bobnicewander's JournaltRumps St Valentines day eve
My charts indicate that tRump knew for the last 3 days that today was not going to go his way.
Tues Feb 11th prog anlunar IC swept it's Saturn and Neptune.
Wed Feb 12th prog anlunar his secondary prog Mars-Neptune (Panic combo) swept by it's IC; and
Thurs Feb 13th his secondary progressed IC holds his Mars-Neptune (Panic mode) on it's IC.
3 weeks (21 days counting today) before March 4 NT
My progressed anlunar for tRump add FM and Sat
on March 14.
My progressed anlunar at 00:01 on March 14 for the (language cleaned up) has it's Pluto on the MC and it's Uranus on the ASC with his progressed Saturn on it's IC opposing that return Pluto on the MC. The Pluto and Uranus on the angles says it is very explosive times while the progressed Saturn opposite transiting Pluto is not likely a winner for him.
Edit to add: Full Moon March 14 at 23°57' Virgo-Pisces (Moon in Virgo), 1.5 degrees from transiting Saturn (22°19' Pisces), both square tRump's Sun at 22°56' Gemini and his Moon at 21°12' Sag.
The current spending agreement lasts through March 14.
My charts strongly support a very hard time for tRump (March 13, 14, 15); but with a slight chance he could pull a weakened budget approval off at the last minute Read the entire thing and pay attention to what you read!!!
Democrats look to government funding as their leverage against Trump
Just discovered today
Notices were not posted before.
I have 3 hearts!
Sincere Thank Yous to those kind members.
Legal Tsunami Against tRump Has Begun
Judges Getting after tRump's attempt to govern. Only 2 weeks into his office.
Heather Cox Richardson
Politics Chat: February 2, 2025
28 days (4 weeks) until March 4 NT
Now It Begins
"bobnicewander (952 posts) Thu Nov 7, 2024, 04:22 PM
13 Recommend
I hope I am right UPDATED with target date for the post"
"The period between mid February and the second week in March is non-stop difficult for him."
It holds a parade of negative hits for tRump (probably the last such streak he will have). Perhaps Musk's worst transit of the year (Feb 19). He gets the aspect every year but until now he wasn't trying to buy the United States. And the Supreme Court's Saturn return.
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Member since: Thu May 5, 2005, 12:42 PMNumber of posts: 971