In case you were wondering, I live down hyar in wunnerful South Carolina, okay? Nice state. We really should be another country, I think, as we're dirt poor, there are no jobs, etc, etc, and yes, etc.
In recent days, the local rags and TV stations are somewhat agog at our blithering moron of a governor, Mark Sanford. Yep, he's an Rtard, alrighty.
Our unemployment funds are about to go to flatline, as in fucking zero, as in nada, zip, zilch, bye-bye. Sanford is "contemplating" getting some relief funds from Unca Sugar to help out.
Note: I say "contemplating", as this is from a registered Rtard who is also leading the vocal fight against any bailout for anyone: Big 3, banks, me, you, the pooch, and the kitties.
Google up some news, use "Mark Sanford" as the search frame, read and you'll be like me, asking yourself: "Why do fellow Carolinians keep voting against their best interests?"
Why, indeed.
This is the clown that, to protest...ahem...budget pork...went to the State House armed with these two cute little piglets in his arms as a way of symbolically protesting how certain senators and reps tend to load down the state budget with bullshit, so he thinks.
Duh-huh. And recently, he's got the SC State Employment Commission yanking their hair out. Wants an "audit". An audit of what, we ask. We are not told of what. But, he wants an audit before he calls Bush and asks for some cash....so some can keep the lights on, get some food...
"Like he gives a shit.", says a co-worker of mine who is waking up fast to the idea that Republicans are not good for the diet, now are they?
"Well, what I think might happen?", I propose. "I can see some showing up at the mansion and demanding the right to camp out, I mean, after all, we do pay for the place, right? That wouldn't play well on the news."
Our unemployment situation, we are told, is as bad as another coastal property: California. True, they've more mouths to feed, but by the data, yes, we're in as deep a shit at they are.
Take a drive east on 301, towards the beach, departing Florence, for example. Notice, yes, all those closed textile places. Go to Darlington or Johnsonville, ask about Wellman Industries closing down...forever.
SC is, as that old song went, "coming like a ghost town".
And a good friend's father, who grew up during FDR... "I swear, it's about the same all over again."
In a few days, we will run slam out of money for the unemployment checks. What then, will happen? Will anything happen?
Or will these jaded citizens wake up and realize what an idiot Sanford is? And why voting for him was a big, big mistake?
Merry Christmas, indeed, y'all.