Tax Cuts Kicking In



Tool Time: Mitch Daniels Doesn't Get Science

Mike Malloy - Republican Death Panels

Young Turks: Should We Lower The Retirement Age? w/ James K Galbraith

"Balance" according to the BBC

Submerged oil surfaces in Florida


5200 Pentagon Employees Purchased Child Pornography - Pentagon will still Not respond to Congress

Mom Spanked the Gay Out of Me!

Hemp's Notorious Cousin

TDPS: US Tax Dollars Funding Pedophilia & Child Prostitution, But We Can't Do a Thing About It?

TYT: Boehner Can't Name ONE Program He'd Cut

WikiLeaks Has Proven the First Amendment is Dead and Gone

Congresswoman In Surgery After Shooting, Others Killed.

REP. AZ Gabrielle Giffords Shot At Grocery Store Event Conflicting reports whether she has died.

President Obama Comments on Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and the Tucson Shooting

The First Amendment- Congresswoman Giffords

Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) Interview Prior to Tucson Shooting

President Obama speaks about shootings

Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, Tea Party- You Are All Done.

Penn and Teller - The Truth About Bottled Water


It was only a matter of time.

The elephants must not be allowed to run wild

NYT: The Rule Of Law

When One Year Beats Eight

Don't Like the Facts? Ignore Them.

New Mexico's new Teahadist Gov screws up commercial space port project.

Glenn Greenwald calls out everyone on Daley's selection to be WH CoS

I think the best possible choice for Press Secretary would be Rachel Maddow

Dems accuse GOP of breaking vows at 'dizzying' pace out of gate

TYT: Dead Birds, Bees & Fish Explained By EPA Document?

How Many Democrats Will Join The Republicans In A Symbolic Attempt To Repeal Health Care Reform?

DC Water offers to help Speaker Boehner reduce House budgets

Gabrielle Giffords On Sarah Palin's violent rhetoric

Inside December Jobs Report, Labor Force Hits 'Stunning New Low'

Barack Obama's Staff Shake-Up – An Interactive Guide

MSNBC Reports: 3 people were killed (eyewitness reported)

Arizona Congresswoman Shot was on Sarah Palins Hit List.

if you can shoot 12 or 30 people at once IT IS ABOUT GUNS

Flashback: Gifford's Office was attacked and vandalized by Halth Care Reform Opponents in March


Hospital Spolesman has confirmed that she is allive and in surgery

Is the Secret Service going to increase President Obama's protection?

Can't get to the Freeper site now.

MSNBC: Sherrif and Hospital Nurse Spokeswoman reports that GIFFORDS IS ALIVE!

DAMN!!!! Gifford's brother in law is in space right now Cammanding the space station

Giffords was hosting a Congress on Your Corner meeting when shot at point blank range

GAWKER: The gunman was young, mid-to-late 20s, white, clean-shaven with short hair

MSNBC Reports: Giffords was TALKING when she rolled into surgery.

The Arizona Shooter - Jared Loughner's YouTube Channel

The American Taliban's new OUTRAGE! Leave Health Care To Churches

Palin tweets on the incident on Congresswoman Gifford

And now for something completely different. Feingold says he has no plans now to run:

MSNBC: Congresswoman Gifford WILL PULL THROUGH

Shooting Press Conf ON NOW!!!!

MSNBC: Arizona state Judge, John Roll has passed in this shooting.

Giffords case is optomistic because she was LUCID before surgery.

Doctor update

President Obama speak soon

When talking about the shooting of John Roll, the federal judge, Fox

Flashback: Joseph E. Stiglitz, sees a generation-long struggle to recoup. (2007)

Pray for Gabrielle Giffords and her staff

Gifford looks like a younger version of Hillary Clinton

Will Palin feel any remorse if/when this "Terrorist" is shown to be....

I am tired of these fuckin right wingers! These are a bunch ignorant brain dead

Inside Story - The worst environmental disaster in US history?

Official tells Coast Guard to "Kiss My A--"

Help get this fake Jared FB removed

What did Fox just do in terms of Giffords' shooting? You wouldn't believe:

Palin Chimes in on Facebook

Is the killer taking a shot at Obama in his anti-government rethoric?

Photo of the shooter at an early event he volunteered for

MSNBC is almost trying to imply that this is about the Federal Judge

Jan Brewer and her anti-immigrant Bull Shit makes her just as

Politics of hate: It's no secret that the lunatic RW wants to see harm come to "liberals"

Palin Targets Congresswoman!!! Let's keep this story alive. Fox is trying to bury it.

After reading his youTube page, I am pretty sure this guy is a paranoid Schizophrenic

Is Arizona a capitol punishment state and what will likely happen...

Kieth O will be on at 8:00PM

MSNBC: Bob Franken reporter implies Palin and Limbaugh hold blame.

So Governor Brewer wants Federal Government help to investigate the incident

Since Obama's election, who has been most effective at inciting hate and violence in the US?

