Posted by Blue_In_AK:
Is it starting to feel like winter up there? My dad spent some time working in Barrow at the NARL back in the '80s -- or '70s maybe -- and my brother and sister-in-law met and married up there. I've never been, but I'd really like to visit sometime.
Well, summer is gone, that's for sure! August and September are the "wet" season here. I doesn't actually rain much, but we get a lot of drizzle, and mixed with the continuous wind it's not as fun as other times of the year. For me, at least.
Winter will come in 4 weeks. By the end of the first week in October we'll be all white, with snow that won't melt until next June.
NARL is a lot different today, as Ilisagvik College took over most of it. The Barrow Arctic Science Consortium (BASC) also uses a lot of it, and the NSB Wildlife Management has its offices out there too. The 70's and 80's were
boom decades in Barrow, so your dad was there at one of the most exciting times.
All of Alaska is just an all day every day adventure, and Barrow is probably about as exciting a place to live in Alaska as it gets. We also seem to be the least "known" part of Alaska to the rest of Alaskans. :-) The sum total is... you
really should come up for a week or so. And be warned that 1 or 2 days isn't enough! (One of the more fun things that I and a couple friends do is latch onto visitors that look like they can absorb what's here, and make sure they see as much of it as possible. It's loads of fun! And you are invited.)