coffeeAM's JournalI am so Ready For the Movement to Repudiate Miss Flip Flop in Two Great States On Tuesday!
I cannot wait the make it 4 in a row and deliver another blow to the corporate dems and the ego driven flip flop artist!
Trump Beating Clinton handily in another GE Poll and Sanders Beating Trumnp handily in the same Poll
Georgia: Trump vs. Clinton Atlanta Journal-Constitution Trump 45, Clinton 41 Trump +4
Georgia: Trump vs. Sanders Atlanta Journal-Constitution Trump 42, Sanders 47 Sanders +5
Clinton is one of the Weakest candidates in modern history, she is gonna be over taken in every GE poll within a month and the super delegates will have no choice but to come to their senses and ride the coat tails of the true progressive movement led by we the people, not we the coporations!
How embarrassing will two more Losses on Tuesday be to the presumptive Nominee?
I would think it would be quite a embarrassment losing 4 in a row to a far left Democrat that leads trump in ever poll known to man!
Fellow BernieCrats: Are U Getting Pumped For 2 More Blow Out Wins Over The Establishent On Tuesday?
I am so looking forward to Tuesday because 2 big wins are gonna shift the media angle again like when we went on the last big win streak. The panic and doubt inside the party will start to set in and there will be leaks about how she may not be the right choice!
CNN: Bernie Sanders has won 19 of the last 25 voting states and is on a roll!
Wow, I am shocked Fredricka Whitfield was allowed to use this as a topic of discussion..
Then the wonderful Nomiki Konst hammered the point home that there is a path to victory and the supers are gonna switch!!
New National Poll: Trump Surges into Virtual tie, Clinton Fades again
Gravis Marketing: Trump 46 Clinton 48, margin of error 2.5
How does she go from a big double digit leads in every National poll to this?
When Will Hillary Clinton Release Her Wall Street Transcripts?
She needs to do it soon because this charade is dragging the democratic party through the mud and giving the republicans a plenty of ammo to make the us look bad.
You know Trump is gonna unleash on them soon, so it is time to just release them.
You Can Just Feel the Left Taking Back the Party!
The end Of the blue dog Regime is coming, you can just feel it!
Has Clinton ever had more then a few thousand People attend one of Her Own Rallies?
Just Curious If any Pics are out there of her giving a speech in front of a big crowd, I cannot find any.
Thanks in advance!
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