The fascists are going to try to steal that now, they think healthcare is an "entitlement". Watch for the thieving to begin after the SOTU address.
---- WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) -- President Bush failed last year in his effort to build support for transforming Social Security into a pillar of his plan for an "ownership society."
Undaunted, Bush has made clear he'll use next Tuesday's State of the Union address and his upcoming budget plan to argue that individual Americans should be given more control over their health-care dollars.
But the president insists the public is ready for a debate on big policy questions beyond the war on terrorism, and he vows to engage the Democrats on health care and other domestic issues.
"The question going into the '06 year is how do we take health-care or entitlement reform, or all these issues, into something that the country really wants -- which is a bipartisan look at issues, as opposed to what many interpret to be needless politics," Bush told The Wall Street Journal earlier this past week. "So whether it be in health care or in a variety of issues we'll be discussing. And that's the challenge of the '06 year." ---{745AA9AF-FB3A-42B2-B22A-24C705BDA164}&siteid=myyahoo&dist=myyahoo