ailsagirl's JournalI guess this belongs here-- just came across this (re melania)
Trump finished her tenure in 2021 as the least popular first lady ever polled, according to polling by CNN, SRSS, and Gallup. Her final approval rating was 42%, and her final disapproval rating was 47%; she was the only first lady who finished with a net disapproval rating.Et tu, google?
Couldn't help noticing that google put a link in its home page about tomorrow's abomination (my term, not theirs).
Am having trouble with the way my mouse scrolls
Google says: To set your mouse scrolling wheel on Windows 10, open the Control Panel, go to "Mouse," then select the "Wheel" tab where you can adjust the number of lines scrolled per wheel movement...
So I have done this at least a dozen times and it scrolls 2-3 lines at a time (my preference), then after ~half an hour, the wheel is back to skipping numerous lines.
This started happening within the last 4 weeks (though when I check the drivers, it says they're fine (supposedly).
The same bad bevavior happens with a different mouse.
All my mice have been wireless.
Windows 10
If anyone has any ideas for rectifying this, that would be great.
Does anyone here use PayPal?
Just wondered. I returned an order and received the credit on my PayPal account. I thought, since I now have a credit balance, I could transfer it to my bank. Apparently not, because though I followed the instructions, it comes back with somethng like "Theres nothing to transfer right now. Try again when you have a PayPal balance."
Does anyone know what the deal is?
Problem when I try to create .docx file on my PC
When I do, the file displays with garbage characters.
Thank you
Problem when I create a .docx file on my PC
When I do, the file displays with garbage characters.
I supposedly have virus protection...
but today I was told my PC is infected.
Would it do any good to complain to the vender of this supposed protection!? Or is it my own tough luck??
This is worth watching (Data Scientist's Shocking Call for Election Recount)
&t=344sSays it all
The song "The End of the World as we Know it" has been going through my mind lately
Can't think why
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Name: AilsaGender: Female
Hometown: Davis
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Member since: Sun Aug 1, 2004, 01:35 PM
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