J_J_'s JournalSanders edging closer to Clinton in slow California vote count
More than two weeks after the election, state reports show that there are still 605,000 uncounted ballots in the state, and theres little the state can do to hurry the count along.
But the delayed count can have consequences, even if the final result doesnt change, said Ben Tulchin, lead pollster for the Sanders campaign.
While Tulchin says theres no question Clinton won the California primary, he believes the slow ballot count still hurt Sanders.
The election night results showed Clinton winning by 12 to 15 percentage points, he said. Those numbers became the national narrative, even though the final margin may be half that.
Ensuring accurate count
Tulchin, who works from San Francisco, is no stranger to vote counting in California, but months of tracking primaries for the Sanders campaign have given him a new perspective.
When you see how (vote counting) is done in 49 other states, you have to ask why (Californias delays) should be normal, he said. Its ridiculous.
Every other part of this campaign has been crowd sourced, we need to make sure there is easy and available transportation for every Bernie delegate NOT staying at their convention hotel.
The Sanders Campaign community has built a tool to help with every other aspect of this campaign, something should be done to ensure every Bernie delegate that is not staying at their convention hotel, has a reliable way to make sure that they can get there every morning to pick up their credentials. #BernieRides?
Already an Offer for Bernie delegates
Free Housing, food, and transportation to train for any Bernie Delegate at the DNC in July self.SandersForPresident
House in Lancaster. Extra bedroom, couches, back yard for tent(s). Gorgeous area. 3 mins to Amtrak. Must prove to be actual "delegate in need"
Just get to PA!
California Bernie Supporters, Please Call Your Elections Office Today to Request All Provisional Bal
This is in response to the following post about counting provisional ballots in LA county: https://www.reddit.com/r/SandersForPresident/comments/4pa71m/major_cali_update/
If you are in California, please read it, share it, and then find your California County Elections person (link below) to ask how this is handled in your county. Did NPP voters get Democratic ballots in your county? Or did they get the ones they were supposed to get (Dem Crossover)? Did they count both types? Demand that they count both on the grounds of VOTER INTENT. Here is the link to your elections office: http://www.sos.ca.gov/
California’s lengthy vote count stokes theories that Sanders actually won the primary
It's true that the ballots counted since Election Day have split more evenly between Sanders and Clinton than the early vote or Election Day ballots. When the networks called the race, 3,442,623 votes had been cast for either candidate, with Clinton leading by 438,537 votes. As of the last ballot update Wednesday morning, 4,693,010 total votes had been cast. Clinton's lead was at 445,366 votes.
But the water-torture nature of the count, which processes as few as 25,000 new ballots a day, has dangled out hope for Sanders supporters. On election day, Sanders won just two congressional districts and lost counties that his campaign thought were favorable, such as Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo and Yolo (home of the University of California at Davis).
Sanders has since won those counties and picked up five more congressional districts, including the 13th District, which covers the city of Berkeley and had shocked reporters on election day by apparently going for Clinton.... Richard Charnin has argued that "Sanders had 75 percent of the estimated 20 percent of voters who were disenfranchised," and that Sanders's weaker performance in states with electronic ballots suggested that votes had been stolen.
Few Sanders supporters endorse that theory, but in California, many are still lobbying the secretary of state (a Democrat) to count every provisional ballot, on the theory that they might otherwise be tossed. (Every election, thousands of ballots are spoiled for various reasons.) On the Bernie or Bust Facebook group's page Wednesday, an activist named Anthony Rodriguez reported that a direct action at a Los Angeles registrar's office had succeeded.
**Cali Update** L.A. ballot supervising team fights to prevent discarding 1 in 4 provisional ballots
From Nomi in LA, California...(as reported via FB, no changes made, but not my post.)
Dear friends,
Our tiny little Los Angeles ballot supervising team, credit mainly to our lead Julie Tyler, just did something really big.
Here goes.
Provisional ballots have to be counted last, mainly to avoid duplicate votes. They make up an enormous amount of ballots this election cycle--50% of them--and they began their count on Sunday, June 19th, just two days ago.
We noticed that out of the first 4,000 provisional ballots pulled, 1,000 of them were snagged because they were cast as "Democratic" ballots instead of "NPP/crossover Democratic" ballots. If you are NPP and received a Democratic ballot, you fell under the umbrella too.
For the record, I have never even SEEN an "NPP/crossover Democratic" ballot. Throughout the whole campaign, we, and hundreds of thousands of others, apparently, assumed a Dem ballot and a crossover Dem ballot were the same thing. Anyway, my guess as to why so many miscast ballots rolled in was either due to a misinformed poll worker, or the voter insisted on getting a Democratic ballot thinking they would be safer that way.
After spending so many hours supervising ballots, the main reason I've trusted the efficiency of it is because of their unwavering commitment to honor the voter's intent. So where did that go?
The concern of 25% of the provisional votes being tossed aside due to a formality was immediately reported on Sunday afternoon.
Yesterday, our little group banned together outside in heartache and frustration. Then something interesting happened. The chief executive took us into a little area down the hallway on the 5th floor, where we received the groundbreaking report:
"I have a bit of good news for you. I want you to know that we looked into it, and we agree that this issue falls under the category of voter intent. We want you to know that we have decided to count every Democratic ballot cast by an NPP voter." -Aaron Nevarez, Chief Executive Assistant of the Los Angeles Voters Registrar
Now that 66,500 NPP voters' Democratic ballots will be counted in Los Angeles as of around 1:00pm yesterday, this could mean the recovery of up to 580,000 uncounted votes in California. That's an eighth of the votes of the state. We have 16 days to get the word out to Secretary of State Alex Padilla and every county in California, who need to follow LA's lead and get those votes in.
On a personal level, nothing will replace the wave of chills over my body and the tears that came when we heard the news. We continue to show, ask questions, take notes, have meetings and conference calls, get angry, make headway, take steps backward, but all while continuing to say: "This is not okay. Our system can do better."
Never ever underestimate the power of people vehemently pursuing love and truth.
And no, this is will not be on the news. So please share it.
Love, Nomi
So it turns out they were not planning on counting all of the ballots until these election workers fought to have them counted.
And this is only in LA, the rest of the state is still tossing these ballots.
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