debsy's JournalWill the current musk coup define our future?
I stumbled onto this article, which has a number of highly relevant links to other articles worth reading, after reading an article about plutocracy and the Super Bowl in Common Dreams ( link also included below).]]
If Trump is Laundering Russian Money, Here's How It Works: This 2018 headline is still relevant]
How It Works
Shell companies, pseudonyms, shady lawyers, and secrecy: The presidents and his lawyer's business practices match the classic pattern of suspicious activity.
Other relevant articles ( there are plenty out there):]]
I wanted our President, Joe Biden, to stay in the race. But now, ...
I wanted Joe Biden to stay in the race. I wrote to the White House and the President expressing my satisfaction with him and his efforts to make our country a better place for us all. I wished him a speedy recovery from his latest bout with COVID. But now, since the dear man who is our President has dropped out and passed the torch, VP Kamala Harris must be our nominee in order for us to win. She has worked right along side President Biden in her role. She is more than qualified and she should be the first woman president in the history of our country. I am all for a primary for the VP spot on the ticket but if we have an open convention, I completely agree with Rep. Clyburn that we will most certainly lose this race. Anyone who would refer to such a scenario as a coronation is aiding and abetting Trump and the Republicans.
I am convinced, like most here at DU, there are nefarious forces at work here. Now that Biden has succumbed to the pressure, we cannot give anymore. We need to all come together around VP Harris immediately!
That said, does anyone have thoughts (besides Josh Hawley and Allen Lichtman) about President Biden resigning and giving the VP the incumbency? I dont really know what to think about that idea at this point.
I thank Joe Biden for everything he has done in his life to make our country a better place.
Chadwick Boseman Dies at 43
Source: Vanity Fair
Devastatingly, and almost unbelievably, Chadwick Boseman, the star of Marvels Black Panther, has died at the age of 43 after a private four-year battle with colon cancer.
Despite a life cut tragically short, Boseman amassed a tremendous filmography. His legacy might be summed up in one word: Pride. In addition to the fictional T'Challa, leader of utopian nation of Wakanda in the Marvel movies, he was known for his powerful, dignified, and humanizing portrayals of pioneering Black American leaders such as baseball great Jackie Robinson in 42; future Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall in the legal drama Marshall, about one of his early cases as an NAACP attorney; and soul star James Brown in the musical biography Get On Up.
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Terrible news.
'You Think Russia Ever Goes In and Gets Ukraine, or No?': The Wildest Things Trump Said...
Source: Vice News
WASHINGTON President Trump was even more blunt, crass, and unfiltered during a private dinner in 2018 at the Trump Hotel than he normally is in public.
While the big standout of the meal was his demand to fire the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, his transactional approach to geopolitics, total lack of concern for helping Americas international allies, and openness to letting businessmen convince him to back specific policies thatd benefit them illustrates just how the leader of the free world operates behind closed doors.
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Trump has never met Lev Parnas yet he talks to him a number of times during the dinner about Ukraine (including specifically about Marie Yovanovitch)and the marijuana industry. He is representing a few small interests at our expense. I'm sure we, as taxpayers, paid for that dinner.
Severe childhood deprivation reduces brain size, study finds
The findings are based on scans of young adults who were adopted as children into UK families from Romanias orphanages that rose under the regime of the dictator Nicolae Ceauşescu.
Now experts say that despite the children having been adopted into loving, nurturing families in the early 1990s, the early neglect appears to have left its mark on their brain structures.
I think the most striking finding is that the effects on the brain have persisted, said Prof Edmund Sonuga-Barke, a co-author of the study from Kings College London, who added that the results showed neuroplasticity had limits.]
And the U.S. is doing the same thing to immigrant children.
'If You Are Wondering Who Benefits':
Weapons Makers See Stocks Surge as Trump Moves Closer to War With Iran
"Stocks for weapons manufacturers began to rise as soon as Soleimani was killed," said Rep. Ro Khanna.]
Weapons makers, oil producers... the worst for the planet in every single way that matters.
From Josh Jordan on Twitter: "This Donald Trump video on Iran..."
"This Donald Trump video on Iran is going to rip a hole right through the space/time continuum."]
Jesus Cristo.
Trump Pushes Out Tweet Naming Alleged Whistleblower
Source: Daily beast
On Thursday evening, Donald Trump pushed out on Twitter the name of the alleged whistleblower whose complaint led to the presidents impeachment.
Trumps personal Twitter account, @realDonaldTrump, retweeted a post by the re-election campaigns official war room account that was aimed at the whistleblowers attorney Mark Zaid. It's pretty simple. The CIA whistleblower is not a real whistleblower! reads the tweet, which links to a Washington Examiner item. That piece, published Dec. 3, includes the alleged whistleblowers name in the headline. The Daily Beast is declining to publish the name and has not independently verified the identity of the whistleblower.
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Far From the Front Lines, Javelin Missiles Go Unused in Ukraine
I have not heard or read this before. How did this go unmentioned throughout the public impeachment hearings??]
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