I am of the opinion that Michelle Bachman cannot possibly sustain voter hysteria long enough to actually get elected as POTUS.
I also suspect that during out last election, A. Greene was, in some way, on the ballot as a Democratic candidate for the Senate as a result of some mechinations by the Republican Party. It could have been either the State of National GOP involved.
My thoughts were, in recalling the Democratic primaries in States such as Texas, Florida, Iowa, and some other States, that Rush Limbaugh, among others, had encouraged his Right Wing Extremist listening audience to participate in the Democratic Primaries (even if they had to re-register to do so) and vote for Hillary Clinton because he was confident that Hillary Clinton could be beaten by the Republican candidate. He did not think McCain/Palin could beat Obama/Biden.
When A. Greene, unqualified as he is, managed to beat a competent and experienced politician, it suggests to me that there may have been such an effort made on the part of the State GOP, during the Primary, to cross over and cast their primary vote for A. Greene, being aware that he could not possibly beat J. Wilson.
With that in mind, would it be a good idea for as many Democrats who can bring themselves to do it, to cross over and vote for Michelle Bachman during the primaries, as she seems the least likely to be elected, and the most popular with those right wingers who don't bother to check out anything, i.e. the Tea Partiers.
Is it possible that we could give the GOP a dose of its own medicine?
What do you think? Is it possible? Is it legal? Would it work? If some one of the other GOP primary candidates comes to the fore between now and their primary time, we could vote for them. Perry might be seen as outrageous enough to beat Bachmann, but I don't think he is electable either. However, things are getting so crazy, it's hard to make a really good guess.
This is, of course, if Obama is running unopposed. I have a feeling that might not be the case, and then, we'd have to use our primary vote to determine the Democratic candidate. I am very disappointed in Obama, but I can't think of any other Democratic contender who could convince me they would do a better job. With the crap Obama inherited from the previous administration, it is not surprising that things aren't running smoothly. It is especially not surprising since the right wing lunatics seem to have forgotten about the damage they have done, and are doing, to the US citizens, and also to our image at home and abroad.
If we could coordinate something, as the GOP seems so gifted to achieve, maybe we could use their own tactics against them. We should be using "lessons learned," shouldn't we jd