Gov. Granholm Issues Statement On Rescue Bill's Failure Friday, December 12, 2008 By: Jennifer M. Granholm
Republican senators have just delivered a fierce slap at three million workers across America. Their no vote is an astounding blow: They have chosen to ignore the livelihood of three million Americans, three million families, and in the process have have chosen to drive the American manufacturing industry - and perhaps the American economy - into the ground. They are choosing foreign competitors over American industry and American workers. A nation without a strong manufacturing sector is a nation without a viable defense sector. This is a shameful day, a day we will not forget.
Republican senators have just delivered a fierce slap at three million workers across America. Their no vote is an astounding blow:
They have chosen to ignore the livelihood of three million Americans, three million families, and in the process have have chosen to drive the American manufacturing industry - and perhaps the American economy - into the ground.
They are choosing foreign competitors over American industry and American workers.
A nation without a strong manufacturing sector is a nation without a viable defense sector.
This is a shameful day, a day we will not forget.
I implore President Bush not to let the American economy slide from recession into depresion as he leaves office. Direct the Treasury Secretary or the Chairman of the Federal Reserve to use their authority to save the American auto industry, three million American jobs, and our nation's economy.
The moment could not be more urgent.
Mr. President, American workers are depending on you. Save these jobs.