Last week, I read an article in the Sun News that said because our great state politicians failed to meet a deadline, extended unemployment benefits would no long be paid out. Actually, here's a link to the article: next week, a family member of mine failed to receive her unemployment benefits. I checked the unemployment office website, but did not see anything; I figured it had just been delayed. Well, it's the end of the week and she still didn't receive it, so I did some further checking, and found that extended benefits were being cut off. The stories now out there do not blame our (mainly) Republican state politicians for this, and instead they blame it on an unemployment formula that says SC is no longer eligible because it fell below a certain percentage; do they really think people would believe that? Our state has one of the worst unemployment rates in the nation, it has only been getting worse, and -- now that the summer is over and a lot of tourism jobs will be drying up -- it will only get worse.
So, which is it? I can already assume whose fault this all is, but I would like to hear from someone that knows more about the story than me. As soon as the Sun News article came out, the next day it was announced that extended unemployment benefits would no longer be paid out.
PS - extra credit to the Republican dumbass quoted in the article that believed the Republican talking point that states would have to continue to pay extended benefits after the federal program ran out. Remember that bullshit point way back when? Well, our stupid Republicans leaders bought it hook, line, and sinker, and now real South Carolinians are being affected by their incompetence.
Fucking idiots. Vote them all out.