Kang Colby
Kang Colby's JournalOnly one in five Americans buys a gun without a background check, survey finds
Just 22% of current gun owners who acquired a firearm within the past two years did so without a background check, according to a new national survey by public health researchers at Harvard and Northeastern universities shared in advance with the Trace and the Guardian.
For years, politicians and researchers have estimated that as many as 40% of gun transfers are conducted without a background check a statistic based on an extrapolation from a 1994 survey. Gun rights activists had decried that estimate as outdated and inaccurate.
Excellent article. I encourage people to read this fully and discuss.
Leading the pack, it appears that members of the African-American community are buying up guns in droves, with some African-American gun clubs and groups reporting that their attendance rates have doubled since election night.
The reason? According to many minority gun buyers say its a matter of staying safe in an increasingly hostile nation. At least one gun store owner told the NBC News that they believe that the President-Elect has set a poor example, and minorities in America are paying the price.
I've heard a lot of discussion from friends about purchasing their first firearm. If anyone is considering this I say go for it, but please get safety training before purchasing a gun. Basic safety courses are usually pretty cheap but are truly invaluable and are absolutely a must.
But, but, 90% of Americans support Universal Background Checks...NOT!
Did anyone see the results from the UBC ballot initiative results from Maine and Nevada?
In Maine the measure failed. In Nevada, the measure only passed by 1/2 a percent.
So much for the 90% meme.
Sadly infringements passed in California and Washington. The Washington law throws due process protection out the window. Two years ago Washington passed UBCs which helps prove that once gun control advocates have those, additional infringements will come.
What's new in the world of gun control?
With so many state legislatures out of session, I must admit I turned my attention away from gun politics for a few months this summer. It felt good. I spent a lot of time out fishing. Despite what you may have heard, the bite around here this blazing hot summer was pretty good. I spent most of my free time fishing for catfish or panfish (crappie, bluegill, green sunfish, etc.). Nice and relaxing.
What's new in the world of gun control? I see Missouri went green recently, kudos to those folks. Anything else? Any new gun control memes or strategies starting to emerge? I see a few folks are still stuck on the no due process, no buy scam.
(Must Watch) The Truth About Guns from NBC News
I'm highly impressed with this short video, and I think you all will enjoy it based on our ongoing discussions and debate about guns in the U.S. I'm shocked this is coming from NBC News. It actually appears to be journalism.
A Realistic Gun Policy Proposal
Hi Folks,
As an NRA member and long time supporter of gun rights, I'd like to pitch a policy proposal that might have a chance of passing.
We increase funding for state NICS submissions and strengthen due process protections for social security recipients, veterans, and the mentally ill. Additionally, we transfer suppressors from the National Firearms Act and treat them like regular guns.
Additional funding for NICS audits, database improvements, and feasibility studies for making the service available securely to non-FFLs in some way for future use.
The hardliners on both sides won't like it, but we might be able to get bipartisan support.
Bernie Supporters
All of you should be tremendously proud of what you have accomplished. A year ago, I would never have imagined Bernie would have as much as a single win. But he has done very well, with a massive following of passionate progressive supporters.
We are all in this together.
Boy drowns in Eagan pool
First responders were called to the Town Centre at Lexington apartment complex at 3470 Golf View Drive shortly after 6 p.m. and were told a 4-year-old boy pulled had been pulled from the indoor pool. Rescuers were unsure how long he had been under the water.
Lifesaving measures were started and the boy was rushed to St. Paul Childrens Hospital. Eagan police released information Monday morning announcing that the child did not survive.
Truly awful.

I've seen a lot of posts about firearm related deaths, but we all too often fail to recognize the more frequent causes of death that are much more likely to occur. See the CDC statistics for more information.
Do gun control aficionados exist?
This is a question that's been bothering me for a long time. Many of us probably know gun guys or gals who enjoy firearms and have extensive knowledge of the subject and associated regulations. Heck, there are quite a few regulars here that fit the description. I wouldn't pass myself off as an expert on the subject, but I do know a fair amount.
With that said, are there equivalent individuals on the gun control side of the debate? People that have their own unique nuanced arguments about gun control that we don't hear everyday. As an example, I'd like to meet someone who advocates for the use of hollow point ammunition in civilian carry arms vs FMJ or similar as a public safety issue. That's just a made up example, but do you understand what I'm saying? Someone that believes AR-15 rifles should be banned, but their more powerful AR-10 counterparts should continue to legal and could engage in a civil debate as to why they believe that to be a worthwhile public safety endeavor.
I'm not suggesting I would agree with technically nuanced gun control proposals, but I would like to move past the usual gun control talking points like "F the NRA, ammosexuals/gun humpers, etc. The name calling doesn't teach us anything about the other side and gets stale.
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