spicysista's JournalWoman
Just leaving this here for your enjoyment!

Woman don suffer oh
Lowo everybody
Suffer suffer for world (amen)
Enjoy for heaven
Man no like woman
Woman no like woman
She no be like water (water, e no get enemy)
If woman never marry oh (then she no be woman)
If woman never carry omo (she no be woman)
If she no get man for side oh
Dem go dey push woman aside oh
And eventually oh
Dem go suffer suffer woman (dem go suffer suffer woman)
I never talk finish
I never talk finish
I never talk (woman, woman, woman, nobody be like woman)
I never talk finish
I never talk finish
I never talk (woman, woman, woman, nobody be like woman)
Na so so submission oh
Shey we get assignment?
Suffer suffer for world (amen)
Enjoy for heaven
But, you no pay attention oh
To the intimidation she dey face
No be like water (water, e no get enemy)
If woman get confidence oh (then she no be woman)
Woman get money, won "l'asewo ni" (she no be woman)
If she no get man for side oh
Dem go dey push woman aside oh
And eventually oh
Dem go suffer suffer woman
I never talk finish
I never talk finish
I never talk (woman, woman, woman, nobody be like woman)
I never talk finish
I never talk finish
I never talk (woman, woman, woman, nobody be like woman)
(Amen, amen)
(Woman, woman, woman, nobody be like woman)
(Amen, amen)
(Woman, woman, woman, nobody be like woman)
Do what you want.
However, this had nothing to do with " religion". This is the view of a few, mostly white, people in a very powerful cult disguised as a religion. Most evangelicals do not believe in repealing Roe. (Among Christians, white evangelical Protestants remain the substantial outliers with 30% saying abortion should be legal in most or all cases, compared to 73% among Black Protestants, 70% among white mainline (non-evangelical) Protestants, 59% among white Catholics, 57% among Hispanic Catholics, and even 52% among Hispanic Protestants.) There are countless polls proving that fact. Most Christians subscribe to the view illustrated in 1 Corinthians 11:28-29, "but let a man examine himself". Most have a live and let live attitude because they realize that each walk is different.
But, I believe in free speech. Whether I agree with the sentiments or not, I support your right to say whatever is on your heart.
A few articles with statistics on the matter.
( From the article: 3 of 4 people believe this decision should be between a woman and her doctor.)
From the article: Gallup polls show Americans support for abortion in all or most cases at 80% in May 2021, only sightly higher than in 1975 (76%), and the Pew Research Center finds 59% of adults believe abortion should be legal, compared to 60% in 1995though there has been fluctuation, with support dropping to a low of 47% in 2009.
Nearly two-thirds of Americans say abortion should be legal in most or all cases (64%), including majorities of Democrats (87%) and independents (66%), compared to 36% of Republicans. Among Christians, white evangelical Protestants remain the substantial outliers with 30% saying abortion should be legal in most or all cases, compared to 73% among Black Protestants, 70% among white mainline (non-evangelical) Protestants, 59% among white Catholics, 57% among Hispanic Catholics, and even 52% among Hispanic Protestants. Among those who follow non-Christian religions, 80% say abortion should be legal in most or all cases, while 85% of those who are religiously unaffiliated agree. Only a modest gender gap existsmore than six in ten men (61%) and women (66%) say abortion should be legal in most or all cases.
Together, We Heal!
Sisterhood is so important to me. I was feeling like absolute crap. One post later (from an amazing DUer) and my spirit is lifted. To all my sisters wherever you are on this day, you have my love and appreciation. The battle ahead is going to bruise, cut, and harm. But, we shall not be defeated. Because even in our setbacks, we will have each other. Together, we heal!
Somebody, please tell me why?
Why, during Carter G. Woodson's Black History month, did I find a documentary about Rachel Dolezal on Netflix?!? I don't know how to feel about this mess. So, I thought I'd post an awesome article to put into words that which I can not.
Rachel Dolezal's claim that she is black is the whitest possible way to deal with her issues
The subject of Netflix new documentary simply can't admit fault for the harm that she's caused black people.
May 6, 2018, 1:29 AM PDT
By Syreeta McFadden, English professors and cultural commentator
The new Netflix documentary, "The Rachel Divide," seeks to explore the identity of Rachel Dolezal, the erstwhile Spokane NAACP chapter president who was, in a viral 2015 video, outed as a daily practitioner of blackface. But what the documentary and its subject fail to fully explore isn't her embrace of black identity, but just how white that embrace really is.
Dolezals insistence on maintaining an African American identity that she somehow believes shes earned the right to claim despite the protestations from the very community from whom she seeks kinship has a strange rhetorical kinship with white people who insist that they have the right to use the n-word because of their proximity to blackness. The modern Miss Anne rigidly resists interrogating her own whiteness and the construct of whiteness that has shaped her, confounding viewers and even the black people who love her, unconsciously mirroring her white foremothers from the Harlem Renaissance who couldn't reconcile their post-racial ideals with their learned racism. Dolezal's surface interest in the harm this country does to African Americans has given way to a more full-throated expression of her interest in the harm done to her; she isnt interested in truth nor reconciliation because she is still ill-equipped to fully reconcile and heal from her own pain.
Full article at link. https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/rachel-dolezal-s-claim-she-black-whitest-possible-way-deal-ncna871656
Thank you for being a friend.
This is to the lovely person who sent me a heart......
"Whose Sheets? Our Sheets!"
This tickled my soul. There is much to discuss about the black body and the value of our work. Well, what about the value of our rest? Are you getting enough sleep?
Whose sheets? Our sheets!
TBT Music Goodness
Throw Back Thursday Music Goodness!
The step team at the start of the actual music video really brings back the memories.
R.I.P, DMX and Izzy.
On Mayor Adams....
It is still yet early in the Mayor's tenure. However, there are already some pretty interesting conversations surrounding the Mayor and some of his statements. Here is one such conversation about the Mayor's statements concerning low skilled workers......
This is a "dinner table" level discussion that beautifully articulates the complexities within our politics.
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Gender: FemaleHometown: The South with an "F"
Current location: San Diego
Member since: Sun Jan 29, 2017, 05:55 PM
Number of posts: 1,731