Hugh_Lebowski's JournalMy assumption is not that Trump was admitting to being a flight risk by his TS post
My assumption is one of a number of things or combination thereof led him to create that post that has to have his lawyers bashing their heads against a wall repeatedly:
1) He is embarrassed by that fact that everyone will be able to say 'Trump is out on $200,000 bail' because it sounds bad. $200K bail is indicative of major crimes. He wants to reframe it from 'indicative of major crimes' to 'they stupidly think I want to run away'.
2) Alternatively, he's calculated this move is going to wind up with him being slapped with an ankle bracelet (and frankly, it should). And he actually welcomes that, and I can come up with about 5 reasons why he might, #1 of course being fundraising, #2 being 'see, ELECTION INTERFERENCE!!' and I could go on with other angles along these lines.
3) He's really not as rich (or at least wealth is not liquid) as he makes it out to be, and $200K is actually a lot to him and/or he hates the idea that he has to hand over so much to the Court because it won't earn him interest. Obviously this implies that he's such an idiot that he thinks he has a shot at getting it reduced by ridiculing the DA over the idea that he would flee.
4) He is such a pathological narcissist with such a profound and deep need for constant attention that he made this post KNOWING it would result with endless chatter on the Web, and his face and words being talked about on the TeeVee for a couple days.
I have to say as a 15 y.o. boy, the Pointer Sisters told me what it was all about
And I've always subscribed
captain & tennille - do that to me one more time (live- grammy's 1979) you know you love this one :)
Just stumbled upon the scientific study where they raised a human child with a chimp
In the 1931's.
Can't believe I've never encountered the story ... fascinating stuff! And I love how hardcore science used to be, even if it may've not turned out well for either animal, these are advancements that are not without value, and it was the scientists own child so there's that.
A video about the research:
Okay, this is maybe the cutest thing I've ever seen ...
It's Instagram so you have to click on the link, but trust me ... it's not going to disappoint. It's from June so if you've already seen the little kid eating dragon-fruit rice with lobster in a high-chair, you can skip it
The meal prepared for the child is gorgeous, btw ... dad is my kinda guy
I did a terrible job at trying to make a point about Women's Chess Tournaments yesterday
And I want to apologize to the people I caused hurt or consternation to. I definitely could've worded things better. I want everyone to know I am 100% against this new FIDE policy concerning trans-players. They are ridiculous and indefensible, and I hope they receive such backlash that they repeal it with their tail between their legs!
However when it comes to the existence of female-only (and trans-women should be allowed to play in them!) chess tournaments, after spending a good deal of time reading articles yesterday, I still think there's good arguments for seeing them continuing to exist.
I wanted to share an article I read yesterday, titled "Why theres a separate World Chess Championship for women" written by:
Lecturer in Education, University of Texas at Dallas
I was the 1989 U.S. Women's Chess Champion. Before earning my Ph.D. in education, I taught high school social studies and English and ran the school's chess club. I have written seven books on chess in education. I teach online courses about chess in education for UT Dallas; the courses have been taken by students all over the world. I am available for talks, chess exhibitions, and presentations; please contact me.
I'm not going to excerpt anything from it, but it's a very even-handed explanation for the logic behind having these tournaments (and discusses counter-points), and IMHO worth a read.
Another interesting article I read yesterday that's basically a discussion of 'nature vs. nurture' titled "Whats behind the gender imbalance in top-level chess?" written by:
Assistant Professor, School of Economics, The University of Queensland
I primarily work in behavioural and development economics. My research involves theory and modelling, experiments in the lab and field, and microeconometric analysis in order to investigate topics such as social norms, the impact of refugee integration, the effects of income inequality, and female genital mutilation. Prior to academia, I became a chess grandmaster and represented Australia at seven chess Olympiads.
Spoiler: The debate is long-ongoing, with many theories on the subject, but there's good evidence nurture/social elements play a big role.
I also want to add I am 100% pro-woman, and women's rights. I've often argued here my belief that women are the essence of our species, that males are basically an offshoot created by evolution for the purpose of genetic diversity. I think women are inarguably the equal of men, and arguably the objectively superior sex, and that includes intellectually. I WANT women to be in charge of the world, not men. So it did hurt a bit to labeled a misogynist, but as I say I see how I didn't present my points as I should've, and again I apologize, and hope we can still be

billy strings & willie nelson - california sober (live in studio - 2023) this is greatness
Adorable gorillas having a spat in the pouring rain ... But baby, I said I'm sorry!?! FUCK OFF! case you thought YOU thought you had a bad day at work ...
As luck would have it, Nigel Ogden, a flight attendant, was on his way into the cockpit at that moment. He managed to grab hold of the captain and maintain his grip for over 20 minutes while the copilot attempted an urgent landing.
The image is a recreation from the television series "Mayday!"
Incredible story, you rock Nigel!!!
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