The owner of this video does not allow it to be embedded, so I am posting the link here because watching it shook my soul to its core. Some of the images in this video may be graphic to you or hard to look at but that is because they are real and images you will not see in our mainstream media, and they must be seen. This is the daily life of the people of Darfur, and they are forgotten not only by our news media but it would seem by most of the world as well. This is the environmental crisis and genocide we said would never happen again. After the Holocaust, after Rwanda, after all the other ethnic cleansings that have occurred in our history we always said it would never happen again... and yet it does, and it is now.
What does this truly say about us as human beings? How can this be happening once again right before our eyes as we let it? Why are world governments simply allowing Bashir and his Janjaweed militia to continue these horrors? Bashir must be brought up in front of the ICC, and his reign of terror must be ended.
However, it appears that even in Sudan, the economic interests of countries like China take precedence over the lives of innocent human beings. And if you even look at the lifestyles of people living in Khartoum with their economic boom and techonolgical advances that now bring them wealth, you see that even people in that country who have now been turned on to greed are turning a blind eye to their own people!
Once again we see Africa as the breeding ground for atrocities and the continued raping of a people who only want to live their lives in peace. And once again, we see oil enter into the equation, with investing by China in digging oil wells right on the same land as was cleared in this genocide.
How many countries will The U.S., China, and others continue to ravage to appease their oil addiction? How many more innocent lives will be taken for their profit? How many more environmental catastrophes will have to occur in this world before we reach the breaking point?Throwing money at this is no longer the answer. It is our VOICES that must be heard and it costs us nothing to do that. Following are a few links that will give you a chance to do just that, so there is no excuse. There are no more acceptable excuses in saying we don't have time to send an e-mail or to let our voices be heard.
This is a genocide of our fellow human beings. If we can't or won't stand up to this then all that can be said is that human civilization is surely falling and failing. And this is also the first environmental catastrophe of this proportion, and in my view one of others to come if we also do not let our voices be heard regarding governments across this globe taking action now to address the climate crisis. Wars over oil will soon be wars over water and land, and there will be hundreds of Darfurs spanning our globe if we continue to shut our eyes thinking it is all just going to go away.
There are things you can do even if you think you cannot. Implore this media to cover this genocide NOW. Write LTE or continue to contact your representatives and tell them they must work to end this genocide and hold Bashir accountable for his crimes. Send a letter to the International Criminal Court imploring them to bring him forward. I did so last year, and even though there were rumblings that might be done, I have heard nor read nothing since. But most importantly, we must not be retiscent to discuss this with others. You might be surprised at how many people know of this but also feel hopeless to stop it or do anything about it because they don't know how. However, many voices can do much to make change, especially when people see and hear the truth.
And we must see it and act, because what will we tell our grandchildren when they open a history book and read about this and then ask us what we did or why we didn't do anything? What will we tell them?
Save tv ad hours for Darfur A Witness/Tell the media to cover Darfur On Darfur the candidates the UN progress by the ICC