functioning_cog's JournalSHOCKING VIDEO! Watch this sitting down!
this video should properly impress you. Time lapses taken by a man and his friends...this was posted last month, so probably many haven't seen this yet.
EDIT: Seeing if different title gets more interest.

Are you ready for 2014 Midterms? What I plan to do. Resources blog.
Hi everyone,
I am glad to have joined Democratic Underground. I would like to give you a link to my blog that will be updated frequently (hopefully each day with multiple postings per day at times).
My first foray into organized activism will be to post information for each state as to who the U.S. Senators and representatives are, information about how to contact state senators, state representatives, governors, and TV stations. I may add newspapers as I get going along with some key information about 2014 races as I find time to edit, etc.
If you view my blog and see anything you'd like changed, added, or deleted (especially for your own state) please let me know.
I am fired up!!
WE are the change we've been waiting for.
I will be linking specific state posts in each state forum here at DU if that is ok. Would it be better for me to post updates about this blog in General Discussion area or in Activism or Politics 2013 or other?
Profile Information
Member since: Thu Jul 25, 2013, 01:18 PMNumber of posts: 294