littlemissmartypants's JournalI've been trying to warn people...
For months that the ultimate goal is to rob the US Treasury after they build up the balance with their tariffs scheme which directly increase the Treasury, by the way.
Trump LOVES tariffs because in his words:
"They make a LOT of money."
Which he has said with a big smile on video on more than one occasion.
How often does anyone remember him smiling?
People just don't have the patience or attention spans that would allow them to sit down and actually watch something like a full-length movie without hitting pause, going to get snacks or toileting.
I usually set most videos speed faster sometimes to two times or 1.75 speeds because many people's videos, I believe, have plenty of redundancy built-in. I adjust the speed as necessary.
Message meaning is overwhelmingly determined by our nonverbal communication anyway. I also have decades of experience listening and analyzing people when they speak. It was a huge part of my life's work.
Honestly, I think some of the so-called experts actually slow down the original videos to keep people listening and to fudge the numbers. So much of what we are served on social media is specifically designed for monetization anyway that lots of tricks we aren't really cognizant of are being used on us for specific ends.
You may already know this, but the designated preset Ted Talk duration time of twenty minutes or less is based in communication science. It's the average time at which people, at the time of the original research, started to lose focus.
The studies that are more recently done on attention have revealed that adult "attention to task" times have significantly diminished since the introduction of mobile devices.
As a matter of fact, Chris Hayes has written an entire book on the subject called SIREN'S CALL: HOW ATTENTION BECAME THE
WORLD'S MOST ENDANGERED RESOURCE. The ISBN-10 and ISBN-13 numbers are 0593653114 and 978-0593653111, respectively, if you want to check it out. I have studied the phenomenon of attention before, going back to the 1980s, and it's not a joke when I say it's our most vital tool.
One thing is for sure, I would never put the onus on AOC for my shortened attention span. Primarily because I could probably never do what she does. Also, I don't have a clue who she has helping her, if anyone, make decisions about how to present herself on video or otherwise. There are so many other things that influence the equation, and I believe that her attention, like her heart, is purely set on service to the people.
Thanks so much for your reply, Baron2024. I really appreciate the discussion.
Behold the robbery, rape and murder of the United States of America.
Step one for months has been to pack the US Treasury with money made from the tariffs.
We may as well just hand over everything because Trump, Elon, and his unelected cronies are coming for it.
We've been invaded within by a hostile entity. Our law enforcement agencies work for them now.
It's very much a massive crime in process, and there's nothing cute or clever we can say or much if anything truly helpful that we can do about it.
They have been handed a perfect distraction, and they are maximizing it.
Musk is moments away from gaining access to the national payment system.
Where are the guardrails?
Meanwhile, our elected officials are mired down in bureaucracy. They're going through the motions while creating agreements with the very people who will be figuratively shooting them in the face moments after confirmation.
We're in trouble.
What's the plan? Tell me something that I don't know.
I don't see anything good on the horizon.
Talk me off the ledge, please.
Trump is a Psychopath
Sheila Markin August 3, 2024
Trump is a psychopath based on a 20 point rating scale called the Hare scale which is used to assess people for that specific psychopathology. Just as he is referred to as a twice impeached, criminally indicted and now convicted former president, he should also be identified as a psychopath with a rating of 33 on a 40 point scale. Most normal people score around 4. Most convicted criminals score around 22.
Psychopaths have brains that are fundamentally different at birth from other normal people. The deep structure of their brains are different and cannot be changed by being raised in a supportive home, for example, or by becoming religious or having an authoritarian parent who tries to force better behavior. These people are impulsive, remorseless, and have a drive to dominate, are unable to pay attention or follow through, get off on being mean, cruel and vengeful. They dont care about others. No empathy. They are all about their own aggrandizement and power.
Trumps personality traits are clear to everyone by now. We have seen him be self-centered, get triggered, be impulsive, be mean and lie as easily and almost as often as he breathes. We know he is driven to dominate others, not capable of collaboration. unable to handle complex problems, unable to follow through and is easily bored. We can all see this behavior for ourselves.
Many Americans laugh these things off and think that Trump is just being Trump. They think he is mean funny. They think he is choosing to act this way. I have heard Republicans who have voted for Trump in focus groups mention that they wish he would not be so impulsive or they wish he should stop being so chaotic or stop lying or stop being so heartless. They dont realize this is part of his deep brain structure. They think he could act differently if he wanted to. Americans need to understand that this behavior is hardwired in his brain (nature) and not subject to change (nurture). He cant help being who he is, in other words. More to the point, he cant change to be a better person. Unfortunately, he can, he is and he will get even worse.
Snip...when it comes to being a psychopath, there is a way to assess and measure what that means because of the Hare rating scale.
What follows is an interview I did with Dr. Vince Greenwood, a psychologist, who is certified to make assessments using the Hare assessment scale. He did an assessment of Trump. In the interview below he explains the Hare scale and how Trump scores using that scale. He also talks about Trumps handling of the pandemic to explain how a psychopath thinks about a crisis like that and how that thinking resulted in 1.1 million deaths in America.
Who are you and what is your background? Why should we trust that you know how to assess who is or is not a psychopath?
AI Is Already Wreaking Havoc on Global Power Systems
Note: This article is slightly more than six months old.
AI Is Already Wreaking Havoc on Global Power Systems
Technology | The Big Take
June 21, 2024
The energy supply cant come soon enough for DataBank, the data center provider that owns the Virginia facility. An unnamed "big tech" client leased the entire facility and was so eager to tap into the complex to access computing resources for AI applications that it had servers ready in the building before DataBank was scheduled to have electricity for them.
