with stuff like “Y’all all going to Hell when you die!” and
"Sparks has been named by Republican Governor Dr. Dr. Robert Bentley Dr. as the new head of the Pretend to Do Shit About Helping Poor Folks in Rural Alabama Office of Task Force Committee Commission, a combination of the former Black Belt Action Commission, Rural Action Commission, and the Task Force for Getting Together in a Conference Room Every Few Months to Talk About How We Feel Real, Real Bad About Those Cow-Fuckers Who Live So Far Out From Civilization They’re Not Even Close to a Fucking Walmart and How They’re Starvin’ to Death Because They’re Poor and Shit So They’ll Think We Give a Damn and Might Consider Helping Them But We Really Won’t Because We Don’t Fucking Care Who Brought the Dip Awesome Commission." This one is more serious. They did a great article on the Alabama redistricting.