I thought this is a great summary so far of Martinez's failures. I just love it.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Contact: Scott Forrester
February 10, 2011 505- 934 -5681
(ALBUQUERQUE) - In just the past few weeks alone, Gov. Martinez's missteps are creating a pattern of ineptitude that has become harder and harder for New Mexicans to ignore.
"From Harrison Schmitt refusing to submit to a basic background check and withdrawing his nomination to the increasing criticism of her handling of a gas crisis that left thousands of people in the cold, New Mexicans are starting to wonder just what kind of leadership they're getting with this new governor," said DPNM Chairman Javier Gonzales.
In addition, Martinez just last week announced an education reform team that included no New Mexicans, but plenty of Bush appointees and No Child Left Behind devotees. And, she has yet to even scratch the surface of New Mexico's most pressing issue - jobs - and has not put forward one bill supporting job creation or workforce training.
"Tough times and crises are supposed to bring out the best in our leaders," Gonzales said. "But in these early tests, New Mexicans have to be wondering about our new governor's judgment and leadership."
Martinez tally of failure in just the past few weeks
* Harrison Schmitt flame out * Poor handling of gas crisis, which left thousands of New Mexicans in the cold, some for more than a week * No New Mexicans named to her education-reform team * Still not one comprehensive jobs bill proposed by administration * Rebuffed by state Supreme Court for letting industry lobbyists write an order that attempted to halt clean-water protections
"Democrats in the Legislature have their eyes on the ball. Holding hearings to get to the bottom of the gas shortage, proposing job-creation measures and fighting for the 12,000 jobs created by the film industry -- it's clear Democrats are the ones driving an agenda on the right side of New Mexico's working families," Gonzales said.
Paid for by the Democratic Party of New Mexico