thatcrowwoman's JournalYusuf/Cat Stevens Moonshadow and PeaceTrain
For todays eclipse:
And a daily prayer for peace
I believe it could be. Some day its going to come.
With much love to all who read and listen here.
Joan Baez, Less than the Song, from Where Are You Now, My Son? 1973
Spoiler alert. The answer is Vietnam, as those of us of a certain age well remember.
Hoyt Axton wrote and recorded Less Than the Song, then later Joan created this beautiful cover.
Sweet dreams to all yall next time you sleep.
Gram Parsons and Emmylou Harris Medley Live from Northern Quebec
Cash on the Barrelhead is a phrase the former*resident45 should get used to hearing.
Hickory Wind, slower than any southern drawl, with a nod to South Carolina and 45s challenger Nikki.
Jethro Tull Christmas Album CD2 Christmas Live At St Brides 2008
Happy Solstice, Merry Christmas, Wonderful Winter
Jethro Tull for this night before the winter solstice. Sleigh ride, anyone?
Wishing you all love and light and sweet shalom. And music.
It's Chanukah, the Festival of Lights.
Foods fried in oil are traditional for these 8 days and nights.
Here in the states, latkes are shared. In Israel, sufganiyot are shared.
Ill eat a latke or two, especially if theres sour cream and applesauce.
But jelly donuts are a bigger treat for me, so Im Team Sufganiyot.
When my daughter was in elementary school, I used to visit her classes with some Chanukah stories and latke making supplies. Id make latkes for the children. Someone would usually comment that it was like hashbrowns, but no ketchup.
Every child got a goodie bag with a dreidel, a small bag of gelt (chocolate coins), and a coloring sheet telling some different ways the game is played so they could play with their families and friends.
Me, I have a little dreidel.
And Im okay with that.😉
Even in difficult dangerous times, we can find/make/share laughter and joy and hope.
Wishing you all some sweet shalom this winter!
Thinking about the hate all around us and praying for peace, love, and understanding.
Lots of talk about Antisemitism and Islamophobia here at DU, and as a Jew who believes in freedom of and from religion, I appreciate that. But I have noticed a sharp increase of anti-Christian rhetoric that seems unnecessarily ugly, painting all Christians with the broad ignorant sky daddy worshippers and God botherers.
Nobody is making you agree with or believe in or join a Christian community. There are many Christians who live their lives in service to others. Think Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter. So if youre inclined to insult anyone about their faith, maybe take a deep breath.
Is it too much to ask you to state your specific objection/s and give your specific reason/s but think before you type insults?
I stop by Juanita Jeans most morning since the first Obama campaign. If youve never visited the Worlds Most Dangerous Beauty Salon, heres a taste from Nick today.
The challenge is realizing that the biggest enemy to Christianity does not come from outside Christianity. It doesnt come from Muslims, Buddhists, or Hindus. It doesnt come from secular humanists, atheists, or agnostics. It comes from people that call themselves Christians, but have lost the script
I would simply like to introduce those folks to a person that called himself Jesus. He fed the hungry. He healed the sick. He brought hope to the hopeless. He didnt ask for their insurance card. He didnt ask for identification or papers. He didnt check for attendance at the synagogue. He just gave of himself.
I know this seems like a radical concept, but the antidote for hate isnt hate. It is love. It is relentless love because that hate can seem relentless. It is sustained and repeated love. It is unequivocal and it is undying love. It is unqualified. The forces of evil want you to think you are alone. They want you to distrust the institutions we used to rely on. They want you to think your neighbors are out to get you. They want you to arm yourself to the teeth and shoot first. They dont want you to even ask questions later. They tell us that the world hates you. They say that the world wants to take what is yours and the only thing that can stop it is you and your hate.
You dont combat that by hating that messenger. You dont combat that by simply saying once that this is wrong. You defeat it by repeating it every chance you get. You defeat it by pouring water on that out of control brushfire. That fire is hate. The water is love. Love means that we have to give of ourselves. It means it will come back to us. We have to believe that. We have to know that. We have to share that with the world.
/end snip
Many interesting and thoughtful comments ensue.
One about how we all need to take up arms and be prepared to fight.
Which in this season of Chanukah, brings me to the Maccabees, a rag tag group of warriors lead by a family who fought the Hellenistic overlords and took back the Temple in Jerusalem, removed the Greek idols, and purified the temple with the miracle of lamp (menorah) oil. Enough for one night miraculously lasted the 8 nights necessary to complete the purification/restoration ritual.
And as you may know, I have a song for that.
From the Maccabeats. Enjoy!
Peace, love, and Music
🕊🩵🎶🕎 thatcrowwoman
Hamas Goes to War with Israel
Source: Pod Save America
In a special episode, Ben Rhodes and Tommy Victor talk about the deadly terrorist attack by Hamas on Israel, how Israels intelligence community failed to detect it, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declaration that his country is at war and what comes next, President Bidens response, and what this all means for Israels political future.
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Hamas Goes to War with Israel
Source: Pod Save America
In a special episode, Ben Rhodes and Tommy Victor talk about the deadly terrorist attack by Hamas on Israel, how Israels intelligence community failed to detect it, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declaration that his country is at war and what comes next, President Bidens response, and what this all means for Israels political future.
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