Scotch-Irish's JournalEveryone needs to call their senator, and INSIST that the votes start being anonymous during
for the impeachment trial.
Tell them it's for their own protection against tRump crazies with guns, or whatever. But we MUST start protecting senators to vote their conscience, and for our democracy, instead of voting to protect their safety, or that of their families.
2016? WHY don't the dems point out on the House floor that 2018 was a HUGE turnout
to cure the mistake the voters saw they had made in 2016? That's why the democrats are now in charge! Because the public saw that the republicans were complicit with a lawless president, and turned out in unprecedented numbers to put the dems in control to get rid of Trump.
Why aren't the pundits calling it what it is? TREASON and SEDITION.
SEDITION. Conduct which is directed against a government and which tends toward insurrection but does not amount to treason. Treasonous conduct consists of levying war against the United States or of adhering to its enemies, giving them aid and comfort.
What's it going to take before the people with the microphones start calling out tRump on his aiding russia, not just in helping them get a stronger hold in Ukrane, but also by his decisions to pull out of Syria the way he did, to let Russia AND Iran get a hold there. There are so many times he has given "aid and comfort" to the russians, it's hard to count.
Republicans report Cohen to justice department for allegedly lying in testimony
Source: The Guardian
In a public letter to new Trump-appointed attorney general William Burr, Jordan and Meadows said Cohen had made "numerous willfully (sic) and intentionally false statements of material fact" during the hearing.
The pair said:
Mr Cohen's testimony before the Committee on Oversight and Reform on February 27 2019 was a spectacular and brazen attempt to knowing (sic) and willfully (sic) testify falsely and fictitiously to numerous material facts.
Jordan and Meadows said Cohen had lied when he said in the hearing: "I never defrauded any bank."
Read more:
Here we go again!
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