madashelltoo's JournalWhat does Chicago and Philadelphia have in common?
African American Mayors!
Is this why they are the first targets of mass deportation? Is that so those two Mayors can be prosecuted for defying efforts in their cities? Are they deliberately trying to ignite a race war?
This administration is about as subtle as a bag of raw onions in a rose garden.
Why is there no push back when
F..kface says, We subsidize Canada. No, we dont. Just says anything.
X won't let me delete my account
Any suggestions? Keeps messaging Error try again later. I encountered this when I tried 6 months ago.
America has cut off her nose to spite her face.
The reason why is now not relevant. The keys to the castle have been given to psychopaths. Do we pacify ourselves with everyone will suffer? It doesnt work for me. I dont have to list all of the ways America and the world will suffer for this because the campaign made it all perfectly clear. I can only speak for myself when I say, I grieve for all of the lives damaged and lost establishing this country. I pray for those of us left behind to face the carnage they will give with no remorse. I weep for the world that will pay a great penalty for trusting and believing in us.
Tucker's sex fantasy. Really?
Did anyone notice the little ditty Tucker told was a sick, male fantasy about spanking a girl? So, when Daddy comes home only girls get spanked for misbehaving? Im so f ..g sick of these mother rs! Enough is enough.
Dec. 20 deadline is suspicious.
If they shut the government down over the holidays they can extend it beyond Jan. 6. I dont trust them.
Has anyone still riding the dump Joe train
Offered a realistic alternative? Im not asking for an overwhelming alternative.
"Biden did NOTHING wrong," says Chris Hayes!
So, why is he being treated like he betrayed the country? Is this noise not suspect at all?
They keep demanding Joe step down, but
Who or what is their alternative? Who can they possibly get on the ticket at this late date? What about the states where the window closed already for their alternative? We simply accept the automatic loss of them? This is the most ridiculous bullshit ever!
Mindful of time restraint made Joe rush
This, combined with a cold and a fire hose on high of lies coming at him slightly rattled him.
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