keithbvadu2's JournalWill Trump deport Vance's in-laws?
They may be legal immigrants, but he wants to deport other legal immigrants.
Should he deport his wife who falsely got a genius visa?
Investing gf's money into Trump businesses.
Will be sending this to girlfriend's family. She is getting vascular dementia so I handle her bills and such. Her daughter is not happy that I have access to much of her money.
_______'s investments are not doing that well. I'm going to have her cash out all of her stocks, money market accounts, and other investments. Her house has a huge amount of equity for a home loan.
Put the money into a sure thing, a golden opportunity, all from a known, successful businessman, Donald J Trump.
It is wise to diversify, so half will go to his stock, DJT, and half to his crypto currency. The stock is down slightly so it is a good opportunity before he brings it back up with his business acumen.
His crypto currency will be partially managed/advised by his three capable sons... Looking forward to great returns from a brilliant businessman with no risk of downside.
It's no wonder people have such great faith in him.
Trump administration. Good moral character. Project 2025
Some crimes show a lack of moral character... Don't know how to make it show on first display.
Vance keeps stressing the Kamala Harris administration
When first running for Prez, repubs said she is not qualified for the job.
They claimed the VP has no real responsibilities, no real authority, no real experience.
It's a nothing job, mostly ribbon cutting stuff.
Now she is blamed for personally accomplishing all that is wrong in our half of the universe.
Antinomianism --- Grace can be very forgiving.
7-mountains dominionism as dictated by it's founder Rausus Rushdoony preach antinomianism.
They can literally stoop to any level to dominate, everything. Anything done in the service of Jesus, no matter how bizarrely triangulated to fit that excuse, is absolved by the grace of god.
an·ti·no·mi·an /ˈan(t)ēˌnōmēən/ adjective
relating to the view that Christians are released by grace from the obligation of observing the moral law.
"In some Christian belief systems, an antinomian is one who takes the principle of salvation by faith and divine grace to the point of asserting that the saved are not bound to follow the moral law contained in the Ten Commandments.[2][3] Antinomians believe that faith alone guarantees eternal security in heaven, regardless of one's actions.[4]"
Even the Ten Commandments.
Like killing abortion doctors.
Not just Christians. Other religions also have some adherents.
Watching Ed Sullivan. I'm old enough to remember these groups/songs as current hits. Damn!
Even seeing them on the original show.
How important is biological parenthood to Republicans?
How important is biological parenthood to Republicans?
Susan Smith drowned her two little boys in the lake. Her Republican stepfather, Beverly Russell, had adopted her. He was having sex with her. Right wingers tried to rationalize it as not being such a bad thing because she was only his adopted daughter.
Adopted, as in legal parent, not stepparent.
Scammer call from India. Can you build me a torture dungeon?
Scammer from India called. Wants to sell home improvements, windows, siding, roofing. Told him I want a torture dungeon. He wanted to talk about siding and Windows.
Check your voter registration and sample ballot
check your voter registration and sample ballot...
check to be sure you are registered...
view your sample ballot for voting...
see who and what you are voting for (or against)...
So how is Fox bragging that DonOld whupped her?
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