Upthevibe's JournalSerious post regarding Suicide. Don't click on if you may be triggered...
I posted this earlier and then deleted it. A very kind fellow DU'er saw it and was going to repsond to my post. She ended up sending me a private email and I thank her so much....
One of my very best friend's nephew has died by suicide. He was 26 y.o. He shot himself. He'd been on life support since Sunday. The family was coordinating with an organ donation company because he was an organ doner. They took him off the machines last night and he passed at 6:30 a.m. this morning.
Everyone thought he was doing really well in his life. He had just bought a house in upstate New York. He was was a special kind of mechanic/engineer. He was a really, really awesome young man whom she spoke of often. There hadn't been any signs of depression (from what we know). She's the fun Aunt who didn't have kids and had five nieces and nephews. They adore her and she them. They even travel together.
They have a big family with half of them on the East Coast (where he lived) and the other half here on the West Coast.
I'm just sick about this. In 2021 my very best friend's 17 y.o. son died by suicide. I never thought in a million years I'd end up being so knowledgeable about this "world." I've been on many walks, pot lucks, gatherings, support groups, etc. for survivors of suicide. The help we've received has been immeasurable...
I've been thinking about the suicides that I've known about in my life. My dad's best friend (when I was around 10 - I remember my beautiful father explaining it to me. He didn't get into how. I'm just thankful that my parents didn't lie to us about it). And a friend's father (when we were around 12). Another friends father (while we were adults). A friends brother. My best friends son. Now another friend's nephew. That's six...... I think I'm still stunned....
Which House and Senate elections...
are close and in play for Democrats?
I know I could google but I thought some DU'ers might have this information readily available.
I'll be sending an email to my friend/family group either today or tomorrow letting them know where their contributions might best be used.
A few weeks ago I wouldn't have included Colin Allred vrs. Ted Cruz but now it looks like Allred might have a chance. I've said this several times on DU but I'll say it again....I'm looking for races that are in play and not ones that we wish were (I always use Mitch McConnel vrs. Amy McGrath from 2020 as an example):
Mitch McConnell Amy McGrath
Popular vote 1,233,315 816,257
Percentage 57.76% 38.23%
I had a friend who sent $100 to McGrath and that $100 could maybe have gone to a more winnable race.
Thank you!
Mount Shasta.....
Has anyone here been to Mount Shasta, CA?
A couple of friends of mine and I are thinking about taking a trip. We all live in L.A. It looks like we'd need to fly into the Redding airport and then drive (it looks like a little over an hour) to Mount Shasta from Redding.
It's supposed to be a major energy (spiritual) vortex and we're into that.
Thanks for any feedback....
I'm a recovering alcoholic.
I do edibles every so often because I never had a problem with that particular form of relaxation.
I just ordered something online called Brez. It didn't mention anything about alcohol. Do any of my fellow DU'ers know about this product?
Thanks for any info.
Dave Grohl.....
I'm disappointed but I don't think his infidelity diminishes all the good he's done. I still love the guy and the Foo Fighters.
What I DON'T understand (other than it's awful to screw around on one's spouse) is why in the world he hadn't gotten a vasectomy!? I mean he already has three kids! Now he has another one with a woman who's not his wife....
(P.S. - I've recently retired and MAN do I have some time on my hands. I'll be volunteering for various candidates I just need to do figure out which ones would make the most difference. In the meantime, here I am on DU posting about rock stars gone astray )
I'm in Redondo Beach and the epicenter was in Malibu..... 4.7.
We really felt it here but it wasn't what's considered a big one (like the Northridge Quake in '94 - 6.7)....
Why did California pass during the roll call? n/t
I confused as to why I've
seen at least two (of the same) Harris/Walz ad on MSNBC during the convention coverage....
Why are they showing these to those of us who are political junkies and are already onboard, of course, with her.
Can someone who's more savvy explain this to me?
I'm on my fourth watch (I haven't seen it since the COVID days) and MY GOD....... It's even better than I remember and I've stated with complete conviction that in my book it's the best T.V. show in the history of television.
I completely stand by my opinion. This show is a masterpiece....
What are some other shows that my fellow DU'ers feel that way about?
Something to think about......
Sometimes it's uncomfortable for me to bring things up but I need to express my feelings.
During this critical time, it seems to me (my opinion) like we need to be really mindful when we post. I'm referring to various situations in the states. I guess the only measuring tool we have right now are the polls, and I realize there are issues with them.
I have a group of friends who are very politically aware (we're part of the LGBTQ+ community) but not political junkies like I am. They come to me asking where I think their help would best be utilized (monetary donations, phone banking, etc.). I try to give them as educated guess as possible.
For example, when looking at the Amy McGrath/Mitch McConnell race in 2020, I and everyone I know would have, of course, LOVED for McGrath to win! However, the polls NEVER showed that Amy had a chance. The final numbers ended up being:
Mitch McConnell 57.77%
Amy McGrath 38.24%
In 2020, a friend (before speaking with me) donated money to McGrath's campaign. Had she come to me, I could have given her some more viable options. The money could have gone to a closer race (for The Senate or The House). I was looking at some close Senate races from 2020 and I realize the North Carolina race between Cunningham (D) and Tillis (R) was very close but from what I can tell a sex scandal was the nail in the coffin for Cunningham.
DU is a wonderful place to discuss a wide variety of issues. It's fun to talk about hopes and dreams, who we'd love to see in V.P. Harris' cabinet, etc.! Having said that, when we're talking about facts and figures, I think it's really import to stick to the facts and figures. I'm NOT saying that I don't think we should share our feelings that unexpected results can occur, maybe we have information on a candidate that could effect the race, etc.
What prompted this post is the speculation that Colin Allred (D) and Ted Cruz (R) are in a close race (TX). I've spent almost the past year and a-half working in TX and was born and raised there until I moved to CA in '88 (and am happy to be back home in CA now). As much as most of us absolutely DETEST Ted Cruz, here are the current polls. And, BTW, the progressives I know there don't think Allred has a chance........ I can't express what my joy would be if I'm completely wrong about this!
Cruz is ahead of Allred as follows:
54 Cruz
46 Allred
(per 538)
53 Cruz
47 Allred
(The Hill)
47.2 Cruz
39.6 Allred
(Real Clear Polling)
I don't want to be a buzz kill and I'm over the moon with excitement about the Harris/Walz campaign! I'm just feeling we should be mindful regarding what we post if we're framing it in a way that could be misleading. BTW, I'm a very spiritual person (NOT religious) who actually believes in miracles!
I hope folks understand what I'm saying in the spirit in which it's intended. If not, pile on..... I can take it...
Profile Information
Name: KayGender: Female
Hometown: Redondo Beach
Home country: United States
Current location: California
Member since: Sat Feb 13, 2016, 09:27 PM
Number of posts: 8,910