Edited on Sat May-09-09 02:37 PM by AlBrattOnline
A Mississippi Blue Dog DemoRepub Misfit
On Mar. 18, 2009 an article appeared in the Daily Journal titled “Senators, Childers Voice Opposition to Card Check Bill” by Joe Rutherford.
Republican Sens. Cochran , Roger Wicker and Democrat Rep. Travis Childers of the Mississippi First District congressional delegation all confirmed they plan to vote “no” on the proposed Employee Free Choice Act , Rutherford wrote.
From the union’s perspective EFCA would serve to level the playing field between worker and management especially concerning union elections. One misconception about EFCA touted by Anti-union, Cheap Labor Sen. Wicker, the “secret ballot,” has been laid to rest by the New York Times recent article explaining that EFCA was designed with the option of a “secret ballot” or a “card check” election. In addition, UAW members have agreed to several concessions affecting their wages and fringe benefits even though a drop in auto sales is the main financial problem of the Big Three.
Aside from Wicker, there is an even darker side to this post: I was really elated when Democrat Rep. Travis Childers was elected to fill the seat formerly held by Wicker. I thought we finally had a Progressive in Washington who would represent working class people. But, I was not paying enough attention to Childers campaign because I soon became aware that he wore the title Blue Dog Democrat. His reason for opposing EFCA is: “... I’m very concerned that ... business leaders believe this will hurt job creation... economic development...”
So, its primarily all about what “business leaders” think. It reminds me of Daybrite Lighting Co. that located in Tupelo years ago and brought UEW union with it. Some anti-union Tupelo leaders threw a tantrum when it happened, but the company grew and contributed immensely to the community and continues to contribute.
My elation that came with Childers’ victory has disappeared. I now realize that all Progressives really got out of his election was another version of “Cheap Labor”, “Big Corporate Bosses” Roger Wicker transformed into a Mississippi Blue Dog DemoRepub Misfit.