Palin's 'Take Back the 20' website taken down

Obama Issues Signing Statement Objecting To Guantanamo Limits

This Rep. Franks(R) is really hitting the right notes on MSNBC right now

Giffords was on Palin's "hit list"

Need some help with this re Jared Loughner

Boehner: "I"m horrified by the sensless attack . . ."

Income and approval of President Obama's job performance

President Obama's statement:

Giffords's last interview was on Fox News on 1/7/11

Eugene Robinson: Defusing a Sociological Bomb

Conservatives 4 Palin Blogger called for a bounty on the head of Democratic Members of Congress.

Do-over for Dems on health care!

Time for "Progresssives" to put on some balls and start smacking down these violent TeaScum RePukes!

Lest we forget.......

Sara Palin's political career is over!

CRAZY ASS Arizona is a state where you can carry a firearm WITHOUT A PERMIT

shooter name is

Race and approval of President Obama's job performance

I think there may be some folks here really hoping this guy can be tied to the GOP

Massachusetts Court Stops Foreclosures another Bubble on the Horizon

When The Messiah Comes, Israel Will Deport Him

Stunning Revelation: 'Missing' GOP Congressme­n Also Skipped Boy Scout Oath

No, Krauthammer. Not "Constitutionalism"; Rabid, Dishonest Cultism

Friday Talking Points (150) -- A Fortean Week

After Cleric’s Return to Iraq, Followers Yearn for a Sighting (Moktada al-Sadr)

WikiLeaks says US grand jury seeking Twitter data

Guardian UK: Politicians lie, but David Cameron's mendacity is breathtaking

Carl E. Van Horn, Center for Workforce Development @ Rutgers: "Jobless and hopeless in America"

The New Jim Crow

The Nation: The Gutted Writ: Habeas Corpus

Obama War Budget Breaks All Records. But When Will Black America Break with Him?

Declaring Palestine: Revisiting Hope and Failure (Ramzy Baroud)

GOP's anti-business meme on Obama

Janine "Northern Exposure" Turner's Palin-esque Fox News Op-Ed, "Hear the Thunder"

Possible motives for Giffords' shooting?

Gary Hart: Words Have Consequences

CBO ObamaCare Forbes- “Small Business Working” Repeal Job Killing Lies

Dem. Gabrielle Giffords dead in Arizona. Shot point blank range in head.

Border Collie Comprehends Over 1,000 Object Names as Verbal Referents

Weekend Economists' Epiphany: January 7-9, 2011

The Wages of Hate...

Doctor says Giffords should survive ...... (now I believe in miracles)

SC's Oconee Nuclear Station to upgrade to digital

U.S. solar electric market grew by over 100% in 2010, now exceeding 1 GW of generating capacity

Bill Clinton Named PETA's 2010 Person of the Year

Another Astonishing Holiday No New Nukes Victory

We want to be free, free to ride our machines without being hassled by the man!


Back in Black: US Now a Net Exporter of Solar

A reality-based prediction of China's nuclear energy growth

Ford Focus EV --Ford's electric car-- will go on sale in November!

NO GUNS: Huxley's police chief "advises" businesses to

Open post for caseymoz to continue discussion.

AZCentral reporting

If your neighbor owns a firearm, should you let your kids play with his kids at his house? ...

Congresswoman Giffords and other victims were shot with 9MM Glock!

How many people would Gifford's shooter have shot if automatic weapons

U.S. to Chilean president -- "We apologize"

Blaze scorches Venezuela land agency office; authorities investigate possible arson

Not approving US-Colombia FTA 'terrible signal to the world': McCain

I'm still interested in a DU meetup in Venezuela.

20 of these showed up in Columbus, Ohio this week >>

Gloat-Free NBA Scores (Friday, January 7, Millard Fillmore's Birthday)

LSU gonna beat the pants off Texas A & M.....

Ugliest choke job not involving a serial dog killer

Seattle Seahawks up 24-20

Pick & choose NCAA denies Enes Kanter . A pity

Onion Sportsdome premieres this Tuesday at 10:30 ET on Comedy Central

Charles Perez: Confessions of a Gay Anchorman in Exile

Bil'in: A village in mourning

New Settlement Plan to Split Silwan in Two

Three foreign workers wounded in mortar attack near Gaza border

Israeli forces demolish East Jerusalem home

Some thoughts on Omar, Jawaher and Isabel

Declaring Palestine: Revisiting Hope and Failure (Ramzy Baroud)

HRW Demands Criminal Investigation Into Death of 20 y.o Palestinian Patient Denied Permit By Israel

Border guards bar infant from Jlem medical treatment

Gazans Are No Fools

Religion and Representation

Yvonne Strahovski Is an 'Angel for Animals'

For how long have you been on DU?

Placebos work, even when patients are in the know, study finds

"...unbelievable technology...."