SiliconValley_Dem's JournalA Fascinating Vanity Fair article on Joe Biden
It really captures a lot of fascinating details about Biden's decision not to run in 2016
edited to fix link--you have tovsign in through Google or email, but no paywall
Trump/Pompeo (and US) rejected on snap back of sanctions on Iran
Think about this--because of Trump's stupidity in withdrawing from Iran nuclear deal, all of the nations including our allies were able to ignore the ravings of Pompeo and say "pound sand--your opinion no longer matters, welcher".
"The Trump administration was left isolated on the world stage as foreign allies and competitors alike rejected its demand to restore UN sanctions on Iran Thursday.
Despite President Donald Trump's decision to pull the US out of the Iran nuclear deal in 2018, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Thursday that the US has "every capacity" under United Nations Security Council Resolution 2231, which enshrined the international agreement, to trigger so-called snapback sanctions, because the US was initially a party to the deal."
How does everyone think Biden did tonight?
preferably September due to all of the early voters
my prediction for how the moderator at Biden Trump debate responds to Trump
https://m.HEY! America! Both Barack and Michelle have an urgency you cannot ignore
Although others have been animated in their delivery, but you need to take note about how intense they are around how critical it is you work on getting your ballot now and/or getting involved like you never have before.
Marketers and politicians always engage in FUD to drive action--but this feels different.
We could very well sink into oblivion as a country if this thing is even close. We must repudiate Trump, Russia and all of the enablers in GOP.
Jill Biden brought tears to my eyes. what an amazing woman
she gave voice to the grief and determination we've all been experiencing. Truly, I've been grieving and anxious forour country since November 2016. That grief has been compounded since our horrific COVID pandemic and horribly inept federal response.
It has been hard for me to imagine an end to this madness.
Tonight she gave me hope.
Steve Bannon still looks like a pile of dog shit
the fact that he doesn't have oozing and bloody lesions doesn't change that basic reality
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