Thats the thing with AI. They need a lot of power and as soon as you have it, they want it right away, said James Mathes, who manages some DataBank facilities. Right now, its like a blank check for AI."
The almost overnight surge in electricity demand from data centers is now outstripping the available power supply in many parts of the world, according to interviews with data center operators, energy providers and tech executives. That dynamic is leading to years-long waits for businesses to access the grid as well as growing concerns of outages and price increases for those living in the densest data center markets.
The dramatic increase in power demands from Silicon Valleys growth-at-all-costs approach to AI also threatens to upend the energy transition plans of entire nations and the clean energy goals of trillion-dollar tech companies. In some countries, including Saudi Arabia, Ireland and Malaysia, the energy required to run all the data centers they plan to build at full capacity exceeds the available supply of renewable energy, according to a Bloomberg analysis of the latest available data.
Original link:
Abandoning DEI is counterintuitive to Solving the Qualified Workforce Shortage Problem
This problem isn't new and it's going to get much worse.
Mario Nawfal
"THE U.S. ENGINEERING SHORTAGE IS A TICKING TIME BOMB By 2030, nearly 1 in 3 engineering roles could go unfilled, threatening industries and critical government projects alike. The talent gap isnt just about numbersits about skills, diversity, and the lack of coordinated action. Demand for engineers with next-gen skills is soaring, yet outdated training pipelines and minimal reskilling efforts arent keeping up. Source: BCG"

10:05 PM · Dec 25, 2024
Graphics from the article:
August 21, 2018
"While the survey found students today are twice as likely to study STEM fields compared to their parents, the number of roles requiring STEM expertise is growing at a rate that exceeds current workforce capacity. In manufacturing alone, the National Association of Manufacturing and Deloitte predict the U.S. will need to fill about 3.5 million jobs by 2025; yet as many as 2 million of those jobs may go unfilled, due to difficulty finding people with the skills in demand. "
Additional sources:
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and Happy Holidays, Loners! & 51 Things To Do On Christmas, Alone!
How are you enjoying your holidays? Or not?
If you're alone and want to touch base, I'm here to chat.
How about an As Me Anything?
Who wants to share a holiday recipe?
Or maybe a special holiday tradition?
Or a story? Or a joke? A song? Or a meme?
Or just maybe just ...?
Not up for any of that? That's OK. I'm here to listen if you want to chat. Lurkers are also welcome here. After all this is the Loners Group.
by Aletheia · Updated: Sep 6, 2024
Many of us wind up feeling lonely, isolated, and disillusioned because of our lack of close friendships or family members. And so we spend Christmas alone.
For those of us who have undergone some kind of spiritual awakening or existential crisis, Christmas time can be particularly painful. And thats what I plan to cover in this article.
Table of contents
Christmas and Spiritual Awakening
The Joy of Spending Christmas Alone
51 Things to Do Alone on Christmas
What to Do if You Decide to (or Have to) Spend Christmas With Others
Snip...much more at the link:
✨Winter Solstice Blessings☀️
From my heart to yours
Today is the longest night and the darkest day of the year for the Northern Hemisphere. It feels like a quiet pause, doesnt it? A chance to breathe deeply and just be. And with this stillness comes a beautiful promisethat starting tomorrow, the world will begin to brighten, little by little. The Sun is returning. ☀️
I love how the Winter Solstice reminds us of the balance between light and darkness. Its such a gentle teacher, showing us that even in the deepest quiet, theres always a spark of life, a rhythm that nurtures us, even when we cant see it.
The days will grow longer, slowly but surely. Even during the often cold and shadowed months ahead, theres this soft whisper of spring, reminding us to hold on and stay open to the beauty thats coming.
Precious Sun
We welcome and honor your return. ☀️
In ancient times, people gathered in warmth and community, lighting candles and fires to celebrate the lights slow return and to call hope back into their hearts.
But heres the thing: even if you find yourself alone today, I hope you know that this day holds its own quiet magic for you.
✨May you feel surroundednot just by light, but by a sense of wonder, comfort, and connection.
I hope you can feel, even in solitude, a soft and nourishing embracea warmth as if the midwinter fairy herself has come to sit with you. I imagine her wrapping you in a gentle breeze of love and care, her presence reminding you that youre never truly alone. This night, and this season, are filled with a magic all their own, just for you.
Wishing you something heartwarming, tender, and deeply aligned with this midwinter moment. We are all part of this great turning of the seasons, this endless cycle of creation and renewal.
With love and light this Solstice,
☀️✨ Warm winter blessings to you.
Artist: @josephine.klerks
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If anyone cant be bothered to convert their persistent outrage into positive action then I cant be expected to care.Two words that move the agenda forward:
1. Why wait?
2. What's next?
3. What else?
4. Do it.
Whiners and contrarians are boring & will find no sympathy here.
Life is short.
Do you really want to waste it kicking your own ass?
Lead, follow or get out of the way.![]()
Don Reed - Kung Fu Theatre
Don Reed - Kung Fu Theatre
Run time 00:02:31
May 7, 2009
"He won't let me get rice cakes... for FATHER!" This is a clip of Don Reed from Robert Townsend and His Partners In Crime HBO Special.
If we don't actively seek out opportunities to laugh, it's going to be a long four years.
❤️ pants
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