Corvo Bianco
Corvo Bianco's JournalWhat I did today for the Democratic party
I saw a Bernie thread pop up today that speaks to EXACTLY what is in my heart. Strong feelings needless to say. And this time I didn't rec it, I didn't respond to it, I trashed it.
Everyone here will vote for:
--worker rights
--environmental rights
--POC rights
--LGBT rights
--women's rights
--children's rights
--refugee rights
I will vote for the Democratic ticket. If that is Bernie Sanders in 2020, if that is Hillary Clinton in 2020, if that is our internal controversy lord Ocasio Cortez in 2020 I will vote for her.
We all will, unless we demoralize each other. Then we will certainly lose. The greater good will lose.
We are principled as fuck. That's what makes a humanitarian. Our better angels are being used against us, and I no longer believe this distressing division is organic. I trust all of us to stick together. Trash the thread next time.
I lost my dog best friend of 13 years today.
My toy poodle Nike stumbled off the bed this morning and died within a few minutes. The doctors said his heart probably went.
So far I've only told my boss and this forum. I had trimmed up the hair on his paws and face yesterday evening before we went to bed, and his hair is still here in a sack.
It's the strangest thing in the world that as I lie down I'm not grabbing him to snuggle. I took pictures of the mess he made with his water and food bowl... Pictures of his toys scattered around the house.
This is so strange. I love him so much. Thank you for reading. Thank you thank you.
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Name: WGender: Female
Home country: USA
Member since: Thu Jun 15, 2017, 03:50 PM
Number of posts: 1,148