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Edelman CEO: Plummeting trust in institutions has the world slipping into grievance. Here's the fix By Edelman
The story of the Edelman Trust Barometer began in 1999 with the Battle of Seattle, when anti-globalization protests organized by nongovernmental organizations erupted in violence at the World Trade Organization Ministerial Conference.
. But the Iraq Warand the false premises of nuclear threat and promise of democracybegan a long downward slide of public trust in government.
Being honest means owning up to mistakes. It is not about deploying bluff and bluster or changing the conversation. It took a long time for the U.S. and U.K. to admit errors in judgment in Iraq. Neither the government nor the financial sector were quick to acknowledge the problems that brought about the financial crisis. As we approach the fifth anniversary of the start of the pandemic, the public still needs a reckoning on COVID.
We must fix our information systems. Quality information is the lifeblood of trust. Well-informed societies are healthier, more competitive, and resilient. While there is lively debate about freedom of speech, too often the argument is deployed to deflect from making commonsense decisions. Improved media literacy and investment in high-quality journalism would go some of the way. How we reshape our information systems as we adapt to living and working with generative AIand eventually artificial general intelligenceis one of the grand challenges facing humanity. But media simply cannot do this alone. Leaders of government, business, and NGOs all have a responsibility to put out quality information to supplement media coverage. Politicians and public opinion formers have a duty of care to be part of the solution.
We should utilize local sources of trust. This extends well beyond those in official positions of power to leaders who people have regular interactions with and have practical influence over
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More Resources: media and research institutions
Media outlets and centers of research to help inform your thinking and activism
The 19th News News coverage on gender politics and policy. Especially important since so much of our current politics and culture wars revolve around gender.
Prism A newsroom and platform by and for people of color. Coverage that reflects the lived experiences of people most impacted by injustice.
ProPublica ProPublica is why you know so much of Clarence Thomass dirty laundry. Their investigations are second to none.
Tech Policy Press Justin Hendrix and his team have created a nimble news outlet covering the intersection of tech and policy. The site includes many static resources and legislation policy trackers.
Wired One of the few outlets to make this list that isnt a non-profit or independently owned, but Wired has been killing it with coverage of politics, tech, and the MAGA Right for some time now.
Just Security Just Security describes itself as an online forum for the rigorous analysis of security, democracy, foreign policy, and rights. The depth of expertise and knowledge is always helpful.
The Equal Rights Amendment at Long Last By Laurence Tribe
Thanks to President Biden, the Constitution will finally guarantee equality for allWith three days left in his presidency, Joseph R. Biden ensured that the United States Constitution, the oldest on earth, would finally include an explicit guarantee of sex equality. In truth, the Equal Rights Amendment should have been recognized as part of our Constitution nearly half a dozen years ago, when Virginia became the 38th state to ratify it on January 27, 2020.
By proclaiming, in effect, Yes, Virginia, you have made history by repairing a glaring omission in our most fundamental law, President Biden made official a reality that many Americans failed to recognize at the time: that Article V of the Constitution expressly makes any proposed Amendment to that document Part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several States. Nothing in Article V makes the Constitutions binding contents depend on any further official action by any branch of the federal government, whether Congress or the Judiciary or indeed the Executive.
It is not necessary for the National Archivist to publish the ERA in order for it to be adopted according to the provisions of the Constitution. The President avoided triggering a clash with the Archivist, who recently announced her intention to defy her statutory, and purely ministerial, duty to publish the ERA. The only reason Congress gave the Archivist such a duty nearly a century ago was to ensure that the Nation got word that an amendment was in force, enabling officials at all levels of government to conform their actions to it. In our modern age of broadcast, cable and internet communication, the Presidents announcement itself performed that function.
Accordingly, our Constitution now demands that equality of rights under the law cannot be denied or abridged by the United States or any state on account of sex.
Its long past time!
Laurence H. Tribe is Carl M. Loeb University Professor of Constitutional Law Emeritus at Harvard University.
Kathleen M. Sullivan is former Dean of Stanford Law School and professor of law at Harvard and Stanford.
List of Right Wing Think Tanks
Here is one that sounds so innocent:
National Center for Public Policy Research
If you want to get out of a marriage now may be the time.
More than 30 states and in the next US congress there will be what I call a set of creeping marriage modifications. These are a wide range of changes to marriage law that will change the how you get divorced and married including rolling back the concept of no fault divorce.
What do these proposed laws consist of? A whole basket of things. Some of these laws have been optional for years like extended contracts or covenants but have been famously unpopular.
So let us start out by saying a contractural marriage is an umbrella that says you can sign a contract that outlines more responsibilities in a marriage than already exist like a prenuptial or a financial agreements. The problem is (to MAGA) that these contracts can be voided if one person is very young (13 or 14), under duress, or if the contract is for marriage between two close relatives. See my previous article on men who homestead their wives.
But setting aside the more sinister nonsense, what is really going on? Well it is really a series of actions designed to fundamentally change marriage not through a single crazy law change but through a cross linking of laws the results in a new model.
Trump, the Public, and the Press
The billionaire class has proved itself a poor steward of media. Journalists must redouble their efforts to expose the threat to democracy.
The voters have spoken. A plurality preferred Donald Trumps stream of lies to journalisms truths about his many misdeeds.
I have covered and occasionally interacted with Trump for almost four decades and am still trying to understand why votersand now, many business leaders and publishersaccept his record of ruthless bad behavior, chaotic management, and general incompetence and how journalists should respond.
Voters enjoyed Trumps ability to intimidate his critics and establishment elites. And the Democrats were ineffective when responding to the grievances and promisesreal and imaginedthat were the basis of Trumps campaign.
Even before taking office, the prospect of Trumps controlling the White House, Congress, and Supreme Court frightened owners of once-proud news organizations. Some seem willing to undermine editorial independence to curry favor with the incoming president.
Billionaires, once thought to be the saviors of journalism, are proving themselves poor stewards of media companies. It is always dangerous to generalize, but several billionaires who have purchased media companies treat their acquisitions as sidelines they can run without much hands-on attention. They believe that running a media company must be easier than whatever business made them rich and that their talent and training are easily transferable from their primary business to media. They also trust their instincts more than others experience. They seem to favor many of Trumps economic policies and fear he might retaliate against their primary businesses should he dislike their publications coverage of him.
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I am new to imgur and posting to DU thus the question. I am not sure what link to post etc.
And Yet It Moves
Reconsider Any Belief In Innate American Goodness: Are Americans inherently good, freedom-loving, devoted to free speech and free worship, committed to all people being created equal
Start Out Making a Small Difference: A country that votes for Trump is broken in very complicated and daunting ways. Harris could have won in a landslide and 45% of the people voting for Trump would still have reflected a country broken in terrible ways.
In Schindlers List, Stern tells Schindler whoever saves one life saves the world entire. So save the world that way one fellow American at a time. You cant stand up alone against all the Trumpist bullies in America, but maybe you can stand up to a few local ones in defense of a neighbor
Things are worth believing and fighting for. Did you ever see a Trumpist moderate or express doubt? No. Trump spewed loathsome bigotry and lies and ignorance and promoted terrible and cruel policies, many of which he may actually implement. The fact he won big doesnt mean you were wrong to oppose those things and condemn them
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