DontBooVote's JournalYesterday, Speaker Pelosi again took impeachment off the table. Track the damage done to our...
...democracy by tRump and his henchmen, from yesterday onward, as they are allowed to continue ravaging everything they can while we wait for some kind of check on them from Congress and while we wait for justice, should it ever come.
James Comey either just announced his candidacy for president, or he's pulling an April Fool's joke
Text of Tweet: "Im in. We need someone in the middle. #2020" and includes a pic of Comey (from the back) looking down a two-lane highway with a farmstead on one side and corn on the right in into the distance...
We're caught in the middle of an assault rifle gunfight armed only with butter knives. They are
killing us and we stand by with the vapors.
So, are we waiting until Saturday to pour into the streets to demand release of the report?
Or are we just going to let them keep it?
If each and every one of you (myself included) fail to work your ass off for 2020, SHAME. ON. YOU!
This includes demonstrating unfailing support and volunteerism for the eventual nominee and their running mate.
tRump wins. Again. SMH.
Check out this ad by a shoe company that supports strong women - and the raw hatred it generates... the comments section.
What do you think of this?
About that unclaimed lottery jackpot...It has been claimed
The winner, a South Carolina resident, has chosen to remain anonymous and elected to collect the winnings in a one-time payment of $877,784,124 the largest jackpot payout to a single winner in U.S. history, the lottery said in a news release.
Read more here:
And since I had to, and since I've had a crush on her and predicted she would be
president way back when I saw her first time on Charlie Rose ( ), I am currently supporting Sen. Elizabeth Warren to be our next president.
I think she has the wisdom, grace, and the courage that can make us as proud to be Democrats as our Pres. Obama did for those eight years that I so long for today.
Godspeed, Elizabeth Warren. And take Kamala Harris with you please!
First in! And just for fun: who's going to be our next president?
I staged a DU coup and stole the first post for the 2020 Democratic Primaries!
C'mon friends! At least give me a rec!
Good luck, Democratic friends everywhere!
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Member since: Fri Sep 7, 2018, 12:19 PMNumber of posts: 901