darosky's Journal81% a Russians support the war in Ukraine, independent pollster finds
Questions that New York times didn't address:
Did the pollster use the word war or "special military operations"? It is illegal to call it a war in Russia.
How many respondents were afraid of answering that they opposed the war, in light of the new laws making it a crime to "discredit" the military, and several other oppressive laws?
div class="excerpt"]The publics endorsement of the war lacks the patriotic groundswell that greeted the annexation of Crimea in 2014. But polls released this week by Russias most respected independent pollster, Levada, showed Mr. Putins approval rating hitting 83 percent, up from 69 percent in January. Eighty-one percent said they supported the war, describing the need to protect Russian speakers as its primary justification.
Russia telling draftees they will exercise in Western Russia.They end up in Ukraine instead
No wonder they're killing their own generals.
But videos released by the Ukrainian military purported to show that Russian conscripts had been taken prisoner in the wars early days.
In one such clip, 23-year-old Damur Mustafaev said that his unit was told it would take part in military exercises in western parts of Russia. But it ended up in the Chernihiv region of central Ukraine, where Mustafaev was captured after his tank broke down.
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