blackcrowflies's JournalSupport shoes
So one of my feet is hurting like the devil, and the ortho doc says it's tendonitis, get support shoes. He recommended Brooks Ariel, which turn out to be surpassingly ugly, big clunky things with color combinations thought up by some madman.
I've looked around for alternatives, and the few decent looking ones seem all to be made with leather, which rules them out for me.
Any ideas for shoes?
cheap, cute cell phone
I though I would mention this in case anyone else is in the market for a new cell phone.
I only use mine for calling AAA and things like "I'll be late." I've had the same clamshell phone for nearly two decades or more and pay about $35 (when all the taxes etc. are included) a month to Verizon, contract long gone.
Someone mentioned the Dora phoneeasy from Consumer cellular, $60 for the phone, no contract, monthly fee $9.50 for AARP members, otherwise $10 monthly. I don't know what that fee will be with taxes. I pay extra if I actually call someone.
I didn't want the hassle of prepaid phones I had to monitor and refill.
I hate change but this is a very snazzy cute phone that seems to work well and will save me a significant amount of money.
Raimondo elected 1st female Rhode Island governor
Source: channel 10 - RI
Democrat Gina Raimondo defeated Republican Allan Fung on Tuesday to become the first woman elected governor of Rhode Island after a campaign that broke spending records and saw her snubbed by prominent labor groups over her pension system overhaul.
Raimondo's victory over the Cranston mayor and the Moderate Party's Robert Healey also makes her the first Democrat elected to the job since 1992.
The 43-year-old state treasurer led the Democratic ticket to a sweep of statewide offices, and a victory in the Providence's mayoral race, where Democrat Jorge Elorza defeated former mayor and two-time felon Buddy Cianci.
Read more:
Yeah, Gina.
But, I was hoping Buddy would win. He may be a crook, but so are 98% of RI politicians, and he was the best Mayor Providence ever had. He saved the historic downtown from developers, restored the Providence River, and created a significant tourist industry.
I excuse some of the company she keeps.

is there an easy way to dust louvered doors?
My house is infested with louvered closet doors. It is a pain in the neck to dust them. Even vacuuming doesn't get into the corner of each slat. Is there some easy way to do this? Thanks.
Red Cross, not so great is not the first article I've read about the Red Cross screwing up completely. Yet they seem to keep their reputation and donations flow in, when the money might well be donated more effectively to other organizations. Like Komen, the Red Cross is a "charity" that is getting no more of my money. I will still donate as much, just elsewhere.
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