Helen Borg
Helen Borg's JournalWhether you like it or not, I'm still undecided about Donald Trump...
Is his facial skin more similar to the color of a carrot or of Donald Duck's beak?
How Hackers Broke Into John Podesta and Colin Powell’s Gmail Accounts
"On March 19 of this year, Hillary Clintons campaign chairman John Podesta received an alarming email that appeared to come from Google.
The email, however, didnt come from the internet giant. It was actually an attempt to hack into his personal account. In fact, the message came from a group of hackers that security researchers, as well as the US government, believe are spies working for the Russian government. At the time, however, Podesta didnt know any of this, and he clicked on the malicious link contained in the email, giving hackers access to his account."
TYT's take on Wikileaks's Transcripts
New leaks prove it: the NSA is putting us all at risk to be hacked
Source: Vox
"The National Security Agency is lying to us. We know that because of data stolen from an NSA server was dumped on the internet. The agency is hoarding information about security vulnerabilities in the products you use, because it wants to use it to hack others' computers. Those vulnerabilities aren't being reported, and aren't getting fixed, making your computers and networks unsafe.
On August 13, a group calling itself the Shadow Brokers released 300 megabytes of NSA cyberweapon code on the internet. Near as we experts can tell, the NSA network itself wasn't hacked; what probably happened was that a "staging server" for NSA cyberweapons that is, a server the NSA was making use of to mask its surveillance activities was hacked in 2013.
The NSA inadvertently resecured itself in what was coincidentally the early weeks of the Snowden document release. The people behind the link used casual hacker lingo, and made a weird, implausible proposal involving holding a bitcoin auction for the rest of the data: "!!! Attention government sponsors of cyber warfare and those who profit from it !!!! How much you pay for enemies cyber weapons?"
Still, most people believe the hack was the work of the Russian government and the data release some sort of political message. Perhaps it was a warning that if the US government exposes the Russians as being behind the hack of the Democratic National Committee or other high-profile data breaches the Russians will expose NSA exploits in turn."
Read more: http://www.vox.com/2016/8/24/12615258/nsa-security-breach-hoard
The NSA Is Hoarding Vulnerabilities
"The National Security Agency is lying to us. We know that because of data stolen from an NSA server was dumped on the Internet. The agency is hoarding information about security vulnerabilities in the products you use, because it wants to use it to hack others' computers. Those vulnerabilities aren't being reported, and aren't getting fixed, making your computers and networks unsafe.
On August 13, a group calling itself the Shadow Brokers released 300 megabytes of NSA cyberweapon code on the Internet. Near as we experts can tell, the NSA network itself wasn't hacked; what probably happened was that a "staging server" for NSA cyberweapons -- that is, a server the NSA was making use of to mask its surveillance activities -- was hacked in 2013."
More at the link:
So, how many DU users do you think
Are actually working for, and being paid by, one of the HRC's super PACS to spew lies about Bernie Sander?
Why are Clinton supporters so bitter
About Sanders going to the Vatican? Isn't it good for everybody that he is spreading a message of equality to the world?
Victims: Feds Hid 'Sweetheart' Deal for Sex Offender With Deep Political Ties
Source: ABC News
New court filings are bringing fresh attention to a Florida sex scandal that could become grist for political trouble in the 2016 Presidential campaign.
The new legal filings allege that federal prosecutors in Florida repeatedly and intentionally violated the rights of dozens of teenage sex abuse victims by secretly negotiating an extraordinarily lenient deal with a wealthy Palm Beach financier known in the past to have socialized with powerful business and political figures -- including former President Bill Clinton and current GOP front-runner Donald Trump.
Prosecutors went to great lengths to keep secret the non-prosecution agreement reached in 2007 with Jeffrey Epstein, attorneys for the victims allege, because of the strong objection they would have faced from victims of Epsteins abuse, and because of the public criticism that would have resulted from allowing a politically-connected billionaire who had sexually abused more than 30 minor girls to escape ... with only a county court jail sentence.
Throughout the negotiations -- and for nearly a year after the agreement was signed -- the victims were kept in the dark, their attorneys said, strung along as government lawyers promised victims they were still investigating even long after they had cut Epstein an indulgent deal.
Read more: http://abcnews.go.com/US/victims-feds-hid-sweetheart-deal-sex-offender-deep/story?id=36843144
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