I spent just over 3 decades in Alabama from birth until moving west. When I first moved away, I came back to visit often since I had a daughter in the state. The last 6 years she's been living with me and unfortunately I had not been back to visit family in a number of years. I've finally made it 'home' and this week has been my first exposure to Alabama politics on a local level (TV, billboards, newspapers, editorials, etc.) for quite some time.
Other than the Judge Roy Moore for Governor signs driving up my blood pressure a few points, some minor (or not?) things I've come across that has fired the old memory-bank-neurons into action:
"Trial lawyers". So what is it about 'trail lawyers that undermine family values' as one politician has on his ad? I remembered them being bad for the huge settlements they were getting for their clients, ambulance chasing, and/or defending guilty-as-heck murderers in my day.. but 'family values'??? I'm at a loss to understand the connection. (And of course I guess Corporate Lawyers are saints by some magic trick of AL politicos???)
"... not conservative". It's been humerous as the politicians jockey for the Conservative Crown to wear! They're attacking and pointing at each other like 'uh uh, I'm MORE conservative than you'. How conservative do Alabama politicians need to be? And more importantly, WHY is it so important to the Alabama VOTERS???
and then comes the ultimate.
"Christian values". Some lady actually states this in her ad, that she's running on Christian values. Well what about the Jews, and Muslims, and other religions and non-religious in the state? Is she not supporting ALL of her constituency? I'll guess not. I'm sure she'll be working hard to close the bars and nightclubs and 'wet countines' and bringing back the Blue Laws.. and of course those all you can eat buffets because if gluttony isn't bad enough, fat AND dumbasses just isn't good.
and finally.
"Tom Parker'... PROUDLY states he will NOT abide by US Supreme Court decisions if they are counter to HIS beliefs/desires! I grew up in the 1960s and lived thru George Wallace holding his middle finger up to the Federal Government. I guess times change but people dont.
As much as I enjoyed growing up in Alabama, think its a beautiful state, love the people (mostly), I really find it a shame that politicians work so hard at keeping Alabama in the 1950s state of mind and think any step forward is a step toward damnation.
As I was driving through the beautiful countryside yesterday, it occurred to me. This 'god loving state' is so full of Hate, it makes me sad. Immigrants, blacks, gays, intellectuals, progressive religions, science... all frowned upon and at least publicly denounced by the extreme rightwings that have hold of this state. So much hate, distrust, and division propogated in the name of 'God'.
I don't know how or when, but someone somewhere WILL step forward one day to take this great state forward and not mired in stagnation.