Please rec/kick in GD....
Thank you!
I don't believe I've EVER asked for a post rec....and never will again.
I want the Verizon strikers to know we are behind them.
They are getting
NO local attention or press...
This past weekend I was out with my camera to speak with and to support the area Verizon strikers. My son later told me that I didn't see them because they were in the back of the building.
I happened to be in the area last night....about a dozen strikers and 3 police officers. (they were awesome too!)
I got out of my car and spoke with them.
I told them that I found it quite odd that the area newspapers had nothing. They were not surprised. One said that there would be publicity if they could be portrayed as "thugs"
I told them that I could get people from across the country to view their actions!I was welcomed with open arms....told them about DU, and that I would ensure that they
would be heard. They thanked me....
expressed much appreciation....I said I'd see them tonight.
I placed a DU sticker on a poster to sign....
They knew they'd be seen and heard across America, so gave them the opportunity to say "Thanks!"
We are all as one.
I've never been in the midst of a strike....there were about twenty people...
All was calm...what an awesome group of people.
They had a schedule, and knew when the strike-breakers would come and go.
I arrived in the evening....they knew who would be exiting the building, and at what time.
When the Verizon 'workers' came out....the strikers circled the street and chanted.
The police stood by....all was calm. They allowed the strikers to walk in front of the Verizon workers for three to five minutes. The 'scabs' stood there awaiting their exit. The police then quietly signaled the strikers to move, and they did so. The workers then crossed the street, went to their cars to leave.
It started again. The strikers walked around the exit for several minutes as the workers waited to leave. And so it went.
Many signed the Thank You poster and I handed out some DU stickers. They know that Democrats and Progressives are with them....and it will be great for them to see this. I let them know that I was also a union worker....
They said that they were there for middle class Americans fighting for all working families who are just trying to make ends meet. Health care, pensions, sick time, etc, are at risk...
What a a uplifting experience! I met a lot of great people!
Love you guys!
Thanks for being there for all of us!
Another thing...please check in if you Google 'Verizon strikes', click a link, and get redirected to another site (usually Verizon)....It's happened to me several times...and they are aware.
Thank you DU...Thank you DUers...
A great place to spead the word from any little place with dedicated people making an impact!