At least very surprising to me. To those not in the central Fox Valley, Bill Page is typically a knee jerk Republican with a libertarian bent.§ionSearch=&begindate=1%2F1%2F2005&enddate=12%2F31%2F2005&authorSearch=&IncludeStories=1&pubsection=&page=&IncludePages=1&IncludeImages=1&mode=allwords&publicationSearch[]=Kane+County+Chronicle&archive_pubname=Kane+County+Chronicle%0A%09%09%09
Patriot hacks
Cindy Sheehan has come and gone, and I am left feeling disgusted and angry at what happened and what was said during her brief visit. Do not jump to conclusions; the focus of my anger might surprise you.
When I heard Sheehan was coming to Batavia, my first thought was, "Not now." I felt that her visit was ill timed because it was a distraction from the tragedy of Hurricane Katrina, and it probably would be better for Sheehan and her supporters to wait a few weeks. However, I did not think she shouldn't come or be kept from coming, or if she did come that she should be prevented from speaking. On this last point, I appear to be at odds with some local self-proclaimed "patriots."
In short, a contingent of pro-war demonstrators showed up at the rally, apparently intent on preventing Sheehan -- or anyone else who dared have a differing opinion -- from being heard. According to our reporters and to other attendees, one of the favorite chants used to drown out Sheehan and other speakers was, "U-S-A, U-S-A." Frankly, it seems an odd choice.