MomInTheCrowd's JournalWe need to reach
We need to build alliances with voters who regret their votes. We need them to weather the coming storm.
Upon edit- I think reaching out is not the correct way to define this. Im done with the assholery, too, yet believe that opportunities will arise to strengthen the ranks of those who will defend democracy.
October/November surprise?
What happens to the electorate if that guy cant make it to Nov. 5?
Thx for any thoughts.
4 ways to apply for Disaster Assistance
1. Go to
2. In Person at Disaster Recovery Centers -
3. Call 800-621-3362
4. Download the FEMA App
The real, real threat...
Listen to the podcast or get the book. Terrifying. We must be reaching out to our friends and family. No more pussyfooting around just to keep the peace. These Christians have self-anointed as prophets and apostles to destroy democracy.
From the State of Belief podcast description:
In his new book, Dr. Matthew D. Taylor sheds light on the alarming rise of authoritarianism in Christian nationalist movements. In The Violent Take It By Force: The Christian Movement That Is Threatening Our Democracy, Matthew explores the rise of the New Apostolic Reformation, a radical movement within American evangelicalism that is mobilizing in support of Trump and other far-right leaders. This week, he joins host Rev. Paul Brandeis Raushenbush, host of The State of Belief, Interfaith Alliance's weekly radio program and podcast, to discuss how this movement intertwines charismatic faith with extreme politics, a dangerous combination that culminated in the January 6th attack on the Capitol and continues to hang over democracy as a major threat.
Emphasizing the need for a cohesive pro-democracy movement, Matthew and Paul review strategies for countering the impact of extremist groups through education and persuasion highlighting the importance of reaching out to those who may have been misled but can still be engaged in constructive dialogue.
We need to try to find all the allies we can, all the fellow travelers we can, and try to build a coalition that is pro-democracy. And I see the edges of that. I see the glimpses of that, and it fills me with hope because I think there are people who are listening to the better angels of our nature right now. We need their voices to be louder. We need them to be amplified.
- Matthew D. Taylor, Ph.D., senior scholar and the Protestant scholar at the Institute for Islamic Jewish Christian Studies, specializing in Muslim-Christian dialogue, Evangelical and Pentecostal movements, religious politics in the U.S., and American Islam. Before coming to ICJS, Matt served on the Georgetown University and The George Washington University faculty. He is a member of the American Academy of Religion and the North American Association of Islamic and Muslim Studies. Dr. Taylor's literary and visual works include Scripture People: Salafi Muslims in Evangelical Christians America, the audio-documentary series Charismatic Revival Fury: The New Apostolic Reformation, and his latest book, The Violent Take It By Force: The Christian Movement That Is Threatening Our Democracy
Nicole Sandler show today is great.
Her guest - I think she calls herself Emptywheel - is fantastic at running down information on all the nuttery going on. You can get the link later here to listen free:
Michael Cohen's former attorney ordered to explain citing cases the judge believes don't exist
Source: CNN
A federal judge has ordered Michael Cohens former attorney to explain where he came up with the court cases cited in Cohens request for early termination of supervised release, saying as far as the judge can tell none of these cases exist.
Read more:
Might undermine Cohens credibility in the New York attorney generals civil fraud lawsuit against Donald Trump
Historic OSIRIS-REx asteroid samples successfully return to Earth, Thom, Randi - Stop it!
It is not Fani Willis indictment- it is an indictment by the Grand Jurors on behalf of the people of Georgia!
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